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What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?

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What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by Psyten   » Sun May 06, 2012 5:24 pm


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Anyone know what's up with the (former) Silesian Confederacy? It was slip up between the Andermani and Manticore, but what became of it afterwards?

At least on the Mantie side, what is going on? Are the planets experiencing economic booms as Manty interests build up the infrastructure? Are they going through an educational reform akin to what Haven and Grayson experienced?

Are there freedom movements who are now trying to break away from Manticore?

What happened to the SCN Officer Corps and ships? Yes, I know SCN officers where corrupt, for the most part, but not all of them. One who's current whereabouts I am most interested is one Mieczyslaw Teschendorff. It is probably about 50/50 if Teschendorff was still a Commodore when Manticore took over, and it would be interesting if he was acquired into Manticore's jurisdiction.

Also, I am well aware that SCN ships were hopelessly inferior to Manticore's ships, even circa 1901, but Manticore and the Andermani both acquired alot of territory, and there needs to be hulls to police said territory. So, yes, eventually, even in the near future, all of the newly acquired systems will have LAC bases and (possibly) Mycroft, but those systems will take time to put into place, and Manticore has to also worry about the Talbott Cluster, which is, strategically, more vulnerable to SLN attack than the former confederacy.

Anywho, it would be interesting to see what sort of production numbers can be cranked out, once the Sillies get into a position to start doing so. Sure, they won't match Grayson's output as soon as the Graysons did, but that was because the Grayson where a highly motivated people, but as Stalin said "Quantity is a Quality all it's own."

I've looked through the Pearls of Weber and all of the Forum topics here, but couldn't find anything matching. If such a thread does exist, please point me in the right direction.
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by templehawk   » Sun May 06, 2012 8:41 pm

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The short answer to all the questions is not much.

We know Admiral Sarnow is in charge. He has drawn the lion's share of the extra forces outside any major fleet formations. The conversations of Mike Henke with her staff and others in storm from the shadows and others gives us this.

The current knowledge on the economic situation is barebones at best. Most of the old government were bought out with bribes as announced at the end of War of Honor.

All of the mini info dumps in the stories (Let's Dance being the freshest in my mind) state the education was decent for the corrupt people in charge. They had a fairly modern (if decidedly second-tier) tech base, and semi-decent healthcare.

"Many of its individual planets or star systems were at least reasonably stable (if not particularly prosperous, by Manticoran standards), and the Confederacy as a whole offered an enormously lucrative market to the Star Kingdom, given the fact that local industry was so hugely underdeveloped."

All of the above was paraphased or quoted from Let's Dance. If there's anthing newer from the mainlime books, feel free to correct me.

So I think its a mix of many planets trying to prosper from the ground up and builting the infrastructure to get to manticorean levels and others trying to figure out what they can restructure what they have to fit the new situation best. Although That might take a decade.

However with the Haupton Cartel and other manticoran corporations already a slight foothold in the Confederacy through the trade routes, there is hope for a faster than expected rebirth of the systems. Of course, Grantville's government will have to make sure the corporations are not abusing their advantage.

As for the educational situation, I think somewhere in the middle between what Grayson had before the rest of the galaxy found them and what Haven had by the end of the first war. The base is there for the confederacy, they just needed the financial support to make it better.

It does sound like Sarnow is having issues keeping the lid on things so there's likely resistance from people not wanting Manticore to rule them and take them over without getting much of a word in.

As for the political systems, since the power was completely centered in certain sector governors and their families, there probably will be some growing pains with the revitalized rights of the Selisian citizens.

Certain officers like the forementioned Teschendorff could been given instant promotions once the Manties realized how honorable and trustworthy they could be. As for others with corrupted backgrounds, either possible jailtime or discharge from the navy. Another not so minor issue is whether or not the Ex-navy personnel became pirates or something else.

I wonder if Sarnow has looked up Captain Thomas Bachfisch for his views on certain people?

