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Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe

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Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by ldwechsler   » Sat Jan 05, 2019 8:36 pm

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stewart wrote:
dvdscar wrote:From Eric Flint's Facebook page today:


I have now started working on the next Honorverse novel I'm co-authoring with David Weber. We are at the initial stage we always go through when we start a novel -- of which we have now written five together, two in my 1632 universe and three in David's Honorverse.

I think of this stage as the Nursery. This has two connotations. One is benign: this is the stage at which the story idea comes into existence. The other is, ah, grouchier. This is the stage at which the clear-headed and forthright partner in the collaboration -- that's me -- has to wrangle with the obsessive-compulsive anal-retentive fussbudget who is driven by an ultimately futile quest for background perfection to insist that every miserable goddam little plot twist has to be reconcilable in every respect with the ontological essence of the insanely complex nail-down-every-minutia setting he dreamed up over a period of way, way too many years when he could have been doing something practical and useful like washing dishes.

(Clears the throat.) In fairness, I suspect David has harbored similar thoughts when he's worked with me in the 1632 universe.

So. Back to the Nursery, where I currently have to contend with the stubborn one who is insisting that we have to develop a story line wherein two of Our Heroes -- actually, one hero; one heroine -- plot to overthrow the Wicked Establishment even though the evil ones have made sure that all their subjects are implanted with nanotech that causes them to commit suicide whenever they fall afoul of said evil ones or just find themselves in a bad spot where their continued existence might discomfit the evil ones.

Yes, we'll figure it out. Medieval theologians would be aghast at our tortured logic and dumbfounded by our devotion to the oxymoron called "true fiction."


Actually we "could" have multiple pairs of Heroes & Heroines --

Zach & Gail on Darius
Victor & Thandi on Mesa
Faith & James and Raul & Katherine growing up
Helen & Paulo

with plot segments jumping every other chapter -- imagine the fun of keeping the plot threads straight !!!

-- Stewart

In a sense all of those serving could be said to be heroes or heroines. That leaves out the kids and probably Zach and Gail.

But Zach and Gail are on Darius. That's useful. But Anton and Victor are a pair as well...and work well together. Of course, they don't romance together.

Let's leave off the shipping for a while.
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by dvdscar   » Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:07 pm

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dvdscar wrote:From Eric Flint's Facebook page today:


If anyone wonders what I've been doing lately, I've been plotting. No. no, not plotting to overthrow the government. I admit the thought has occurred to me. The problem is that I can't find the government.

No, I've been plotting in the scribbler's sense of the term. It's a fancy way of saying I've been spinning a lot of lies in my head ("Once upon a time" -- no, it never happened -- "and they lived happily ever after" -- what a laugh) that will soon be put on paper and eventually sold to the gullible public.

A LOT of plots. The big and nasty one is plotting with David Weber on how to advance -- using the term oh so very loosely -- the happenings in the Honorverse. We've finally got it to the point where I can do a rough draft of a complete plot outline. Mirabile dictu!

(skip extraneous material)

And... that's it for the moment. As soon as I finish the (hopefully) final draft of the plot outline for the Honorverse novel and David approves of it, I will start scribbling again. But probably not until I get back from the Superstars Writers Seminar which I teach every February in Colorado Springs.

(Yes, we decided it was a good idea to hold a four-day seminar in Colorado Springs early in February. Don't ask.)

Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by stewart   » Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:55 pm

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dvdscar wrote:
dvdscar wrote:From Eric Flint's Facebook page today:


(Yes, we decided it was a good idea to hold a four-day seminar in Colorado Springs early in February. Don't ask.)


Been in Denver (actually Aurora/Lowrey AFB) in Jan/Feb; Unless you are inside all the time, or are engaged in skiing, it is a bit chilly.
Similar to Idaho Falls or Bremerton in winter....

-- Stewart
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:37 pm

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stewart wrote:
Actually we "could" have multiple pairs of Heroes & Heroines --

Zach & Gail on Darius
Victor & Thandi on Mesa
Faith & James and Raul & Katherine growing up
Helen & Paulo

with plot segments jumping every other chapter -- imagine the fun of keeping the plot threads straight !!!

-- Stewart

One more: Mike Henke (Gold Peak) & Lester Tourville
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by killer   » Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:05 pm


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Don't forget Plays with fire and firewatch . They are on Mesa now.

:) :D
ThinksMarkedly wrote:
stewart wrote:
Actually we "could" have multiple pairs of Heroes & Heroines --

Zach & Gail on Darius
Victor & Thandi on Mesa
Faith & James and Raul & Katherine growing up
Helen & Paulo

with plot segments jumping every other chapter -- imagine the fun of keeping the plot threads straight !!!

