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Some questions about portals

"Hell's Gate" and "Hell Hath No Fury", by David, Linda Evans, and Joelle Presby, take the clash of science and magic to a whole new dimension...join us in a friendly discussion of this engrossing series!
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by Bewildered   » Sun May 31, 2015 6:52 am

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Uh this is an ID universe not an evolved one :-P

Spirit wrote:Maybe it's somewhat of joke and that 4th non human race is cetacean descendant instead like sharona, arcana and we are from monkeys. That and since 4th race seems to be making portals intentionally along with above being truth could explain need for underwater portals.

Or it's a red haring and it better to say Nth sentient races wonted to see interaction between other sentient race.

That would be: arcana, sharona, multiple species of sharona's cetaceans and monkey's confirmed to be sentient it seems (since its mentioned that uninhabited universes wait on sentinent life to be shaped do this monkeys, whales and dolphins from sharona at least can change them?) and still unknown race.

But until book with this race its likely over thinking.
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by SCC   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:05 am


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Randallw wrote:In the second book when Shaylar's mother passes on what happened to her daughter to the cetaceans they are shocked and it is said that they will pass on to cetaceans in other universes what has happened, thus hinting that there are portals underwater that allow contact.

at least I think that's what happens, I haven't reread the books for a year or two so I may be wrong.

Um, what? Shalassar receives Shalyer's final transmission in Chapter 25, but she only finds out the whales etl got it at the same time in chapter 52, and even then all she gets from the dolphin is that they approve of the decision on governance
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by bkwormlisa   » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:42 pm


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There's been speculation on these boards that the cetaceans contacting those on other worlds was what that was all about, since apparently nobody can think of any other way they can help, but it wasn't in the books. We only wish it had been. We have absolutely no textev that underwater portals even exist, nor that the cetaceans actually want to help. They're happy Zindel will be emperor, but anything else is a guess.
SCC wrote:
Randallw wrote:In the second book when Shaylar's mother passes on what happened to her daughter to the cetaceans they are shocked and it is said that they will pass on to cetaceans in other universes what has happened, thus hinting that there are portals underwater that allow contact.

at least I think that's what happens, I haven't reread the books for a year or two so I may be wrong.

Um, what? Shalassar receives Shalyer's final transmission in Chapter 25, but she only finds out the whales etl got it at the same time in chapter 52, and even then all she gets from the dolphin is that they approve of the decision on governance
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by SCC   » Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:08 am


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bkwormlisa wrote:There's been speculation on these boards that the cetaceans contacting those on other worlds was what that was all about, since apparently nobody can think of any other way they can help, but it wasn't in the books. We only wish it had been. We have absolutely no textev that underwater portals even exist, nor that the cetaceans actually want to help. They're happy Zindel will be emperor, but anything else is a guess.

And the reason that these underwater portals have NEVER been detected by a Portal Hound?
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by brnicholas   » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:02 am

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One way the cetaceans can help without underwater portals would be as ambassadors. The Sharonans have the technology to move dolphins by rail. Put a few Sharonan dolphins in the sea in a universe and might be able to talk the local cetaceans into taking the Sharonan side. So far all the Arcanan ships we have seen are wooden. They likely will have problems if the great whales start deliberately attacking them.

As a second possibility dolphins could be very useful to the Sharonans in hunting Arcanan submarines.


bkwormlisa wrote:There's been speculation on these boards that the cetaceans contacting those on other worlds was what that was all about, since apparently nobody can think of any other way they can help, but it wasn't in the books. We only wish it had been. We have absolutely no textev that underwater portals even exist, nor that the cetaceans actually want to help. They're happy Zindel will be emperor, but anything else is a guess.
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by Astelon   » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:24 pm


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SCC wrote:And the reason that these underwater portals have NEVER been detected by a Portal Hound?

Water is very good at stopping energy, like radio transmissions and radiation. It could have been decided by the authors that water also blocks whatever signature a portal makes as well. If that signature, or energy, is blocked then neither a portal hound nor Magister Halythan's new detector would notice the portal. There would be nothing to sense or detect.

A better question to ask is "has Arcana found any submerged, or partially submerged portals?" If submerged portals occur then you are likely to find partially submerged portals.
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:56 pm

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Astelon wrote:
Water is very good at stopping energy, like radio transmissions and radiation. It could have been decided by the authors that water also blocks whatever signature a portal makes as well. If that signature, or energy, is blocked then neither a portal hound nor Magister Halythan's new detector would notice the portal. There would be nothing to sense or detect.

A better question to ask is "has Arcana found any submerged, or partially submerged portals?" If submerged portals occur then you are likely to find partially submerged portals.

Well there's the swamp portal at Hell's Gate. That at least shows that a certain amount of standing water doesn't prevent portal creation.

But that's different than a portal who's base doesn't touch ground at all. (For that matter we haven't seen any mid-air portals; and they'd be easier to spot than fully submerged ones). OTOH, if the only rule it the portal has to be partly embedded in ground that doesn't prevent underwater portals, it just limits them to the seabed. Although if you thought the pressure imbalance was interesting when a low altitude portal opened into high altitude terrain imagine if a deep ocean portal opened to even a shallow continental shelf :shock: :shock: That'd be some scary flow until the pressure equalized (with some really scary changes to those world's respective sea levels)
Re: Some questions about portals
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:44 am

Howard T. Map-addict
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They never looked?

There do not seem to be many Portal Hounds,
and they might not have been in the right place
(read: close enough) to notice an underwater portal.

OTOH, perhaps one or more *have* been found,
and we just haven't been told about them yet.
Worlds are big, there are many of them,
and we've seen only a few places on a few of them.


SCC wrote:And the reason that these underwater portals have NEVER been detected by a Portal Hound?

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