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Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.

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Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:27 am


gcomeau wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:Nope.

Your bigotry is getting the best of you, again.

Trump is merely suggesting that the deplorable conditions of Omar's home district raises serious questions about her credibility.

You are trying to completely rewrite the words he spoke because you can't defend them as actually spoken but you so desperately need to defend him anyway. So you are just making up something else, claiming he said THAT, then defending your work of fiction.

He didn't say districts.


And the reason he said it is that he's a racist piece of shit.


Let us talk about their "home countries" with the understanding that not all of them are first generation imigrants. Their home countries are third world shit holes. The immigrant communities that these women represent refuse to assimilate with America and cling to the same cultural traditions that made their countries Third World shitholes. In spite of this reality, these women denigrate America and vow to transform America, using the third world shitholes that they immigrated from as a template.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by The E   » Wed Jul 17, 2019 1:43 am

The E

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They're full US citizens, just like you. If their "home countries" are third world shitholes, then your country is a third world shithole.

Also, you have a President who ran on "America is shit", and you didn't live a finger. Bit hypocritical of you to condemn these representatives for thinking that the US isn't doing as well as it could be for them and the people who elected them, isn't it?
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Wed Jul 17, 2019 3:11 am


Shifting and expanding the Overton Window. ... to-normal/
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by Daryl   » Wed Jul 17, 2019 7:48 am

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Location: Queensland Australia

Wow, thanks for that. I thought that I had seen more than most of the world and its citizens, but never envisaged that significant numbers of people actually thought like that, and believed that crap.
From that page it appears that Trump is still insisting that these women return to countries that their ancestors left many years ago?
We do sometimes get a shadow of this here, when some hard core rightist creep insists that people are being unpatriotic, because they don't buy into his particular vision of what the country should be. Somehow Democracy 1.01 didn't take in their upbringing.
Fly, if you thought that would win your argument you are quite mistaken. If your intention was to outrage, it failed, as you can only be outraged by people whom you don't laugh at.

TFLYTSNBN wrote:Shifting and expanding the Overton Window. ... to-normal/
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:33 pm


Daryl wrote:Wow, thanks for that. I thought that I had seen more than most of the world and its citizens, but never envisaged that significant numbers of people actually thought like that, and believed that crap.
From that page it appears that Trump is still insisting that these women return to countries that their ancestors left many years ago?
We do sometimes get a shadow of this here, when some hard core rightist creep insists that people are being unpatriotic, because they don't buy into his particular vision of what the country should be. Somehow Democracy 1.01 didn't take in their upbringing.
Fly, if you thought that would win your argument you are quite mistaken. If your intention was to outrage, it failed, as you can only be outraged by people whom you don't laugh at.

TFLYTSNBN wrote:Shifting and expanding the Overton Window. ... to-normal/

You truly are not paying attention plus you are dishonest. Less than a decade ago even the most liberal Democrats agreed with Republicans that the US should have control over its borders. (Unlike Australia, people from other countries can just walk to the US) During only the last few years the Overton Window has shifted so that various iterations of the open borders position have become the only politically correct positions. This is being driven by the liberal Democrat desire to have new, foreign born voters to give them political dominance over conservative Republicans.

Australia does have an aggressive policy to promote immigration. This is largely a reaction to the risk of invasion during WW2. Having an entire continent to defend with only a few million people to defend it is not tenable. Even now Australia has less than 1/10 the population of the US and the population compared to its neighbors has become even smaller. Aside from having a Navy and an Air Force to offset the population imbalance, Australia is seriously contemplating having its own nuclear arsenal. So much for Open Australian Borders.

Do not give me a bunch of crap about how Australia welcomes everyone from everywhere. You do not.

You ever hear of the White Australia Policy?