-- Stewart

One more: Mike Henke (Gold Peak) & Lester Tourville
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:30 am

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killer wrote:Don't forget Plays with fire and firewatch . They are on Mesa now.

They do and I'm not forgetting them. I actually think they'll feature prominently in whatever story happens in Mesa.

But they aren't "hero and heroine". Pretty sure that pair is going to be Victor and Thandi. I just don't know how that story can be told when there are a dozens squadrons of SD(P)s from Tenth and Second Fleets in orbit and not talk about their commanding officers and Tourville's treecat. Though since Mesa has surrendered, they may leave just a couple of squadrons and go hunting elsewhere, a story to be told in the next Saganami book.
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by Fox2!   » Sun Aug 18, 2019 9:08 pm


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stewart wrote:Helen & Paulo

-- Stewart

Depending on how far down the timeline we eventually get, Helen and Paulo's children, either as classmates of Honor and Hamish's and Emily's children (or Honor's younger siblings) or with a couple of years gap, as Snotties with Raoul as their Training Officer.
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:02 pm

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Fox2! wrote:
stewart wrote:Helen & Paulo

-- Stewart

Depending on how far down the timeline we eventually get, Helen and Paulo's children, either as classmates of Honor and Hamish's and Emily's children (or Honor's younger siblings) or with a couple of years gap, as Snotties with Raoul as their Training Officer.

Why do a lot of people think we're skipping ahead in the timeline? I understand this was the objective before Crown of Slaves, but since the Manpower/Mesan conflict was broght forward (and Honor didn't die at the end of AAC), is that still true?
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by Theemile   » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:46 am

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:
Why do a lot of people think we're skipping ahead in the timeline? I understand this was the objective before Crown of Slaves, but since the Manpower/Mesan conflict was broght forward (and Honor didn't die at the end of AAC), is that still true?

David has mentioned a couple of times that "UH" was the end of Honor's story. Not that she is dead, but that she will be a background character, slightly to the left of the spotlight, for the rest of the Honorverse novels.

The original plan was for a time jump after her death, and for her children to "take the mantle" for the story against the MAlign.

So we take the fact that 1) the Leonard Detweilers, the MAlign's class of advanced Podlaying SDs is only 1/2 way through construction, or less, (so 3-4 years from use, or more), 2) The SLN has been beaten, and shamed, causing the withdraw of Frontier Fleet to Solarian Space from the Verge and the protectorates, and 3) Honor's "Retirement", That we will see a skip ahead. Either that or we will see a story mostly set in politics, with little action.

Even a short time jump, like 5 years, is probable. Say it starts with Henke, still orbiting Mesa, 5 years later, walking briskly to the flag bridge to deal with the latest "disturbance" on Mesa - reminiscing as she walks about the difficulties of the last 5 years - and the things that were not so "bad".. (Ahem: Lester).

Switch to Firebrand - playing overwatch with his Cat while a young Indiana Graham meets yet another shadowy figure who used to have big time connections with certain trans-stellars. A mental review of everything that has gone sideways and how they got to "here" while he listens to the bugs at the meet site.

Cut to Abigale, now the 1st officer on a Burlinko CA (Grayson version of the Sag-C) on a routine patrol of a system between Grayson and the Solarian league with a young Katherine Mayhew as a freshly minted Ensign, and a Manticore Loaner named Zilwiki as her TAC officer. The sensors get a wiff of that Pirate they have been hunting - an old Silesian DD that somehow made it's way south of Manticore and Grayson, and has been picking that the edges of the verge systems in the area. Making sure the Stealth systems are maximized, they follow their prey...

I think something like that would be much more interesting than watching endless hours of Beowulf and Hypathian representatives rail against the SL in the Chamber of Stars while the chamber attempts to make a new constitution that follows the GA's wishes.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Sequel to Cauldron of Ghosts - sort of spoilers, maybe
Post by tlb   » Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:14 am

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Theemile wrote:Switch to Firebrand - playing overwatch with his Cat while a young Indiana Graham meets yet another shadowy figure who used to have big time connections with certain trans-stellars. A mental review of everything that has gone sideways and how they got to "here" while he listens to the bugs at the meet site.

A minor dissent, I think Indiana will have enough work getting his planet into shape and being part of the heroes of that revolution will make him too prominent to engage in clandestine activities.

Meanwhile I expect Harahap and cat to be partnered with Zilwicki and Cachet in ferreting out the Onion, as we last saw them together.

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