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Re: Cupid
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:04 pm

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cthia wrote:I don't think so. Textev adopts the designations on its own. And as I digest it, capital letters ("C"-line) represent entire lines (major lines with significant and specific demarcations in characteristics/ traits) and smaller letters represent variants (minor lines) within that major line.

I think you're reading too much into the text. The speakers and the characters whose thoughts we're privy to can make subtle and inaccurate statements, like the "sublight" case we're seeing in the other thread. Just because one portion of the text says "C-line" doesn't mean that only capital letters are lines. The designation may have become corrupted over the centuries due to imprecise human speech.

Unlike, apparently most of you, I tend to think 26 letters of the alphabet are enough letters to label all of the different lines. Considering there are variants within each line.

I actually agree with that. What I disagree with is your assumption that all the letters we have not seen must have been culled or not used at all, and therefore only the letters we have seen can be in current use. That's the crux of the matter: which line was Elaine? You're assuming it must be one of those we know of, and the rest of the people in the thread are saying there could be others.

There's the other assumption that she must have been gorgeous as a slave, which is unproven too, but far easier to accept, in spite of her having had more than one biosculpt session and necessarily significantly changing her looks.

Mind you, all evidence points to her being a C-line former sex slave. She is indeed beautiful, highly intelligent, and willing to use sex as a tool. I'm just saying that it can't be proven and competing theories have equal validity.

Note, I only used the C-line as an example. Not to infer that any of that line had been culled. Although I question the whereabouts of the A or B (major line). There is no A-line or B-line as far as I can tell.

We know A and B are also sex slave lines, though apparently the C line is the premier product. We haven't met any escaped slave whose designation was reported to be A or B, though.

And if the very first product coming off the line had shown fatal unsolvable flaws in the major characteristics then the entire line will be culled. Remember, each iteration (variant) is dependent on the iteration before it.

But the reverse is not true. A defect introduced in a new iteration need not apply to the earlier iterations. Culling the entire letter would mean also removing those others from the market and never again offering the same letter.

And if you're right that the entire letter gets retired after such an event, then 26 letters aren't enough.

You are not allowing for major unsolvable problems occurring at the beginning of the line. Problems like the kind that would not only STOP THE PRESS, but QUARANTINE the facility!

I made no such statement and do think I am allowing for it. In fact, I was very clear that the first iterations may have been unsuitable for productisation.

Also, we do not know what the production tactics and logic were that was utilized by the MA. Everyone seems to be assuming that each variant of a line C-01b, C-01c, etc., will not be produced concurrently with C-01a. I understand why you would assume that, of any normal operation employing human beings with any kind of moral compass. The MA has no moral compass. And there would be no reason not to produce the entire line in one production run. That saves time. You would only need to cull back to the offending traits. But if the offending traits originated at the beginning of the line, and are too severe and irreparable, then that line will be culled

No one said that, actually.

I agree with the second part of your paragraph: they'd cull as far back as necessary, which could be all the way to the beginning. However, this does not lead to the conclusion that the letter gets retired.

It keeps getting ignored, but textev mentions that entire lines had been culled.

No one is ignoring that. And you may be right that entire letters of the alphabet have been retired due to culling.

But those facts are of no consequence to the issue at hand: we do not have a full list of which letters are in current use. We have a sample and have no idea how complete it is.

I'd go further and say that the sample we have is also very biased because it consists almost exclusively of escaped slaves who've risen to leadership positions. There's no evidence that slaves escape in equally representative ratios in every line and that they achieve equally representative positions in the story so we'd see them. Liberated slaves would show up in a different proportion altogether, but this actually makes the sample worse. We know that not all slave ships had sex slaves and those that did carried maybe a dozen of them, for thousands of other slaves, which makes the representation of former sex slaves in the story completely disproportional.

That really does sound not only like a good book, but my kind of reading. But, my inbox of books to devour has become critical. Anyway, history somewhat has many examples of what you are describing with the music industry and vinyl records on thru digital media. And the video industry with the varying formats, etc. But I am not sure that that concept would wholly apply to the MA, because they seem to have built anti-obsolescence into their operation with "variant." Besides, the research is just as important regardless of whether that particular design becomes obsolete.

Those are not good examples of the issue that Christensen is talking about. You're referring to evolution of products and obsolescence. Those are somewhat easy to see even beforehand. For example, the CD was clearly a better product than cassette and vinyl (except for the people who want to hear the scratches and non-linearity at the ends of the amplifier's range) but it targeted the same market, so sales of one directly impacted on the other. More importantly, it didn't enlarge the market. Instead, he talks about "disruptive innovation" and especially the kind that goes unnoticed because it's not perceived as a competitor, because it enlarges the market and, most insidiously, improves the profit margins of the incumbents for a while.