That policy has gradually been repealed but Australia still has some stringent criteria on age, education and skills for most immigrants. The vast majority of the immigrants to America would be rejected by Australia. In spite of the repeal of The White Australia Policy, the vast majority of Australia's immigrants come from either British Commonwealth or Western European countries. Unlike the vast majority of illegal immigrants to the US, immigrants to Australis already speak English, are college educated, and are still young enough to work high paying jobs and pay taxes before they retire. The Chinese educational refugees that you mentioned are by far the largest "non-white" immigrant group. I doubt that many of them agitate to make Australia like China. The other "non-white" immigrants to Australia from other countries are extremely small minorities that can not dominate your politics.

Your commentary on US immigration policy reeks of hypocrisy. Come back and lecture me about America's immigration policies after Australia welcomes about 2 million people from Indonesia who have barely a grade school education, can't speak English, and have no desire to assimilate.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by Daryl   » Thu Jul 18, 2019 6:31 am

Fleet Admiral

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Location: Queensland Australia

I can't actually find where I commented on US immigration policy on any of these threads. I did comment that it is stupid to tell people to go back to where they came from when they are already there.
Australia did have "The White Australia Policy" more than half a century ago, which we aren't proud of. It hasn't "gradually been repealed", but been gone totally for all that time.
Totally agree that sovereign countries should be able to control their borders, but also accept that no system is perfect. We have about 30,000 a year come in by plane on false papers and disappear.
As to country of origin "Immigrants from the top five countries of origin - the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan), Italy, and Vietnam - accounted for 45.1 percent of all of the foreign born in Australia.". We do try to get English speaking people but don't always succeed. Our Muslim population is 2.6% compared to about 1.1% in the US.
As an aside, Australia is a continent, but the actual arable land area isn't as big as may be imagined, being confined to near the coast in many cases. There is serious discussion that our 25M population is already stretching our water supplies.
Trump is the reason that we are mildly considering gaining our own nuclear weapon capabilities, as we know that we can't depend on the US while he is President.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by smr   » Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:52 am

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smr wrote:
Why would Trump come to the defense of Nancy Pelosi while the Demoncrats are imploding and turning cannibalistic on their fellow Democrats?

So why would Trump posting those tweets?

He knew the media would hyper inflate and distort the situation. This issue relates to 2020 election. Trump wants the 4 freshmen Congresswomen to be the standard bearers for the Democrat Party. He wants to break the Unity of the Democratic party. Everyday they spend on attacking Trump and ignoring what the America public wants, that works in the Republican Party. Trump's true goal is win the House and Senate. Trump should win the Presidency in a electoral landslide.

The key for the Republicans is to carry the Independents and have them vote Republican for Senate and the House Seats. If Trump can point to the Demoncrats as the standard bearers for the Democratic Party that works in the Republican favor. Can Trump pull off this strategy? We will see.

Nah, I doubt that he is cunning & treacherous enough for such kind of strategy.

- Who would won in battle between strawman Liberal-Democrat and strawman Conservative-Republican?
- Scarecrow from Oz; he was strawman before it became political.

P.S. - And he have Russian twin, to watch his back)

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The Parliamentarian of the House seems to agree with me that Trump is playing the Demoncrats as well as the Democrats in the House. Now, some of the political pundits on both sides on TV, Radio, and Internet are saying the same premise that I speculated on.

Switching Gears have Gcomeau and the Ostrich Fuhrer aka TheE tried on their black uniforms of Antifa. Have you beaten any helpless victims or reporters lately? Or are you just the Internet Contingent of Antifa? Or are you just temporary allies until you attain power and fulfill your ideological goals. The tactics being used by the Big Demoncrats and Antifa reminds me of the black shirts and the brown shirts of German Socialist Workers.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:11 am


Posts: 2747
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gcomeau wrote:You are trying to completely rewrite the words he spoke because you can't defend them as actually spoken but you so desperately need to defend him anyway. So you are just making up something else, claiming he said THAT, then defending your work of fiction.

He didn't say districts.


And the reason he said it is that he's a racist piece of shit.


Let us talk about their "home countries" with the understanding that not all of them are first generation imigrants.

And by "not all of them" you mean "all but one of them".

And that one is a US citizen too. So it doesn't even fucking matter.

So your BS about districts gets called and instead of just admitting error and saying "ok, so Trump is a giant racist" you instead decide that your fallback is to try to figure out a new justification for blatant racism.

