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Knives, Knives, Knives

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Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Wed Mar 13, 2019 5:13 pm


The E wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:You just pissed off because your wife admitted that I encounterer her during my European insemination tour.

Nah. Just curious why you'd be so willing to admit to being a pedophile.

See, the thing is, you're trying to insult me personally -- but because I am better at this whole information security thing than you, you only have a very limited set of information to work with, causing these insults of yours to fail quite spectacularly.

You are incredibly easy to troll. You're so used to not being listened to that you cling to every bit of attention you get, even if it's just me telling you how badly you fail at research. You've driven your believability so far into the ground that literally noone takes you seriously; As far as I can tell, you are incapable of having a positive exchange on the internet unless you are deep inside an echo chamber. When you go anywhere else, you have to fall back on a limited set of stories whenever you're cornered: the judge story or your past (very definitely real and not at all made up) martial and sexual exploits or how the west is doomed because people with other opinions exist, you make comments befitting a 12-year-old who's managed to look at porn on the internet without his mom knowing; You get off on being told off, because it validates everything you believe about yourself: That you are the only "real" person, the only guy in the room who's a "real man", who speaks the "truth" to the unbelievers.

You're incapable of introspection and reflection. You're too proud to admit you're wrong; You're too illiterate to respond to criticism of your ideas and sources, too bigoted and too hypocritical to ever learn anything from anyone.

As I said in the other thread: You're a sad, pathetic old man, and I pity you.

I had no idea that "information security" was such a big issue. Given a court order, your screen name will not prevent your true name and other personal information from being revealed.

That comment about encountering your wife during the TFLYTSNBN 1984 European insemination tour was obviously a humorous insult that was offerred without any specific or certain information about your gender much less your age, marrital status or your wife's age. You just provided considerable information to me.

Yes, I am pissed off about my marijunna bootlegging tenant getting away with shooting a 12 gauge shotgun at my son. I have a perfect right to be angry when the idiot judge and the jury accepted the Elmer Fudd defense. I also have a perfect right to be angry that the State of Oregon established the OMMP regulatory regime that enables that agency to issue permits to commit Federal crimes on another person's property without the land owner's knowledge or consent. Even worse, the OMMP had a policy to not confirm or deny issuance of such permits without a court order and confirmation by the Attorney General with a 30 day waiting period. This enabled my tenants to perjure themselves by claiming that the grow was legal when later discovery confirmed that it was illegal even under Oregon law.

Judge Ladd Wiles' status as Amanda Marshall's cuckold can be confirmed by Googling "Amanda Marshall, Oregon, attorney". Interestingly, as much as Ms Marshall's persecution of the Hammond family angers me, she did have the integrity to prosecute some marijunna bootleggers with an operation very similar to my tenant's.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by The E   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:16 am

The E

Posts: 2683
Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 1:28 pm
Location: Meerbusch, Germany

TFLYTSNBN wrote:I had no idea that "information security" was such a big issue. Given a court order, your screen name will not prevent your true name and other personal information from being revealed.

As I said before, my real name is relatively easy to find, assuming you can get past the minor issue of my chosen pseudonym on the internet being literally impossible to Google.

Also, unlike you, I don't break out into scripted rants that you can use in lieu of looking for names.

(Oh, and getting a court order would presumably involve me doing something online that would result in civil or criminal charges. I don't see that happening, but feel free to spend money disproving me)

That comment about encountering your wife during the TFLYTSNBN 1984 European insemination tour was obviously a humorous insult that was offerred without any specific or certain information about your gender much less your age, marrital status or your wife's age. You just provided considerable information to me.

Nothing I haven't disclosed here or elsewhere already, or that would reasonably serve as information that can be used to positively identify me.

Yes, I am pissed off about my marijunna bootlegging tenant getting away with shooting a 12 gauge shotgun at my son.

Your impotent rage is funny to me.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by smr   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:06 am

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Barfly, you know when theE starts mocking a person he's losing the fight(s). Expect more personal attacks just remember he's a communist in Germany. I guarantee he does not share that truth with his neighbors or he is ostracized hermit living apart from his fellow Germans. Guten Tag TheE!
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:47 pm


smr wrote:Barfly, you know when theE starts mocking a person he's losing the fight(s). Expect more personal attacks just remember he's a communist in Germany. I guarantee he does not share that truth with his neighbors or he is ostracized hermit living apart from his fellow Germans. Guten Tag TheE!

I noticed that The E claims to be from Bielefeld Germany which is in the former West Germany so perhaps he was not raised a communist? Then again, lots people raised in capitalists countries continue to insist that communism has not worked because it just hasnt been implemented properely. They want to give it another try. Most people from formerly comunist countries disagree. Perhaps we should educate Senator Cortez by deporting her to Venezula?