See the Wikipedia article on disruptive innovation for better examples.

How can there be others? Remember, the entire operation is an illegal operation that would be shut down by supporters of the Beowulf Code if deemed dangerous to mankind. Plus, it would require an Einstein in the field. Leonard was such a giant in the field. The man was literally playing with fire. Lava.

Why can't there be others, just as illegal?

If there can be one Mesa, there can be multiple Mesa planets. Many a warlord would welcome headquartering a company that paid in bribes for his lavish life-style. Not to mention that these other companies could be headquartered in Mesa too -- there's no reason to think that Manpower acquired exclusive rights to this.

Leonard Detweiler was probably a genius, but he did not start either Mesa or Manpower alone. He had other geneticists working with him, and any one of those could have decided to leave and start their own company (many of the famous Silicon Valley companies were founded by people who left another company in the same segment, for example). Beowulf would have continued to produce geneticists by the droves too and some of them may have wanted to abandon the Beowulf Code and follow on Leonard's footsteps. And besides, there's industrial espionage.

That's not to say that they can compete with Manpower. There is such a thing as first mover advantage, after all.

And I think everyone is assuming way too much asserting that the MA could not make a profit. In my experience, it is difficult for an average qualified layman to determine the profitability of an operation even WITH all of the data. We have NONE of their data or of their ultimate strategy for their products. Profitability is NOT always based on the almighty dollar.

We're not saying that. Princess Ruth did. The fact that Manpower was not operating Verdant Vista (now Torch) with a profit motive was the impetus that led them to investigate more and figure out that Manpower operated like a state and not like a company. That's what led Cachat and Zilwicki's trip to Mesa in Torch of Freedom, which led to their meeting with Jack McBryde and the introduction to Herlander Simões, and blew the Alignment wide open.

The fact that no one had noticed this before they did means two things. First, Manpower was very good at hiding the fact it wasn't operating like a profit-motive company and that includes its own middle-management. Second, that the Torch intelligence had for the first time access to records that had not been accessible until then. The first of those is explicit in the text of ToF; the second is implied and my conjecture now.

But going back to the question of other slave-making companies, the conditions for other companies to exist are there. We have never been told of any (and absence of evidence is not evidence of absence), but my point is that if there were none, then it should have raised a red flag that there was more to Manpower than the eye could see. And -- again my conjecture here -- because Manpower managed to hide its operations so well for so long, there probably were other slave-making companies out there.

Of course, I have always agreed with that. My point is that sometimes what is necessary is to cull the entire line. Even if sometimes out of uncertainty.

I'm not disputing that statement; I agree. What I am disputing is the definition of "line" and particularly that all instances of the term are equally precise.
Re: Cupid
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:06 pm

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sonex wrote:What happed to the real Cupid subject?

I vote for Abigale and Indy since they were getting friendly in my last read.

What? A thread veered completely off-topic? Impossible! That never happens!

Abigail and Indy is pretty much a given. They'd only get separated if her duties made it impossible to meet in frequent enough to keep the flame going.
Re: Cupid
Post by cthia   » Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:09 pm

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Sex sells.

Sex is a drug.

The MA are drug dealers.

The Alignment manufacturers C-line sex slaves to have an increased libido. They are literally sent to sex slave boot-camp at the tender young age of nine.

Let's say that there is a sex slave which came off of the assembly line and reigns as the most stunning woman in the galaxy.

Are the many people of the Alignment immune to her charms? Does the Alignment get high off of their own drugs?

Let's say that woman is Elaine Komandorski.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what if she is?

Then I can imagine her world being an Alignment manufactured purgatory. Everyone is getting into her pants and sampling her sweets. They must test the product mustn't they? Elaine becomes a sex toy for every Alpha, Beta and Gamma. A toy for every handler. For every scientist. For every doctor. Ad nauseam.

tlb wrote:We are not weighing a "freighter full of slaves" against "billions of the MAlign's victims", instead we are weighing the proper response to one woman who made victims of every one of those slaves in the freighter.

All of those poor slaves in the freighter were victims. But what if Elaine was the poster child, where other slave's dilemma paled by comparison?*

Yes, she escaped her purgatory by unscrupulous means. She turned to a life of unscrupulous crime. But she was born into the world in an unscrupulous manner, and was bred into an unscrupulous line by unscrupulous geneticists, and she was unscrupulously trained as a sex slave on steroids at the unscrupulously tender age of nine.

Well, so what if she learned well, and used her unscrupulous teachings to escape in an unscrupulous manner. And so what if she made money in the unscrupulous process? Good for her. That is all that she knew.

Jeremy and Elaine Komandorski

As a senior level Cupist, I am set on this pairing. Perhaps Jeremy will understand her plight. There are matches made in heaven, perhaps matches are also made in hell.

