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A Muslim preaching Tollerance.

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A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by pokermind   » Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:40 pm

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Hi all,

While visiting the art site this gentleman caught my eye with his works of art:

Very informative site if you want to know Muslims.

A few examples of his art.




And finally:



CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by viciokie   » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:14 am

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pokermind wrote:Hi all,

While visiting the art site this gentleman caught my eye with his works of art:

Very informative site if you want to know Muslims.

A few examples of his art.




And finally:




a very rare creature indeed. not sure where he is based but if he is in middle east and saying those things the other muzzies there more than likely will cut his throat.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by biochem   » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:32 am

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a very rare creature indeed. not sure where he is based but if he is in middle east and saying those things the other muzzies there more than likely will cut his throat.

Actually feeling this way is not at all uncommon but being brave enough to say so is. The percentage of Islamo-facists is actually rather low but they are so willing to commit assault, murder etc for any insult real or perceived that they are terrorizing the rest of the populace. In a lot of ways this reminds me of the early early days of the Nazis when they were beginning their rise to power.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by RandomGraysuit   » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:26 pm

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biochem wrote:Islamo-facists

Pardon, the what?

Seriously, I'm interested in how you'd justify calling Islamic extremists 'fascists'. The link appears tenuous at best. I'm not exactly fond of such people myself, but I do like to keep my pejoratives accurate.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by biochem   » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:41 pm

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biochem wrote:

Pardon, the what?

Seriously, I'm interested in how you'd justify calling Islamic extremists 'fascists'. The link appears tenuous at best. I'm not exactly fond of such people myself, but I do like to keep my pejoratives accurate.

It's a term that has been used by the media to differentiate the crazy nutcase murdering Islamic extremists from individuals who are devout Muslims but are not crazy murdering nutcases. I believe it got started on FoxNews.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by viciokie   » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:52 pm

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biochem wrote:
biochem wrote:

Pardon, the what?

Seriously, I'm interested in how you'd justify calling Islamic extremists 'fascists'. The link appears tenuous at best. I'm not exactly fond of such people myself, but I do like to keep my pejoratives accurate.

It's a term that has been used by the media to differentiate the crazy nutcase murdering Islamic extremists from individuals who are devout Muslims but are not crazy murdering nutcases. I believe it got started on FoxNews.

does that include the mob types who are harassing, molesting and gang raping females from age 6 up as well?
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by Donnachaidh   » Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:18 pm

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You seem to have a serious problem with followers of Islam. You should spend some time examining that and maybe figure out why that is.

viciokie wrote:
biochem wrote:It's a term that has been used by the media to differentiate the crazy nutcase murdering Islamic extremists from individuals who are devout Muslims but are not crazy murdering nutcases. I believe it got started on FoxNews.

does that include the mob types who are harassing, molesting and gang raping females from age 6 up as well?
"Sometimes I wonder if the world is run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it." - Mark Twain
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by Daryl   » Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:57 am

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If you examine the Abrahamic (Jews, Christians, Muslims)religions you will find that their holy books all contain the same exhortations to stone adulterous women, eye for an eye, mutilate thieves, kill those of other beliefs, and such extreme nonsense. After all they all come from the same ancient texts. The great majority of people from all these religions sensibly pretend that these guidelines aren't there.
My personal theory is that Islam is about as old as Christianity was at the time of the Inquisition, and is going through the same growing up process. In terms of decency there is not much difference between burning innocent old women at the stake and blowing up innocent civilians because they have different beliefs.
You find good people everywhere but just a few nasty nutters can cause great harm to both others, and their own groups.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by RandomGraysuit   » Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:49 am

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biochem wrote:It's a term that has been used by the media to differentiate the crazy nutcase murdering Islamic extremists from individuals who are devout Muslims but are not crazy murdering nutcases. I believe it got started on FoxNews.

Ended there too. It's a nice, catchy little name that has all sorts of negative connotations. Gets people riled up just hearing it. You know exactly who the evil, bad guys are. Anyone fighting them must automatically be the good guys. And since we're the good guys ('Murica!), anyone who doesn't support fighting them must be bad guys too, and they probably hate freedom. That's the power in words.

Problem is, the relationship between the concept of "Islamo-fascists" and reality doesn't exist. While I'm a fan of science fiction and space opera, I prefer to make my life decisions off reality instead of fantasy.

"Islamic extremists" is fairly accurate, although the views are more mainstream than most people on the inside want to admit. "Islamists" has been used to denote those who follow a militant, backwards, conflict-driven version of Islam. "Jihadist" is fairly accurate, since they're engaged in a life-and-death struggle against anyone who doesn't agree with their specific version of their religion; a crusade, if you will.

Fascists though? I've heard commie-fascist, Islamo-fascist, liberal-fascist, all sorts of fascist, jackbooted thug better-be-afraid terms. I've yet to hear *why* any of them are fascist, and that makes me a little suspicious of the source.
Re: A Muslim preaching Tollerance.
Post by pokermind   » Fri Dec 07, 2012 5:22 pm

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Jack booted thugs Right Wing, Left Wing, Religious or Atheistic are bad. Compared to left wingers Stalin and Mao, right wing Hitler was a piker in the political death toll area. Perhaps the nutters will figure out tolerance before we have to kill whole countries letting God sort out the good ones.

Egypt, a couple of nukes will destroy Israel sure, but one on the Aswan High Dam and 5,000 years of Egyptian history will be scowered into the Mediterranean Sea leaving a strip of radioctive mud behind, just saying.

Obama the Muslim Brotherhood's rape and murder thugs sure look like freedom don't they.

Another anniversary of Pearl Harbor, a war ended with Nuclear weapons, I could just puke,

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.

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