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New Book in this series

Fans of Colin Maclntyre and the great starship Dahak should take a minute to stop in here for discussions about one of David's best-loved series.
New Book in this series
Post by Chris 55   » Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:53 pm

Chris 55

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David, PLEASE!!! write another book in this series soon!!! I really like this. would enjoy reading the next book. You left the older twins twisting in the wind. Sean was made governor of that planet. You never explained how he managed to beat back the Church and it's armies. I would like to see them reunited with their parents, and what other trouble they get them selves into. maybe go after the Achuultani's main computer?
Re: New Book in this series
Post by MrZero   » Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:40 am

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uhg, no answers? I'll give a try.
Heirs of Empire is listed as on the shelves February 1996. In the here and nows, Weber has to finish the last Safehold books, a few Honor Harrington or Honor side-series, and probably some other smaller things we simply don't know about. All before he could ever (by publishing contract, no less) get around to banging out a Dahak novel. Plus the suggested delay of actually sitting down and reading the three Dahak books to see what all that was. Perhaps you (Chris55) can while away the time with the Safehold series, which has an amusingly similar framework, though a different plot setup and a vastly larger page count.
While we don't know just where on the map they are, the planet Pardal is traceable in a thataway manner. The exact location escapes me at the moment, but Pardal was off the beaten path, on a curving right angle between Earth and (err, somewhere) since the ship took a detour to unsurveyed space. Presumably away from the Aultuchanni. Pardal was part of the 4th Empire's bio-plauge troubles and we don't know what sort of crazy shenanigans, superdeath, and sheer panic went on in that galactic neighborhood 44 thousand years ago. Aught to lead to some interesting expiration-date cans.
It was explained in the last chapters how Angel's Army managed to beat back the Church and it's armies, mostly due to the Church running out of people to send as the AA began within cross-country-level walking distance. Yes, any next book does need a few chapters of the last of the Temple Battle and it's aftermath. Most of the AA's core and earliest troops were wiped out there. We don't even know if the main Inner Circle survives, like the head priest, though Sean did kill one, Surak, with a headshot. Webber's always had a thing for Fun With Names. :) And Brashan still had the airplanes waiting to rain down fire with.
Strategically, Pardal is worthless and offers nothing that the 5th Empire didn't already have or have better of. But it was another planet with a living biosphere (the old bioweapon would kill everything, and leave the place to rot, full-extinct) and I'm sure that there would be all sorts of interesting archeology to go on there. And flora and fauna, (but please no treecats!) Nothing to advance the anti Achuultani plot though. The Ach would have to send out a new Horde, since the Earthlings managed to wipe out the last one. We don't know what the Ach's Mad AI is up to and the 5thE needs as much delaying time as it can get so they aren't going to go look. Of course, the lost heirs are going to get reunited with their parents. (aught to lead to some interesting arguing with Dahak-locked doors. Security, after all.) The post-Mr-X security would tie itself into knots if Emperor Colin received so much as a postcard, let alone weird Pardalian trinkets. Sean and Harry and co might just bring home some interesting (strategically worthless) souvenirs. Hopefully something Moroccan (or Bradbury-Martian). Where do you display 44,000 year old glass sculptures? Or 44,000 year old wine! The 5th Empire is still deep in it's textbooks- it's hard to raise up a found medieval planet when you're still unsure (and unfinished!) of what level of technology you are yourself! I would hope that Pardal doesn't become a near-Grayson or Torch. Keeping the medieval culture should be their challenge- different series, different directions, different ways the story has to stretch. Just send some of the population off to be wizards and put more sausages on the cook-fire. Despite the last gasps of the Anubis Conspiracies being defeated, off in space there's more threats then the Achuultani, and the bio-weapon. They wouldn't stand up to a few hundred planetoids, though. But it aught to make for some interesting first contacts.
Re: New Book in this series
Post by Chris 55   » Fri Jun 08, 2018 8:17 am

Chris 55

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Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2018 1:31 pm

Thank you I have read everything that David has put out in any series on this webpage.
Re: New Book in this series
Post by Elle   » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:41 pm


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I too would love to have a (or several) new book in this series.

Any idea how Mr. Weber feels about other authors writing in his series? I know there are other authors writing books in the Honorverse but not sure about other series.

Might be something to consider...if anyone else would be interested in writing something for this universe of course.
Re: New Book in this series
Post by McGuiness   » Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:39 pm

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Elle wrote:I too would love to have a (or several) new book in this series.

Any idea how Mr. Weber feels about other authors writing in his series? I know there are other authors writing books in the Honorverse but not sure about other series.

Might be something to consider...if anyone else would be interested in writing something for this universe of course.
That would require a professional author with several science fiction novels under his belt. Steve White for example, who helped write the "Stars at War" series, which were the books that hooked me on RFC. The first book of his I ever read was "The Shiva Option," which was actually the 2nd book of the bug war. I got my local library to buy "Insurrection" and read the war backwards, but oh boy, those two books are SF warfare at its spine tingling finest!