*Which brings me right back to my ...


I have always shuddered when reading the gory details of the MAlign. They are enough to make me sick. To borrow a line from Rambo, I am certain the author could feed us further details of the MA that would make a Billy Goat puke!!!

Therefore, I can't condemn any single slave for perhaps having to endure more than she could bear. Even if she truly felt she had to betray her own mother to get out! I don't know her whole story. I don't know what she endured at the hands of the MA.* I don't know what her personal breaking point was.

What could she possibly say to the Ballroom? I don't know. But I would certainly like to. Regardless, I am willing to listen.

My parents always taught us not to condemn people until or unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. Or in this case, slept a few nights in her bed.

To borrow from Star Trek, "Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Or the one?"

Even if your life is the counterbalance on the scale?

I don't know how many slaves were in that freighter. But if someone came up to you and told you that you could save twice that many people if you gave up your freedom, would you?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Cupid
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:49 pm

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cthia wrote:Let's say that there is a sex slave which came off of the assembly line and reigns as the most stunning woman in the galaxy.

Are the many people of the Alignment immune to her charms? Does the Alignment get high off of their own drugs?

The problem here is the premise. Let's assume for the sake of the argument that beauty is objective, not subjective. Why would the Alignment not include that attribute in their own people? They don't need to he the most beautiful, but if you get within 99% and have several hundred of those, then the Alignment would be immune because they would have options.

Not to mention that they have access to slaves too. So the pool of candidates the Alignment members have access to should be in the thousands or more. I don't see why any single person's beauty would have undue influence.

Then I can imagine her world being an Alignment manufactured purgatory. Everyone is getting into her pants and sampling her sweets. They must test the product mustn't they? Elaine becomes a sex toy for every Alpha, Beta and Gamma. A toy for every handler. For every scientist. For every doctor. Ad nauseam.

If your argument were true, then the chance that she'd cut a deal with them for anything is that much smaller. Therefore, I can consider this as evidence that she was not the most beautiful. At best, she was one-in-a-thousand.

Therefore, I can't condemn any single slave for perhaps having to endure more than she could bear. Even if she truly felt she had to betray her own mother to get out! I don't know her whole story. I don't know what she endured at the hands of the MA.* I don't know what her personal breaking point was.

But actions have consequences. You and I can't judge her, but her peers (ex-slaves) may. We also don't know the details of her escape. If you're right and she just had to find a way to escape, those are extenuating circumstances that could get her peers agreeing to either pardon her or give her a lighter sentence. But she ran from them and the Ballroom judged her in absentia, which probably means that the extenuating factors were not that compelling.

To borrow from Star Trek, "Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Or the one?"

Even if your life is the counterbalance on the scale?

Logic says they do. But self-sacrifice is not often a logical decision.
Re: Cupid
Post by tlb   » Tue Aug 09, 2022 9:01 pm

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cthia wrote:To borrow from Star Trek, "Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Or the one?"

Even if your life is the counterbalance on the scale?

ThinksMarkedly wrote:Logic says they do. But self-sacrifice is not often a logical decision.

Rather than indulging in the repetition of arguments; let's consider her state now. When last seen she fled Manticore after blowing up the blackmail files. Prudence would say that she should not go to anyplace where the Ballroom has been strong, so where does that leave? They were not strong in Haven, because even the Peoples' Republic had a good record against slavers; however Haven's ties with Manticore will be getting stronger in the future. Torch, Beowulf and the Maya Sector are probably out of bounds (sorry Jeremy, not this girlfriend for you). The Ballroom has been strong in the Solarian League and will be strong in Mesa under the new regime.

I think the only place close, that can support her in the style she demands, is the Andermani Empire. The ideal would be to find a member of the nobility that that needs a wife, companion or advisor; particularly one on a planet away from the capitol.

An even better place, assuming she knows about them, would be any planet in the Renaissance Factor; because they are against slavery and have no contact with the members of the Grand Alliance.
Re: Cupid
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Tue Aug 09, 2022 10:28 pm

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tlb wrote:I think the only place close, that can support her in the style she demands, is the Andermani Empire. The ideal would be to find a member of the nobility that that needs a wife, companion or advisor; particularly one on a planet away from the capitol.

An even better place, assuming she knows about them, would be any planet in the Renaissance Factor; because they are against slavery and have no contact with the members of the Grand Alliance.

I don't think she'd risk the Andermani. We know they have a very good intelligence service. She'd know that too, having been the North Hollow chief of security for long and even if she didn't, she'd make the assumption that there was some sharing of intel within the GA. Zilwicki would tell all of his friends.