I think in terms of military hardware production, it will mostly be light combatants at first, mostly cruisers, maybe a battlecruiser or two. I believe there was not a single mention of any SCN capital ships in any story. The issue is building up the shipyards to have the capability to build modern Alliance warships. Right now, all they might do is repair any damaged ships when needed.
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by Garth 2   » Mon May 07, 2012 12:45 pm

Garth 2
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Varying between thinks staying as these are, and alot of people then finding out that Manticore means what it says about obeying the law.

Also alot of 'Freedom fighters' being wiped out via arrests (due to ONI peneration) or going up against the RMN and finding out the differnece between them and the SN.

Remember all the 'freedom' groups knew not to piss off the Star Kingdom.

Overall the general population are probably over joyed witht he change in leadership
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by Mitchell, Esq.   » Mon May 07, 2012 1:49 pm

Mitchell, Esq.

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Garth 2 wrote:Varying between thinks staying as these are, and alot of people then finding out that Manticore means what it says about obeying the law.

Also alot of 'Freedom fighters' being wiped out via arrests (due to ONI peneration) or going up against the RMN and finding out the differnece between them and the SN.

Remember all the 'freedom' groups knew not to piss off the Star Kingdom.

Overall the general population are probably over joyed witht he change in leadership

Many of the "Freedom Groups" were likely rebelling against what they felt was legit tyrany, unfair taxation, denial of a voice in politics and other outright problems which run rampant in a poorly run kleptocracy.

Some are probably going to continue the fight for freedom because until they get what they want, they are not going to settle for less...

Others probably sat down, thought about it, realized what it meant to be part of the Manticorian nation...then said "OK...I'm not sure I'm loving this, but this has potential to be a really positive thing. If we don't like it, I guess we can fight later..." and then went off to be shopkeepers, mechanics, cargo spacers or politicians who can trade on their past as fighters for the people.

It's a lot harder to be a freedom fighter when the people you are fighting for suddenly get a huge boost to their standard of living, see corruption cleaned up and "That Bastard" in the System Administrator's Office hung by the guys in the RMN uniforms, while a new college is opening and people are talking about expanding trade opportunities for your exports.

Will all groups see it? Duno...but lots will.
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by akira.taylor   » Mon May 07, 2012 1:57 pm

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Mitchell, Esq. wrote:
Garth 2 wrote:Varying between thinks staying as these are, and alot of people then finding out that Manticore means what it says about obeying the law.

Also alot of 'Freedom fighters' being wiped out via arrests (due to ONI peneration) or going up against the RMN and finding out the differnece between them and the SN.

Remember all the 'freedom' groups knew not to piss off the Star Kingdom.

Overall the general population are probably over joyed witht he change in leadership

Many of the "Freedom Groups" were likely rebelling against what they felt was legit tyrany, unfair taxation, denial of a voice in politics and other outright problems which run rampant in a poorly run kleptocracy.

Some are probably going to continue the fight for freedom because until they get what they want, they are not going to settle for less...

Others probably sat down, thought about it, realized what it meant to be part of the Manticorian nation...then said "OK...I'm not sure I'm loving this, but this has potential to be a really positive thing. If we don't like it, I guess we can fight later..." and then went off to be shopkeepers, mechanics, cargo spacers or politicians who can trade on their past as fighters for the people.

It's a lot harder to be a freedom fighter when the people you are fighting for suddenly get a huge boost to their standard of living, see corruption cleaned up and "That Bastard" in the System Administrator's Office hung by the guys in the RMN uniforms, while a new college is opening and people are talking about expanding trade opportunities for your exports.

Will all groups see it? Duno...but lots will.

Well, the smartest freedom groups (that want to take a wait-and-see approach) won't admit to who they were. If they're wrong, and Manticore is a problem, they go back to fighting (maybe with better education and technical training, thanks to Manticore), and don't end up murdered/arrested by the new regime (as the probable resistance leaders).