If The E's statement alluding to his wife's age is truthful, she would now be in her forties. I imagine that she resembles Angela Merkel, but without her formidiable arsenal of Weapons of Mass Distraction.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by The E   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 4:32 pm

The E

Posts: 2683
Joined: Tue May 07, 2013 1:28 pm
Location: Meerbusch, Germany

TFLYTSNBN wrote:I noticed that The E claims to be from Bielefeld Germany which is in the former West Germany so perhaps he was not raised a communist?

No, I claim to be living there now.

Then again, lots people raised in capitalists countries continue to insist that communism has not worked because it just hasnt been implemented properely. They want to give it another try. Most people from formerly comunist countries disagree.

See, you americans definitely don't know what communism is. You can't even conceive the notion that modern communists like me have watched soviet, chinese or latin american communism and drawn our lessons from the failures of those adventures.

If The E's statement alluding to his wife's age is truthful, she would now be in her forties. I imagine that she resembles Angela Merkel, but without her formidiable arsenal of Weapons of Mass Distraction.

You really are terrible at this whole trolling thing, aren't you.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:19 pm


The E wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:I noticed that The E claims to be from Bielefeld Germany which is in the former West Germany so perhaps he was not raised a communist?

No, I claim to be living there now.

Then again, lots people raised in capitalists countries continue to insist that communism has not worked because it just hasnt been implemented properely. They want to give it another try. Most people from formerly comunist countries disagree.

See, you americans definitely don't know what communism is. You can't even conceive the notion that modern communists like me have watched soviet, chinese or latin american communism and drawn our lessons from the failures of those adventures.

If The E's statement alluding to his wife's age is truthful, she would now be in her forties. I imagine that she resembles Angela Merkel, but without her formidiable arsenal of Weapons of Mass Distraction.

You really are terrible at this whole trolling thing, aren't you.

We American conservatives have seen communism fail so many times that it is obvious to us that anyone who presumes that they have learned from these disasters and can make it work has shit for brains.

I can not see how it is Trolling for me to redicule a butt hurt little bitch German who dwells on the forum of an American Science Fiction author to redicule conservative Americans.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by Annachie   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:03 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3099
Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:36 pm


One problem with that.

As an American conservative, you watch communism fail, and then assume that socialism is the same.

But miss the basic reason for that failure.

When you take ownership/control away from the people corruption runs rife.

Marx saw the government taking control as the second step. That the government would then remove itself from the equation. He forgot to take human corruptability into account.

But, as a conservative, you fail to see the same lack of ownership/control happening in a capitalist country like your own. (And mine)
Ownership/control goes away, corruption ensues.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by Joat42   » Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:00 pm


Posts: 2149
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Location: Sweden

TFLYTSNBN wrote:..snip..
We American conservatives have seen communism fail so many times that it is obvious to us that anyone who presumes that they have learned from these disasters and can make it work has shit for brains.

TFLYTSNBN wrote:I can not see how it is Trolling for me to redicule a butt hurt little bitch German who dwells on the forum of an American Science Fiction author to redicule conservative Americans.

From the language you regularly use I can only come to the conclusion that you are a male chauvinist of the first degree, which makes me think all your talk about all the women you "bedded" is just bluster with no substance. Only assholes brag about conquests to prop up their fragile male ego.

Also, if you feel that "foreigners" shouldn't be on this forum - perhaps you should PM Duckk and rfc suggesting that they boot us.

Further, it's quite easy to ridicule some conservatives because in many instances they can't be arsed to get their facts right or think things through to their conclusion.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by isaac_newton   » Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:34 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1182
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:37 am
Location: Brighton, UK

We American conservatives have seen communism fail so many times that it is obvious to us that anyone who presumes that they have learned from these disasters and can make it work has shit for brains.

I can not see how it is Trolling for me to redicule a butt hurt little bitch German who dwells on the forum of an American Science Fiction author to redicule conservative Americans.

ridicule - not redicule - for a start...

As we have pointed out before, this forum does not have a 'Americans only' sign at the door. Indeed, if you were to read any of RFC's books, you not would see any jingoistic attitudes of that type!

The forum does however have rules about personal abuse...
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by Dilandu   » Fri Mar 15, 2019 8:03 am


Posts: 2536
Joined: Sat May 07, 2011 1:44 pm
Location: Russia

We American conservatives have seen communism fail so many times that it is obvious to us that anyone who presumes that they have learned from these disasters and can make it work has shit for brains.

Please show me any place where COMMUNISM - not mere socialism! - were actually created.

As we, Russian sci-fi fans often say in such situation: "Grab this spy from parallel world!" :D

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)

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