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Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine

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Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:29 pm

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Three times in about a month, Orban has been forced to eat crow (Be publicly proven a liar!), in front of the whole world!
First time was when his eighteen month; oft stated, declaration that Hungary would not be the last NATO nation to ratify Sweden’s acceptance in NATO.
Oops! He is last, and he is alone! First mouth full of crow!
Last week, trying to bamboozle the EU into cutting aid to Ukraine, but folded at the wire! Second order of crow!
As for today, he had stated that the Hungarian Parliament would ratify the acceptance at its first sitting. His political opponents in Parliament; to save him and his Fidesz crony’s the trouble of convening a session, did it for them!
They boycotted the meeting!!! Third mouth full of crow!
The difference between him and Erdogan’s delaying tactics was that Erdogan always had a price! Kurds, lifting of sanctions, aircraft…something! Orban on the other hand never demanded anything, happy to follow like a cur, the big dog.
Now alone, he has come with a demand!
He wants the Swedish PM to come to Budapest for …negotiations! What negotiation?
What he wants is a ply to his ego! The Swedish PM coming hat in hand, on his knees, should play well with his constituents! As well as his BFF in the Kremlin!
I guess that he is finding out that riding two horses can be hard sometimes! ... nato-vote/

[b]Hungary’s ruling party balks at Swedish NATO vote
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:49 pm

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Kremlin says any new 'colonial' U.S. aid to Ukraine won't change frontline situation

Dmitry Peskov; the Kremlin’s head Bullshit slinger, was mildly said disparaging, when he commented on the possibility of a large American aid package to Ukraine.
This prognostication should be taken with more than a grain of rice! Especially from someone; who together with the rest of the Kremlin crowd, and a large part of the Russian media, not that long ago forecast that Western aid to Ukraine would be “irrelevant”!
This was made two years ago, when Russia thought that the Ukraine War would be a walkover! Two years! Over fifty thousand dead Russians! Billions of Rubles down the drain!
Not what one could call “irrelevant”!!! :roll: :D
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:06 am

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Leverage. Much depends on the undetermined dueling potential of the new (second hand) F16s, and their missile weaponry; versus the Russian systems.
Much of the recent Ukrainian reverses have come from Russians lobbing large glide bombs from high speed, high altitude bombers. This does cause big problems for the Ukrainian defenders. If the F16s and their missiles can nail a few, it will cause them to pull back.
In my dreams I wish that the US had hidden a few F35 trained pilots in the F16 draft, so all of a sudden missiles appear from thin air, too close to the Russian bombers for them to dodge.
Won't happen as the US is too timid in this.
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Mote   » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:34 am


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Call it timid all you want, but it is common sense not to risk pieces of an f-35 ending up in China, as happened with that f-117 in the Kosovo conflict.

And that environment was orderers of magnitude less risky than Ukraine.
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:29 pm

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Russian missiles pound power plants in central and western Ukraine

To all appearances, apparently Putin’s Russia has decided to emulate the Mongols of old!!!
They too, often used a similar tactic!
Where, if they couldn’t take; or more importantly…hold, an enemy territory, were often content with …laying it… waste!!! :evil:
…then again; in layman’s eyes, it may be a response to the Ukrainian’s getting new arms and ammunitions! :?
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:45 pm

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Hungary’s Victor Orban as part of the EU’s rotation principle has of July 1st taken over as foreman of the EU Council! To say the least, an event that for the last few months has given rise to increased worry in other EU nations. Not without cause!
As his first official act, he travelled to Ukraine, where he essentially told President Zelensky, of the necessity of Ukraine to bend over and accept the inevitable!
He then travelled to Russia; again in his role as foreman of the EU, to touch base with his BFF Putin! Something the Russian propagandists are playing up big time!
Putin, Orban discuss Ukraine, resumption of broad dialogue

Isn’t it nice when people live up to expectations? :evil: :roll:
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Sat Aug 10, 2024 6:59 pm

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Ever since the Russians invaded Ukraine over two years ago, it had amazed me (a layman) that they didn’t retaliate with strikes into Russia. Sure to begin with they lacked the combatants and material to do much. Then even when western aid started to roll in, they still restrained!
Yes that aid came with a caveat, that it could only be used in Ukraine, so as not to “provoke” Russia!
But try to imagine the; almost painful, self-control it took not to strike back! Seeing tens of thousands fellow Ukrainians being killed, or driven into exile! Their cities and towns under daily attack, and having to stand back, and not retaliate!
Well with Kursk they are finally retaliating! It will be interesting to read or hear in the coming days what finally pushed them over the edge.
True to form Putin is calling it a “provocation”, and a terrorist attack!!!
This is just a new addition to Russian New Speak.
Special Military Operation: War
enemy combatants: Neo-Nazis
and now, retaliation: provocation
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Joat42   » Sun Aug 11, 2024 1:29 am


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Arol wrote:This is just a new addition to Russian New Speak.
Special Military Operation: War
enemy combatants: Neo-Nazis
and now, retaliation: provocation

Remember, whatever Putin and his lackeys say they have to say it in a way that can be consumed domestically and that makes whatever say they say internationally sound so fucking stupid.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:06 pm

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Russia asks the UN to condemn Ukraine’s terrorist actions in Kursk ... -in-kursk/
I thought that Russia might act like this! But then again, not even Russia would sink so low!
Boy was I ever wrong!!! :oops:
This is reminiscent of a schoolyard bully that had been ceaselessly picking on a weaker pupil. Until the said pupil finally had enough, and lays into the bully and gives the bully a bloody nose. Whereupon the bully runs home to mother blubbering. :lol:
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Tue Aug 13, 2024 3:08 am

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Godwin's Law. Goebbels had two core aspects to his NAZI propaganda.
Always tell a big lie, as people will believe that it must be true to be so outrageous.
Accuse your opponent of what you are doing or intend to do.

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