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Trump just admitted it

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Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:32 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Dilandu wrote:1. As I mentioned above, your opposition to war looks more as appleasment of those who you considered dangerous.

We haven't even had anything resembling a detailed discussion of this topic, so where exactly are you pulling this out of?

2. Last I checked, during Obama regime, a whole lot of nations suspiciously "simultaneous went into chaos". Mainly those who opposed Saudi Arbia dominance, which was rigidly supported by USA despite numerous evidence of their less than pleasant ction.

Oh so we're talking about another one of your conspiracy theories like "Trump started the Hong Kong riots"?

I'll just leave that there then and not completely waste my time on it.

And let's not even start to talk about how Obama handled the Ukrainean mess...

Yes... Putin invades Crimea... clearly Obama is the real problem there. :roll:

3. Yeah, the difference: Trump abused the power and killed no one. His predessors abused their power and killed hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions).

FFS, we are talking about RADICALLY DIFFERENT SUBJECTS and you are trying to act like they are just different instances of the same thing.

One more time, if you want to debate past US wars START A DIFFERENT THREAD and stop trying to distract and change the subject of this one with your constant, unending, whataboutism.

I'm not playing along with your "well robbing that bank is FINE... I mean what about all the people Hitler killed that was way worse than robbing a bank!" bullshit.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by Dilandu   » Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:40 pm


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Location: Russia

gcomeau wrote:
FFS, we are talking about RADICALLY DIFFERENT SUBJECTS and you are trying to act like they are just different instances of the same thing.

To put it simply: "it is bad, because Trump did it!". Thats all the difference.

not playing along with your "well robbing that bank is FINE... I mean what about all the people Hitler killed that was way worse than robbing a bank!" bullshit.

Bullshit - is claiming that abusing the power for some election swindling and abusing the power to kill millions should be treated the same way.

We haven't even had anything resembling a detailed discussion of this topic, so where exactly are you pulling this out of?

Please! Your hysteria about IRBM treaty was enough. You completely ignore military side of the quiestion, worried only about the political part.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Sep 26, 2019 5:46 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Dilandu wrote:
gcomeau wrote:
FFS, we are talking about RADICALLY DIFFERENT SUBJECTS and you are trying to act like they are just different instances of the same thing.

To put it simply: "it is bad, because Trump did it!".

It's ILLEGAL you halfwit.

(snip whataboutism, not playing)

We haven't even had anything resembling a detailed discussion of this topic, so where exactly are you pulling this out of?

Please! Your hysteria about IRBM treaty was enough. You completely ignore military side of the quiestion, worried only about the political part.

So from a single statement that I made that it was a bad thing to scrap one treaty you have divined my entire philosophy on the subject of international war fighting?

Wow, you must be a Trump level very stable genius.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by Dilandu   » Fri Sep 27, 2019 1:41 am


Posts: 2536
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Location: Russia

gcomeau wrote:It's ILLEGAL you halfwit.

Sigh. Stealing is illegal. Should the judges presecute the sme way the men who stole the wallet in a croud and the one, who blow up a bank full of peoples to get to the safe?

So from a single statement that I made that it was a bad thing to scrap one treaty you have divined my entire philosophy on the subject of international war fighting?

Wow, you must be a Trump level very stable genius.

Your statement demonstrated clear ignorance and inability to understood that military question have - surprize! - military side in them. If I aak you about 2+2 and you answer is 5, this single statement would be enough to conclude tgat you have problems with basic math.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Sep 27, 2019 12:26 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Dilandu wrote:
gcomeau wrote:It's ILLEGAL you halfwit.

Sigh. Stealing is illegal. Should the judges presecute the sme way the men who stole the wallet in a croud and the one, who blow up a bank full of peoples to get to the safe?

Are you kidding me? There you freaking go again.

One post ago you were claiming I only said it was bad because it was Trump.


And here comes your "but what about the fact that other crimes also exist that I think are worse?????"


If you want to talk about those other issues start a goddamn thread on them. They do not make Trump's conduct here anything other than a gross abuse of power and corruption of the office.