Do you own a mirror to look at yourself in?

Their home countries are third world shit holes.

AOC's "home country" is the fucking United States.

Ayanna Pressley's "home country" is the fucking United States.

Rashida Tlaib's "home country" is the fucking United States.

And Ilhan Omar's "home country" became the fucking United States when she was sworn in as a goddamn citizen.

The SECOND you go to this "where did their ancestors come from THAT is their home country" argument you've openly embraced the same racist bile Trump is spewing, not that that's shocking to anyone here of course.

The immigrant communities that these women represent refuse to assimilate with America and cling to the same cultural traditions that made their countries Third World shitholes. In spite of this reality, these women denigrate America and vow to transform America, using the third world shitholes that they immigrated from as a template.

So... you think AOC's ancestors immigrated here from that third world shithole... NORWAY?

Because that's what the progressive Democrats are using as their economic model. The Nordic Social Democracies.

Orrrr.... you remain absolutely and completely full of crap in your desperate attempt to make excuses for a racist piece of shit that you viscerally need to come to the defense of no matter what contemptible things he does.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by noblehunter   » Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:53 am

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Posts: 385
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If Trump said tomorrow, "N****** b****** should stop telling me what to do," certain people would say, "Trump was actually expressing solidarity with black rap and hip hop musicians and their frustration with opinionated women. You're the real racist for condemning Trump's attempt to reach out to a black community."
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Jul 18, 2019 2:01 pm


Daryl wrote:I can't actually find where I commented on US immigration policy on any of these threads. I did comment that it is stupid to tell people to go back to where they came from when they are already there.
Australia did have "The White Australia Policy" more than half a century ago, which we aren't proud of. It hasn't "gradually been repealed", but been gone totally for all that time.
Totally agree that sovereign countries should be able to control their borders, but also accept that no system is perfect. We have about 30,000 a year come in by plane on false papers and disappear.
As to country of origin "Immigrants from the top five countries of origin - the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China (excluding Hong Kong and Taiwan), Italy, and Vietnam - accounted for 45.1 percent of all of the foreign born in Australia.". We do try to get English speaking people but don't always succeed. Our Muslim population is 2.6% compared to about 1.1% in the US.
As an aside, Australia is a continent, but the actual arable land area isn't as big as may be imagined, being confined to near the coast in many cases. There is serious discussion that our 25M population is already stretching our water supplies.
Trump is the reason that we are mildly considering gaining our own nuclear weapon capabilities, as we know that we can't depend on the US while he is President.

In the heat of debate, I might have confused other people's comments on immigration as yours. For that I apologise.

As you say, the "white Australia" laws were repealed over half a century ago. However; your very reasonable policies about education and age of immigrants tends to perpetuate the Caucasian predominance of your population.

Just to put the US immigration debate in perspective, imagine how Australians would feel if they were getting 600,000 illegal immigrants per year rather than 30,000 and none of them were even bothering to get a Visa?

Of course illegal immigration is not so offensive to conservatives such as myself if the immigrants were expressing an unambiguous alliegence to America rather than their home countries. During the last big immigration surge to America about a century ago, the immigrants very proudly waived AMERICAN flags as their ship was docking, not Italian, Swiss, German, Greek, Polish or Norwegian flags. Hell, even those backwards, rude immigrants from Sweden were waiving American flags. (My wife is of Swedish ancestry. Her great, great grandfather who was merely a child was deported along with his mother until health issues were resolved.). Our illegal immigrants from Latin America and their progeny are waiving flags from their home countries while they burn the American flag.

As for Australia and nukes, consider what you just wrote. Is Australia contemplating aquiring a nuclear arsenal because they fear they need to deter Trump from invading or nuking Australia? Nope. Australia is contemplating aquiring nukes because they fear that President Trump will not commit conventional forces much less use nukes to defend Australia from invasion or nuclear attack.

Given the fact that any use of nuclear weapons anywhere by the US is likely to provoke some level of nuclear retaliation against the US, why should America use nukes to defend Australia?

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