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Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.

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Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by Annachie   » Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:51 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3099
Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:36 pm

Turning is a strong word.

Walking that "pro GOP, not quite so pro-Trump" line.

Which is a change from earlier this year.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Jun 03, 2019 2:30 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm


Interviewer: Have you ever seen anything racist from Trump?

Kushner: Oh no! Never! They just started saying he was racist after he ran for president it's so unfair!

Interviewer: Was birtherism (that thing Trump was doing way before he ran for president) racist?

Kushner: I wasn't involved in that.

Interviewer. I know you weren't. Was it racist?

Kushner: I wasn't involved in that.

Interviewer: I KNOW YOU WEREN'T. Was it racist?

Kushner: I know Trump he's not racist!

Interviewer: Ok, Muslim Ban. Religiously bigoted?

Kushner: Trump did his campaign the way he did his campaign.

Interviewer: Ummm... yeah he did. Do you wish he hadn't done that?

Kushner: He's here today and he's doing great!

Kushner knows as well as anyone else Trump is a raging freaking racist. He tries claiming this all just started being a thing because of the campaign and there were no examples of Trump being racist before that. Then when confronted with an example of Trump's pre-election racism or his campaign bigotry the best he could do was say HE wasn't involved and refuse to address it then repeat how not racist he was sure Trump was.

(I'm sure smr is watching this thinking "What an amazing debater Kushner is. He sure owned that fake news reporter!")
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by smr   » Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:31 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Do you have any type of relevant information that is not propaganda. It amazes me that you have time for a real relationship with all that hatred in your soul. Take some time off and learn to paint a portrait or something but the give the hatred a rest. Trump is still going to be President for another 6 years. You should be contacting the Demoncrats within the House of Representatives to vote on Articles of Impeachment for Trump.

I love how you know that someone you never met is a racist.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Mon Jun 03, 2019 5:20 pm


gcomeau wrote:


Interviewer: Have you ever seen anything racist from Trump?

Kushner: Oh no! Never! They just started saying he was racist after he ran for president it's so unfair!

Interviewer: Was birtherism (that thing Trump was doing way before he ran for president) racist?

Kushner: I wasn't involved in that.

Interviewer. I know you weren't. Was it racist?

Kushner: I wasn't involved in that.

Interviewer: I KNOW YOU WEREN'T. Was it racist?

Kushner: I know Trump he's not racist!

Interviewer: Ok, Muslim Ban. Religiously bigoted?

Kushner: Trump did his campaign the way he did his campaign.

Interviewer: Ummm... yeah he did. Do you wish he hadn't done that?

Kushner: He's here today and he's doing great!

Kushner knows as well as anyone else Trump is a raging freaking racist. He tries claiming this all just started being a thing because of the campaign and there were no examples of Trump being racist before that. Then when confronted with an example of Trump's pre-election racism or his campaign bigotry the best he could do was say HE wasn't involved and refuse to address it then repeat how not racist he was sure Trump was.

(I'm sure smr is watching this thinking "What an amazing debater Kushner is. He sure owned that fake news reporter!")

If Barack Obama's putative father had been an American citizen, there would have been no "birther" movement. The irony is that Barack Obama's real biological father is probably Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed communist, pornographer and bisexual philanderer who the Obama mama posed nude for at or about the time that Obama was concieved. It appears that the marriage to Obama Sr was merely a mutual convienence to enable her to evade the scandal of an unwed pregnancy and enable him to evade deportation.

What "race" is Islam?
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:31 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

smr wrote:Do you have any type of relevant information that is not propaganda.

Explain what part of Jared Kushner giving an interview in which he flounders aimlessly totally unable to defend his claim that Trump isn't racist... is "propaganda", you clueless dumbass?
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by Daryl   » Tue Jun 04, 2019 2:21 am

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Posts: 3520
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Why slander a woman whom you have never met? What purpose do you have for doing that?
On Islam not being a race, we have that argument here, and it is technically true. However it is obvious that there are very few blonde Muslims, and the hate spewed against Muslims mirrors racist attitudes.

gcomeau wrote:


Interviewer: Have you ever seen anything racist from Trump?

Kushner: Oh no! Never! They just started saying he was racist after he ran for president it's so unfair!

Interviewer: Was birtherism (that thing Trump was doing way before he ran for president) racist?

Kushner: I wasn't involved in that.

Interviewer. I know you weren't. Was it racist?

Kushner: I wasn't involved in that.

Interviewer: I KNOW YOU WEREN'T. Was it racist?

Kushner: I know Trump he's not racist!

Interviewer: Ok, Muslim Ban. Religiously bigoted?

Kushner: Trump did his campaign the way he did his campaign.

Interviewer: Ummm... yeah he did. Do you wish he hadn't done that?

Kushner: He's here today and he's doing great!

Kushner knows as well as anyone else Trump is a raging freaking racist. He tries claiming this all just started being a thing because of the campaign and there were no examples of Trump being racist before that. Then when confronted with an example of Trump's pre-election racism or his campaign bigotry the best he could do was say HE wasn't involved and refuse to address it then repeat how not racist he was sure Trump was.

(I'm sure smr is watching this thinking "What an amazing debater Kushner is. He sure owned that fake news reporter!")

If Barack Obama's putative father had been an American citizen, there would have been no "birther" movement. The irony is that Barack Obama's real biological father is probably Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed communist, pornographer and bisexual philanderer who the Obama mama posed nude for at or about the time that Obama was concieved. It appears that the marriage to Obama Sr was merely a mutual convienence to enable her to evade the scandal of an unwed pregnancy and enable him to evade deportation.

