Morden wrote:Erls wrote:With the 'new' technology being introduced throughout Charis, I am wondering how the sporting scene has developed. In particular, I am curious about whether or not the inner circle would "push" along the invention/growth/development of sports such as skiing (downhill), cycling, and golf. Full disclosure, I enjoy all three hence by interest.
Reason why: All three of these sports are, or can be, considered "middle-class" sports. While bikes are widely used in lieu or cars, the sport is much more of a middle class endeavor. Same with downhill skiing and golfing. The equipment requires an investment, and skiing and golfing in particular take a degree of dedication and patience to become good at and really enjoy. The development of these sports would help create a true leisure/recreation economy - and all that goes with it. Charis (Duke Delthak) could introduce the concept of PTO and encourage his employees to travel and see new sights. While intra-island travel is still a bit far, with the trains it would be entirely possible for someone in Tellesburg to get to South Charis (ski resorts?) within a day and enjoy a vacation. This would spur non-religious based travel, resorts, restaurants, and the like. A growing service-based economy, in other words, that increases the quality of life. Finally, these activities would all support the spread of smaller manufacturers and small-business (independent owner) shops.
As a fun aside.. Imagine some of the ski resorts Chisholm could have? Or even the export of skiing to the United Provinces. Steam powered chairlifts are definitely within the technological capability of Safehold, and they could even do steam powered Snowcats (interesting way to introduce tracked vehicles!).
As far as cycling goes, imagine the possibility of an Empire wide Pro Tour? Le Tour de Charis, il Giro d'Emerald, La Vuelta de Corisande, or the Tour of Chisholm, The Crown could 'encourage' each arm of the services (Navy, Marines, Army, Balloon Corp) to sponsor a team composed of service members, while major manufacturers/companies also sponsor teams.
And Golf? One could probably build some pretty fantastic courses throughout the Charisian Empire. Mountain courses, ocean-front courses, etc.
Perhaps I'd just personally enjoy reading a scene where a visiting dignitary is shocked to see a bike race, or be invited to go skiing. And then the realization that the people of Charis are actually spending millions a year on leisurely pursuits and entire industries have been created around those pursuits.
I suspect that will evolve naturally in time on its own, Charis is still fairly early on in the industrial revolution. and it wasnt until it had progressed quite far in our own history that the lower and middle classes had excess revenue to spend on leisure. Once the wages for the people on the lowest end of the spectrum start to hit the right plateau then there will be enormous potential for things like you've mentioned... But I think they are still a decade or two shy of the mark.
Golf originated in 15th Century Scotland, so it's not too early to introduce it based on industrialization. Personally I am in agreement with that great USian humourist, Mark Twain, that golf is a good walk, spoiled.
And one should always be aware that golf is called golf because "oh sh*t" and "f*ck" were already taken and that golf is flog spelt backwards.