So she'd really look for somewhere neutral leaning towards hostile to the GA. The RF sounds good, but we can't assume it is the one because, like all the other letters in the alphabet, we don't know all the other polities in the Galaxy. The discussion between Chuck and Kingsford got interrupted after two regional groupings, but gave the impression that there were far more of them.

Or she'd simply look for somewhere anonymous. We know the lifestyles of the warlords and petty tyrants in the Verge was pretty good, so she could insinuate herself into the halls of power there, support a lavish lifestyle, and remain sufficiently hidden. I expect corruption was also widespread in the Outer Shell, even if not rampant like the Verge.

Maybe she knew where Elaine Descroix planned to hole up and used her namesake's plans
Re: Cupid
Post by tlb   » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:11 am

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:So she'd really look for somewhere neutral leaning towards hostile to the GA. The RF sounds good, but we can't assume it is the one because, like all the other letters in the alphabet, we don't know all the other polities in the Galaxy. The discussion between Chuck and Kingsford got interrupted after two regional groupings, but gave the impression that there were far more of them.

Or she'd simply look for somewhere anonymous. We know the lifestyles of the warlords and petty tyrants in the Verge was pretty good, so she could insinuate herself into the halls of power there, support a lavish lifestyle, and remain sufficiently hidden. I expect corruption was also widespread in the Outer Shell, even if not rampant like the Verge.

Maybe she knew where Elaine Descroix planned to hole up and used her namesake's plans

Elaine Descroix had a different problem; she was mainly interested in someplace that would not extradite her to Manticore. It would help if she stayed hidden, because then Manticore could not use its economic power to force an extradition.

Lady Georgia Young absolutely has to stay hidden from the Ballroom. That is why I think she would avoid anyplace that had a history of corruption and would prefer someplace with a strong antislavery record. It may be that the Ballroom will weaken with the dissolution of Manpower Inc and the creation of Torch; but for the near future they will continue to maintain vigilance over places were slavery might still be found.

It is not clear to me how much Anton Zilwicki will care about her future, now that she is no longer a problem at Manticore.
Re: Cupid
Post by Theemile   » Wed Aug 10, 2022 9:57 am

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tlb wrote:
ThinksMarkedly wrote:So she'd really look for somewhere neutral leaning towards hostile to the GA. The RF sounds good, but we can't assume it is the one because, like all the other letters in the alphabet, we don't know all the other polities in the Galaxy. The discussion between Chuck and Kingsford got interrupted after two regional groupings, but gave the impression that there were far more of them.

Or she'd simply look for somewhere anonymous. We know the lifestyles of the warlords and petty tyrants in the Verge was pretty good, so she could insinuate herself into the halls of power there, support a lavish lifestyle, and remain sufficiently hidden. I expect corruption was also widespread in the Outer Shell, even if not rampant like the Verge.

Maybe she knew where Elaine Descroix planned to hole up and used her namesake's plans

Elaine Descroix had a different problem; she was mainly interested in someplace that would not extradite her to Manticore. It would help if she stayed hidden, because then Manticore could not use its economic power to force an extradition.

Lady Georgia Young absolutely has to stay hidden from the Ballroom. That is why I think she would avoid anyplace that had a history of corruption and would prefer someplace with a strong antislavery record. It may be that the Ballroom will weaken with the dissolution of Manpower Inc and the creation of Torch; but for the near future they will continue to maintain vigilance over places were slavery might still be found.

It is not clear to me how much Anton Zilwicki will care about her future, now that she is no longer a problem at Manticore.

The question will be whether or not she took a copy of the North hollow files with her and if she ever tries to use them again. If so, Zilwiki will use orbital saturation strikes to make sure the threat is dead once and for all.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Cupid
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:03 pm

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Theemile wrote:The question will be whether or not she took a copy of the North hollow files with her and if she ever tries to use them again. If so, Zilwiki will use orbital saturation strikes to make sure the threat is dead once and for all.

He'd have asked for proof that all the copies were destroyed before giving her the headstart.
Re: Cupid
Post by tlb   » Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:16 pm

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tlb wrote:It is not clear to me how much Anton Zilwicki will care about her future, now that she is no longer a problem at Manticore.

Theemile wrote:The question will be whether or not she took a copy of the North hollow files with her and if she ever tries to use them again. If so, Zilwiki will use orbital saturation strikes to make sure the threat is dead once and for all.

ThinksMarkedly wrote:He'd have asked for proof that all the copies were destroyed before giving her the headstart.

I do not think it is a problem,because the only way she could use a copy after leaving would be to expose herself to contact with Manticore; not something that she would want.

But it does raise a question or more. How many petabytes of data are involved? What is the smallest portable device that could hold that amount of data in the Honorverse? If a thumb drive can hold multiple petabytes there, then what proof could ever be offered that copies were not made before the explosion?

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