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It's OK. The police shot a white man!

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Re: It's OK. The police shot a white man!
Post by Daryl   » Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:13 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3520
Joined: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:57 am
Location: Queensland Australia

In regard to
systematic racism" is not born by the stats. Take your hate race baiting and F off. If you really want blood in the streets, keep screaming your lies. That blood will be on your hands.
you really need to consider anger management training.
It is true that in developed countries, systematic racism is no longer evident in government regulations. That doesn't mean that it isn't still common. I'm a multiple landlord, and had a rental agent say to me "This young family look good on the surface, but it turns out that they are Maoris". Got a new agent, and a really good tenant family now.
A grazier (rancher) family friend said "I hired a new supervisor, sight unseen on good references, and he drove from Perth (3,000 kms) to start, but it turned out he was a "boong" (equivalent to your N word), so I had to tell him the job was gone. Years ago when traveling with an indigenous colleague I had to book our rooms, as they were always booked out when he tried.
Racism still exists in ways that materially disadvantage people.

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