So from a single statement that I made that it was a bad thing to scrap one treaty you have divined my entire philosophy on the subject of international war fighting?

Wow, you must be a Trump level very stable genius.

Your statement demonstrated clear ignorance and inability to understood that military question have - surprize! - military side in them.

No, you just ignored my statement on that side of them.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by BrightSoul   » Thu Oct 03, 2019 1:39 am

Rear Admiral

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I just noticed where you're from Dilandu, this makes a lot more sense now.

You live in a country which has the same "President" for many more terms than our presidents are ever allowed. Gcomeau is correct. We have laws about abuse of executive power.

Yes, this has eroded far more over the past two presidencies than I find acceptable, but they still exist. Trump has been using your exact arguments to distract the electorate from his abuses but they are still only excuses and that they are excuses is the issue. He is indeed abusing his power more than ANY previous president.

Put simply Reagan wouldn't approve of this, Bush SR wouldn't wouldn't either and Ike would be seriously pissed.

Abuse is abuse and pointing at something entirely unrelated, poor policy decisions of previous administrations, don't excuse his transgressions.

This is a direct attack on the constitution and the checks and balances our founders intended.

Not gonna get into the dems vs rubbies arguement, neither have a credible candidate for me yet. Biden maybe as a last resort, which is what he (Trump and his foreign supporters) fears.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Oct 03, 2019 12:27 pm


Posts: 2747
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Trump just walked up to a group of reporters and while ranting about how he was falsely accused of pressuring a foreign government to go after his expected election opponent even though we have the call readout that shows him doing exactly that... he talked about his trade war against China and announced China should investigate Biden too. Both calling for a SECOND foreign country and this time a dictatorship to insert themselves into the US election and simultaneously associating that request with his ongoing actions against Chinese trade.

This is like Nixon walking onto the White House lawn denying he was guilty of being involved in the Watergate break in then getting on the phone in front of the reporters to direct a second break in.

And now Trumpworld will pretend like this is all ok. Because he's doing it in the open like so much of his corruption. So it MUST be ok right?
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by Joat42   » Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:11 pm


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The old adage about truth is stranger than fiction still holds true...

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:16 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Well they just released texts from US diplomats in Ukraine that cover...

1. That the Ukraininans were DEFINITELY told they weren't getting access to Trump or a coveted White House visit unless they indicated willingness to launch an investigation of Biden. (Quid Pro Quo number 1, although to be clear just having the president inciting an investigation of his opponent by a foreign government is impeachable quid pro quo or not)

2. The US chargé d'affaires for Ukraine Bill Taylor seems like the only one involved trying to hold the law and order line and repeatedly voiced his objections to the fact that the security aid was being witheld while that push happened (Quid Pro Quo #2) and at one point said "I think it's crazy to withold security assistance for help with a political campaign".

3. Sondland (US EU ambassador who was appointed to that position after contributing a million dollars to Trump's inauguration fund) was in this up to his eyeballs and every time Taylor brought up the problems with it immediately played defense then ended text conversations and asked to take things to phone calls with no inconvenient black and white records of what was being said.

4. Volker was playing along, so he's gotten ensnared in this as well. No doubt why he immediately resigned his position when it became public.

So now both the GOP original "defenses" are dead. It's not just "hearsay" even though THAT DOESN'T MATTER. And there was a Quid Pro Quo EVEN THOUGH THAT DOESN'T MATTER.

So what will be the next excuse they seize on to excuse Trump's criminal conduct? I'm going with them playing along with Trump's usual "my crimes aren't crimes they're completely normal and I have the absolute right to commit them" escalation which he has already begun.

Trump isn't eroding all the legal, ethical and moral norms of US government. He's dragging them out on the White House lawn and holding public executions of them. And the GOP is at best standing silently by and watching him do it. At worst, they are aiding and abetting him.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:55 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

And just to refresh people's memories... ... siles.html

Pretty sure any communications with the Ukrainians before they spiked those Manafort investigations should also be subpoenaed.

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