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ACTI Predictions

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Re: ACTI Predictions
Post by Bluesqueak   » Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:08 pm

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I'm wondering if the 'Call to Insurrection' is going to connect with Gensonne, somehow.

Gensonne thought of the Emperor as 'Uncle Gustav'. Gensonne, while a genuine French surname, puns on 'General' and 'Son' in both English and German. Gensonne was able to abscond with a number of trained naval officers who were willing to follow him.

The Andermani were so anxious to find and destroy Gensonne that they sent an entire squadron - including their most powerful ship.

I wonder if Emperor Gustav has no legitimate children and has/had a number of indirect and/or illegitimate heirs. One of which was Gensonne - that's why the Andermani were so desperate to find and remove him, possibly before he came back and tried another coup.

Gensonne is the connection between Manticore and the Andermani - if he was also a member of the Andermani dynasty, then assisting Manticore in recovering from the damage he did becomes a matter of Andermani honour.

Through no fault of their own, Manticore may have become embroiled in the Andermani dynastic war ... even though what they thought they were doing was taking out a piratical invader.
Re: ACTI Predictions
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:39 pm

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Bluesqueak wrote:I wonder if Emperor Gustav has no legitimate children and has/had a number of indirect and/or illegitimate heirs. One of which was Gensonne - that's why the Andermani were so desperate to find and remove him, possibly before he came back and tried another coup.

Your first suspicion might still prove right, but I don't think it's likely. It seems like Anderman the first dying without children would have been noted by now, on par with Anderman VI.

Your second one, that Gensonne might be a child of Anderman, is not likely at all, due to age disparity. He sounds more to be of a similar age than 20 years the junior: he was said to have been one of Anderman's top field commanders during the founding of the Empire and the conquest of its first few systems. And Anderman doesn't sound like the person who would use nepotism to raise one of his relatives to a field command before their time. So Gensonne couldn't have been a field commander / admiral by the age of 20 or so, to make the math work.

Gensonne is the connection between Manticore and the Andermani - if he was also a member of the Andermani dynasty, then assisting Manticore in recovering from the damage he did becomes a matter of Andermani honour.

Through no fault of their own, Manticore may have become embroiled in the Andermani dynastic war ... even though what they thought they were doing was taking out a piratical invader.

It was a matter of Andermani honour, just not dynastic one. But it does look like they got involved in a dynastic war anyway.
Re: ACTI Predictions
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Sun Jan 30, 2022 6:24 pm

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ACTV, Ch. 22 wrote:Three days ago, Shrike had completed its invisible hyperbolic drift through the Walther system and past the hyper limit, and was now proceeding to make contact with a small Black Ops force which should be gathering for another mission. Llyn had been involved in the early planning stages for that one, and while it had been years in the making, it could probably afford to pause long enough to deal with the Volsung base.

Context: Walther is in the Silesia Confederation space, Llyn is the Axelrod agent that was trying to conquer the Manticore system for Axelrod.

What's near Silesia and what could be interesting enough to Axelrod for such an operation to have been years in the making? And what are the consequences for it to be delayed for a couple of years?

My guess: deal with Gustav Anderman. And, you know, maybe plunge the Empire into an insurrection?
Re: ACTI Predictions
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:59 pm

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Bluesqueak wrote:Gensonne thought of the Emperor as 'Uncle Gustav'. Gensonne, while a genuine French surname, puns on 'General' and 'Son' in both English and German. Gensonne was able to abscond with a number of trained naval officers who were willing to follow him.

And that's not his real surname. He was called Cutler von Tischendorf.

I wonder if Emperor Gustav has no legitimate children and has/had a number of indirect and/or illegitimate heirs. One of which was Gensonne - that's why the Andermani were so desperate to find and remove him, possibly before he came back and tried another coup.

I've been making my way through ACTV and did note that the Andermani's reactions to Gensonne were very. very personal. His treason (for the Andermani called him a traitor) must have been very personal. So I'd been wondering if you were right, despite my assertions that the age difference couldn't account for.

Then I came across this:

ACTV Ch. 31 wrote:"Yes, the missiles," Gensonne said, forcing his mind away from visions of vengeance against Uncle Gostav.

I suppose this could go both ways. An illegitimate but recognised child might be allowed to call their biological father "uncle" but I don't think that's the case. I think it's far more likely he's not related to Anderman by blood, but was very close, as "uncle" implies. My wild guess is that Cutler was rescued as a teenager in one of Anderman's early operations, before he crowned himself Emperor, and was basically raised (at least in the latter formative years) by Anderman, as part of his household. Then the age difference would work much better.

I'd also guess he was not the only one, though he was probably among the best students. That would help explain how Anderman managed to bring such a loyal following with him when he conquered that region of space.
Re: ACTI Predictions
Post by cthia   » Mon Jan 31, 2022 6:48 am

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I wonder if Axelrod or anyone else tried to mastermind beef betwixt Manticore and the Andermani in hopes to grab the MWJ? Making it the first attempted mastermind of its kind.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: ACTI Predictions
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Mon Jan 31, 2022 9:17 pm

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cthia wrote:I wonder if Axelrod or anyone else tried to mastermind beef betwixt Manticore and the Andermani in hopes to grab the MWJ? Making it the first attempted mastermind of its kind.

It could be, but I think it's unlikely.

It might occur to Jeremiah Llyn because he did invent the story that Axelrod's purpose in taking Manticore was a launch position against Anderman. That was a load of nonsense that served to stroke Gensonne's desire for vengeance and make him blind to any other possible reasons, but in coming up with this story, it could occur to Llyn to turn it around and use the Andermani as a force to weaken Manticore.

But I don't see how that could possibly work. The Andermani are probably, at this point in time, the most professional military in the Galaxy (ahead of both the SLN and the RHN). The SLN would still be the strongest fighting force and the RHN may be ahead too, given the number of platforms they have, but tonne for tonne, the Andermani would come out ahead. They have much less territory to defend than the SL, so forcing them into a conflict they don't want would be difficult.

And even if you could, the end result would be that the Andermani now own Manticore. That makes Axelrod's case more difficult, not less. The RMN would be no more than a speed bump against the IAN, even if they had 6 operational battlecruisers and a few more years to train and to repair those ships. The Vergeltung took out a Volsung BC that was newer and bigger than any of the RMN's with one single 3-wave salvo.

If Axelrod needed someone to soften up the RMN, they'd use the SCN. At this point, the Confederacy is already a multi-system polity, so it has industry bigger than the MBS. They have shipbuilding industries that are likely bigger, because we've been told they build their own warships. They don't have impeller production, but neither does Manticore. But unlike the IAN, the SCN is probably far easier to corrupt.

Or they could go the SLN FF route. The SL border is still way too far for the FF to be monitoring it closely (it was far enough during Honor's time!) but Axelrod could come up with an excuse to have the SLN drop by. For example, they could fabricate evidence that the RMN and Manticore were responsible for war crimes, even an EE violation. With a little bit of pushing, the SL would shoot first and cause considerable damage to the RMN. Even if the SL later makes some sort of reparation, Axelrod could get some contracts on the sly for the reconstruction and then entrench itself. The danger in this scenario is if the SLN doesn't leave.

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