What "race" is Islam?
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by Dilandu   » Tue Jun 04, 2019 5:49 am


Posts: 2536
Joined: Sat May 07, 2011 1:44 pm
Location: Russia

If Barack Obama's putative father had been an American citizen, there would have been no "birther" movement. The irony is that Barack Obama's real biological father is probably Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed communist, pornographer and bisexual philanderer who the Obama mama posed nude for at or about the time that Obama was concieved. It appears that the marriage to Obama Sr was merely a mutual convienence to enable her to evade the scandal of an unwed pregnancy and enable him to evade deportation.

...When Emperor Alexander the IIIrd of Russia was told by royal historian that his ancestor - Pavel the Ist - may be illegitimate child of Count Sergey Saltykov and NOT the son of Emperor Pyotr III from Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf dynasty, the Emperor crossed himself and exclaimed: "Thank God, this means I'm truly Russian!"

When later the same historian mentioned, that it is just a theory, and not well-supported by evidences, the Emperor once more crossed himself, and exclaimed: "Thank God, this means I'm truly legitimate!"

Frankly,TFLYTSNBN your commitment to yellow press rumors are just pathetic.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:19 am


Dilandu wrote:
If Barack Obama's putative father had been an American citizen, there would have been no "birther" movement. The irony is that Barack Obama's real biological father is probably Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed communist, pornographer and bisexual philanderer who the Obama mama posed nude for at or about the time that Obama was concieved. It appears that the marriage to Obama Sr was merely a mutual convienence to enable her to evade the scandal of an unwed pregnancy and enable him to evade deportation.

...When Emperor Alexander the IIIrd of Russia was told by royal historian that his ancestor - Pavel the Ist - may be illegitimate child of Count Sergey Saltykov and NOT the son of Emperor Pyotr III from Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf dynasty, the Emperor crossed himself and exclaimed: "Thank God, this means I'm truly Russian!"

When later the same historian mentioned, that it is just a theory, and not well-supported by evidences, the Emperor once more crossed himself, and exclaimed: "Thank God, this means I'm truly legitimate!"

Frankly,TFLYTSNBN your commitment to yellow press rumors are just pathetic.

It is hardly yellow journalism or rumor mongering. Obama's birth date and the Obama Mama's wedding date only a few weeks earlier are well established facts. Most Americans including myself do not consider "an eager young bride" to be so extremely scandalous that it would be an issue in the election. (Compare this to Allan Colmes making a big deal out of Gavernor Palin giving birth to her first child barely eight months after her wedding. There was also the Glen Rice "scandal", the purpose of which was to offend "racist conservatives" by suggesting that their heroine had been involved sexually with a black man. If true, then the fact that Sarah married Todd Palin the struggling fisherman rather than Glenn Rice the soon to be NBA player would prove that it is Todd rather than Glenn who God had blessed with a "womb shifter".)

What the author of DREAMS OF MY REAL FATHER did was actually investigate the situation to determine if the marriage to Obama Sr and the Obama mama was anything more than a marriage of convienance. He conclusively demonstrated that promptly after their wedding Obama Sr moved away. They never shared a residence.

The nude photos of the Obama Mama (with critical bits obscured because she was under age) leave no doubt that the nude photos are of the Obama Mama and that the nude photos were taken in Frank Marshall Davis' home which was near the Obama Mama's home.

Only a minor level of critical thinking is required to realize that the marriage of convienance is the most plausible scenario.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Jun 05, 2019 11:35 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Dilandu wrote:...When Emperor Alexander the IIIrd of Russia was told by royal historian that his ancestor - Pavel the Ist - may be illegitimate child of Count Sergey Saltykov and NOT the son of Emperor Pyotr III from Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf dynasty, the Emperor crossed himself and exclaimed: "Thank God, this means I'm truly Russian!"

When later the same historian mentioned, that it is just a theory, and not well-supported by evidences, the Emperor once more crossed himself, and exclaimed: "Thank God, this means I'm truly legitimate!"

Frankly,TFLYTSNBN your commitment to yellow press rumors are just pathetic.

It is hardly yellow journalism or rumor mongering. Obama's birth date and the Obama Mama's wedding date only a few weeks earlier are well established facts. Most Americans including myself do not consider "an eager young bride" to be so extremely scandalous that it would be an issue in the election. (Compare this to Allan Colmes making a big deal out of Gavernor Palin giving birth to her first child barely eight months after her wedding. There was also the Glen Rice "scandal", the purpose of which was to offend "racist conservatives" by suggesting that their heroine had been involved sexually with a black man. If true, then the fact that Sarah married Todd Palin the struggling fisherman rather than Glenn Rice the soon to be NBA player would prove that it is Todd rather than Glenn who God had blessed with a "womb shifter".)

What the author of DREAMS OF MY REAL FATHER did was actually investigate the situation to determine if the marriage to Obama Sr and the Obama mama was anything more than a marriage of convienance. He conclusively demonstrated that promptly after their wedding Obama Sr moved away. They never shared a residence.

The nude photos of the Obama Mama (with critical bits obscured because she was under age) leave no doubt that the nude photos are of the Obama Mama

1. Those pictures were taken from a magazine "Exotique" that was published YEARS before Ann Dunham even moved to Hawaii or conceived Obama. So tell us more about how "obvious" it is that they are pictures of Ann Dunham taken years later and then, apparently, sent back in time to be published in a magazine.

2. He didn't "actually investigate" anything. He made up a story, propped it up with faked evidence, and sold it to eager gullible morons who would swallow anything negative about Obama.

3. You're a gullible moron.
Re: Trump is a racist. He isn't even hiding it anymore.
Post by smr   » Sat Jul 06, 2019 9:17 am

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Gcomeau, so have you attacked any Journalists lately. Have you spit on any troops lately. I know your doxing Mini AOC to the point that her family deletes their social media accounts. There are some ladies that have a message for your hate.

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