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Post by Daryl   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:23 am

Fleet Admiral

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"The Aussies and English were spying on US politicians and the Republican Party. Lots of people are going to jail!"
I have met Alexander Downer, and certainly know of his career. A less likely spy is hard to imagine. He is an open, jovial and decent man, admittedly a conservative, who reported a chance conversation by a Trumpette to the CIA, as a concerned citizen of the free western world.
Who is going to jail, Smr?
Post by smr   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:29 pm

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Lots of people in the Obama Administration and in the US government are going to jail. Let's start with John Brennan, James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Paige, Strok, and the list continues. The only one I think that will skate is Obama and possibly Hilary Clinton for different reasons. Lots of US politicians are going down. When they tried to hang treason type accusations on him and certain family members of Trump. He is not going to forgive many people for what they tried to do. They were accusing him of Treason on TV. Would you forgive that? When someone goes after a sitting US President, you better damn well succeed. Trump's tool box is much bigger than the opposition and he's got the whole US government backing him.

The Trump Administration has demanded changes to the 5 eyes agreement. As far as any foreigner going to jail...Steele is maybe the only one. A couple of foreign Intelligence Types have resigned. I understand many of the foreign players took US government's offer of immunity for the complete details of their roles.
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:39 pm


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smr wrote:Lots of people in the Obama Administration and in the US government are going to jail. Let's start with John Brennan, James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Paige, Strok, and the list continues.

And now we will all wait while you fail to actually explain the crime they would be charged with with anything beyond vague hysterical hand waiving.
Post by smr   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:54 pm

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Stay Tuned! Get out a new bag of Popcorn and grab a margarita.

1) Indictments are pending. Most likely Comey is the 1st.

2) Fisa or Fisc will be making recommendations about the illegal use of the FISA warrants.

3) 21 Referrals by Devin Nunes for prosecutions (that should be the start)

4) Declassification is coming. The real question is how much of this is going to be declassified? This will determine the House and Senate during the next election cycle. I see this being managed in a slow pace withe new revelations being slowly revealed over the next year or so. If a limited declassification or just one entire dump of the declassification means the Demoncrats survive and who knows what happens in the next election cycle for House and Senate Majorities for the Republicans and the Demoncrats.

5) The other factor is what do the Demoncrats do concerning Impeachment? If this Impeachment occurs, I have no clue of what happens because their will so many balls in play and so many factors. This point is the one wild card that no one can predict on the results. If Constitutional Crisis occurs and no one knows what will happen with the American public at the voting booth.

Points 4 and 5 determine the entire majorities for both the House and Senate during the next election cycle for both parties.
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:42 pm


Posts: 2747
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smr wrote:<snip an entire post that, as predicted, couldn't provide an iota of explanation of what crimes any of the people he thinks are going to jail would be charged with>

Thanks for making my point.
Post by smr   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:23 pm

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1) Lisa Paige, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe: Treason, Cnspiracy, lying to Congress

Gcomeau, Quit playing stupid and start using your Mind and Logic but divorce the mind from your Emotional Intellect. This next year will provide the insight into whether or not I am on the right track(s).

You know they are cooperating witnesses (the above stated persons)that are trying to reduce their jail time. Question: How high does this Conspiracy go?

Who are they (the government) really after and why?
The why is the most important question to answer.
Post by Daryl   » Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:38 pm

Fleet Admiral

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Not being an American I had to Google and research these three names. From all I could find out they have done nothing wrong or illegal.
No President personifies America (Like Louis XIV, L'État, c'est moi - the state is me). Checking out the legality of an individual isn't treason. If you go down the path of declaring that as treason, you are well on the way to a dictatorship.

smr wrote:1) Lisa Paige, Peter Strzok, and Andrew McCabe: Treason, Cnspiracy, lying to Congress

Gcomeau, Quit playing stupid and start using your Mind and Logic but divorce the mind from your Emotional Intellect. This next year will provide the insight into whether or not I am on the right track(s).

You know they are cooperating witnesses (the above stated persons)that are trying to reduce their jail time. Question: How high does this Conspiracy go?

Who are they (the government) really after and why?
The why is the most important question to answer.
Post by smr   » Wed May 01, 2019 10:00 am

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Look at their testimony before Congress. That has been read into the Congressional Record. Second, read the text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Paige. Third, read Andrew McCabe testimony to Congress.

Then take a look at the attempt to force out Trump using the 25th amendment clause in the Constitution. Rod Rosenstein has reported that Andrew McCabe asked him to wear a wire into Trump's office.

Be aware that this is very time consuming. You will have to devote some time to researching the subject.
Post by The E   » Wed May 01, 2019 10:22 am

The E

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Anytime you ask us to do research, smr, it turns out you're either misrepresenting or misunderstanding things.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed May 01, 2019 10:29 am


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smr wrote:Look at their testimony before Congress. That has been read into the Congressional Record. Second, read the text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Paige. Third, read Andrew McCabe testimony to Congress.

And we will find no support for any of the charges you just randomly pulled out of your backside.

If there was any, you would be quoting it yourself. But you're not.

Then take a look at the attempt to force out Trump using the 25th amendment clause in the Constitution.

This never happened. Plenty of people may have discussed it for obvious freaking reasons, nobody tried it.

Also, if it HAD happened, trying to use a means spelled out in the Constitution as being explicitly for the purposes of removing an unfit president... to remove an unfit president... isn't in any stretch of the imagination a crime you doofus. You JUST SAID that it's a clause in the Constitution. How do you not know that doing something the Constitution says you are allowed to do is not a crime?

Rod Rosenstein has reported that Andrew McCabe asked him to wear a wire into Trump's office.

Also a lie. This never happened either. All reporting and testimony on this is Rosenstein OFFERED to wear a wire, and that offer was turned down.

Rosenstein says he was joking. Others say he didn't seem to be. NOBODY says McCabe asked him to do it. But of course you never read actual testimony or source material you get all your information from right wing blogs and conspiracy theory websites so we can't expect you to actually know anything.

Oh, in other news Mueller's statement that Barr misled the public about what the Mueller report said when he publicly announced that there was no collusion or obstruction is now public. And to fix that misleading of the public Mueller asked Barr to release the summaries of their findings that his office had specifically written for public release that ACCURATELY describes the report findings.

Barr refused. And let the public keep being misled for another month. So people like you would spend a month having Fox News repeat "No Collusion No Obstruction" at them, and wouldn't actually read the report when they finally let it out.

Which is exactly what I previously told you was happening

I don't expect you to listen now any more than you listened then, but you've been played for a dupe. And you appear to be gleefully happy to be one.

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