Eric Flint co-writes with so many authors that his product is vastly diluted. I LOVE the 1632 main plot novels that he writes himself (One is on the way!) but the others, pretty blah and way too heavy on history and short on scheming, swordplay and skullduggery. Since we have Eric to thank for Honor Harrington not dying in the Battle of Manticore in War of Honor, I'll keep reading his co-authored stuff. But in his last book written with RFC "Cauldron of Ghosts" which covered the ground war on Mesa, I could literally tell which chapters each of them wrote.

Joelle Presby stepped in for Linda Evans in the Hell's Gate series (Linda Evans was in poor health) and did an admirable job.

A long list of authors have contributed to the "Worlds of Honor" short story anthologies, so one of them would be a likely choice IF Baen and RFC decided that it would be worth it to spend the time and money necessary. Please keep in mind that RFC is getting up there in years, that he had a recent health scare (basically he nearly worked himself to death) and he's cutting down to a couple of novels per year rather than the 3 or 4 he was writing.

Since Baen would undoubtedly be the publisher of any new novels in this series and RFC could hand most of it off to Timothy Zahn or someone similar, I can see it getting done. HOWEVER I would vastly prefer that RFC concentrate on Safehold first and wrapping up the Honor Harrington series second. Anything else that he writes is pretty much for fun and to give him a break from those two series. (Like the Bahzell books.) We Safehold addicts want the entire series NOW, and it probably has half a dozen books to go - at least. Whether RFC has enough productive years left in him to finish the series without doing a Robert Jordan on us is debatable.

And whether I have enough years left in me to still be around for the final Safehold book is even less likely. So I hope he writes fast and doesn't get too distracted by other series - like this one. Selfish of me I know. Sorry! ;)

"Oh bother", said Pooh as he glanced through the airlock window at the helmet he'd forgotten to wear.
Re: New Book in this series
Post by EdThomas   » Mon Feb 11, 2019 1:26 am

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I have to join in support of McGuinness' thoughts on limiting RFC's efforts to really important stuff like Honorverse and Safehold. If he chooses to play around with diversions from these I would hope he might devote a goodly portion of his time to collaborating with Eric Flint in the 1632 space.
Re: New Book in this series
Post by AineSabine   » Tue Jul 23, 2019 5:03 pm


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In reality, Safehold is a more filled out version of Pardal. That being said, I read HH:OBS then Mutineers Moon. Loved them both but prefer the Dahak series. It is what hooked me on DW. Then I "finished" HH to then current and went from there. I've always held out hope for more of the Dahak series and continue to. But it's been so long, I sometimes think DW has forgotten that there are fans who want more in other universe's he has created.

Re: New Book in this series
Post by Louis R   » Wed Jul 24, 2019 10:12 pm

Louis R
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AAMOF, Pardal is a slimmed-down Safehold: Himself had no expectation that Safehold would ever see print, so he recycled the basic idea into Heirs of Empire.

And no, he hasn't forgotten about the fans of other series. However, writing for publication is a business as well as an art - and one he lives from. The cruel fact is that there simply aren't _enough_ fans clamouring for more Dahak to lead Baen to offer a contract for that rather than more Honorverse. Even with Bahzell there was only barely enough demand to bring WRO out of the shadows and restart that series. With enormous gaps as it is.

Every fan thinks his preferred series is the only one that really matters, and some are excessively vocal about it. In the end, though, it comes down to the cold equations: you put most of your time where most of the cash is.

AineSabine wrote:In reality, Safehold is a more filled out version of Pardal. That being said, I read HH:OBS then Mutineers Moon. Loved them both but prefer the Dahak series. It is what hooked me on DW. Then I "finished" HH to then current and went from there. I've always held out hope for more of the Dahak series and continue to. But it's been so long, I sometimes think DW has forgotten that there are fans who want more in other universe's he has created.

Re: New Book in this series
Post by Mycall4me   » Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:49 pm


Posts: 225
Joined: Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:07 pm

Just a stupid nit pick, .Honor was slated to die in At All Costs, NOT War Of Honor. Don't you all hate people who not pick? Sorry about that
Re: New Book in this series
Post by Rod   » Sat Jul 04, 2020 6:01 pm

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Louis R wrote:AAMOF, Pardal is a slimmed-down Safehold: Himself had no expectation that Safehold would ever see print, so he recycled the basic idea into Heirs of Empire.

And no, he hasn't forgotten about the fans of other series. However, writing for publication is a business as well as an art - and one he lives from. The cruel fact is that there simply aren't _enough_ fans clamouring for more Dahak to lead Baen to offer a contract for that rather than more Honorverse. Even with Bahzell there was only barely enough demand to bring WRO out of the shadows and restart that series. With enormous gaps as it is.

Every fan thinks his preferred series is the only one that really matters, and some are excessively vocal about it. In the end, though, it comes down to the cold equations: you put most of your time where most of the cash is.

AineSabine wrote:In reality, Safehold is a more filled out version of Pardal. That being said, I read HH:OBS then Mutineers Moon. Loved them both but prefer the Dahak series. It is what hooked me on DW. Then I "finished" HH to then current and went from there. I've always held out hope for more of the Dahak series and continue to. But it's been so long, I sometimes think DW has forgotten that there are fans who want more in other universe's he has created.


I see two options! I need to hit the Lotto, then I'll fund it!!
Or We need to do a Go Fund Me Page with a $500,000.00 goal

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