Manticore will have to be careful arresting the resistance groups it does want to go after. Of course, those it wants to go after en-mass are the ones like what's-his-face in at Sidemore (which won't tick too many people off).
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by kzt   » Mon May 07, 2012 2:37 pm

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Mitchell, Esq. wrote:It's a lot harder to be a freedom fighter when the people you are fighting for suddenly get a huge boost to their standard of living, see corruption cleaned up and "That Bastard" in the System Administrator's Office hung by the guys in the RMN uniforms, while a new college is opening and people are talking about expanding trade opportunities for your exports.

It didn't slow down the Red Army Faction or Red Brigades. Of course, some of the RAF attacks where actually carried out by the Stasi AGM/S unit.
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by Thirdbase   » Mon May 07, 2012 2:54 pm


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kzt wrote:
Mitchell, Esq. wrote:It's a lot harder to be a freedom fighter when the people you are fighting for suddenly get a huge boost to their standard of living, see corruption cleaned up and "That Bastard" in the System Administrator's Office hung by the guys in the RMN uniforms, while a new college is opening and people are talking about expanding trade opportunities for your exports.

It didn't slow down the Red Army Faction or Red Brigades. Of course, some of the RAF attacks where actually carried out by the Stasi AGM/S unit.

There are people out there that are going to oppose whatever government is in power, unless they are in charge (maybe).
runsforcelery wrote:
Thirdbase wrote:I think that was the next novel.

Allow me to demonstrate my concision, brevity, and economy of phrase:

"Smart alec!" ;p
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by Castenea   » Mon May 07, 2012 8:39 pm

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Garth 2 wrote:Varying between thinks staying as these are, and alot of people then finding out that Manticore means what it says about obeying the law.

Also alot of 'Freedom fighters' being wiped out via arrests (due to ONI peneration) or going up against the RMN and finding out the differnece between them and the SN.

Remember all the 'freedom' groups knew not to piss off the Star Kingdom.

Overall the general population are probably over joyed with the change in leadership

I expect that the general population was simply resigned, as they saw little to no immediate change. New letterhead on the note saying permit rejected to build in the flood plain below the glacier is not going to impress the fool who thinks building on the annual flood plain is a good idea.

The economy is probably improving as the reduction in duties to Manticore has made some goods cheaper, but the history and expectation of corruption is probably reducing the rate of economic growth. Another factor slowing the economic growth in relation to Talbott is that there was a larger economy prior to annexation than there was in Talbott. The Talbott quadrant is likely experiencing 10-20% economic growth a year and will for a few years. Silesea is likely experiencing much less, although a steady 3-5% would be possible just from reducing the corruption (although not eliminating it).
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by charlie   » Mon May 07, 2012 9:14 pm

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And who else wishes that someone could pick up the story from the Silesian front like Eric Flint has the Torch thread? That would be a whole new set of books without taking RFC away from the main line. Not sure how it would work because it would have to be someone who is very good and can work closely with RFC. Finding someone who good enough to do it with the time in their schedule to do it would be tough.
Re: What Became of the [Former] Silesian Confederacy worlds?
Post by Renegade13   » Mon May 07, 2012 11:36 pm


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charlie wrote:And who else wishes that someone could pick up the story from the Silesian front like Eric Flint has the Torch thread? That would be a whole new set of books without taking RFC away from the main line. Not sure how it would work because it would have to be someone who is very good and can work closely with RFC. Finding someone who good enough to do it with the time in their schedule to do it would be tough.

That's an interesting idea, although I don't see it being a major series (I just don't see the potential for a really major conflict without a HUGE falling out between Manticore and the Andermani). Maybe we can get a couple of anthology books that contain multiple smaller stories ("The Worlds of Silesia"?), stories that answer some of the questions already posted here, and helping fill in the background of the area - problems, solutions, mysteries, and interesting characters.
Hopefully, if other authors (ones that RFC approves of, of course) write the stories - staying within basic guidelines that RFC can establish for them - it won't take much of RFC's time to make sure that they are acceptable and fit with his plans for the Honorverse in general.

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