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Honor Harrington Mod for Homeworld Remastered

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Honor Harrington Mod for Homeworld Remastered
Post by Adams4000   » Tue Jan 22, 2019 10:22 pm


Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:33 pm

I recently purchased Homeworld Remastered, mostly because I loved the original. There is a huge Mod community for this game and I was wondering if anyone had considered using this game to make a Mod for HH? I think this could be a good way to show the differences between ships of different star nations and classes.
Re: Honor Harrington Mod for Homeworld Remastered
Post by MaxxQ   » Thu Jan 24, 2019 8:16 pm


Posts: 1553
Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:08 pm
Location: Greer, South Carolina USA

Adams4000 wrote:I recently purchased Homeworld Remastered, mostly because I loved the original. There is a huge Mod community for this game and I was wondering if anyone had considered using this game to make a Mod for HH? I think this could be a good way to show the differences between ships of different star nations and classes.

I believe it was already attempted with the pre-remastered version of HW2, although I'm not absolutely sure about that. There WAS a game in development by some fans (not the mobile game from Evergreen), but it was shut down, possibly by Evergreen - I'm a little hazy on the details and am too lazy to do a search. The point is that it would be problematic to do such a thing due to legal issues.

In the meantime, if you'd like to see at least the various classes of RMN ships up to and including the Agamemnon and Nike, check out the links in my sig below. There are even size comparison images. These are as official and canon as you're going to get, and there will probably be some improvements sometime in the future. Eventually, we (BuNine) will move on to the PRN, the GSN, and possibly the Sollies.
Re: Honor Harrington Mod for Homeworld Remastered
Post by Morden   » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:02 am

Lieutenant Commander

Posts: 146
Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:28 pm

If enough people were interested the best game for a HH game would probably be Stellaris. can have a galaxy of 1400 systems and its so moddable its unreal. the ships are all modular so you could have a standard SD hull... but then have 3 sections, Aft/Core/hammerhead and then have 6 options for each which would give you different loadouts. i.e how many slots are available for Missile Tubes, Lasers, Grazers, ECM,ECCM and Point Defence(shoots missiles and Lasers and you can have PD that is projectile,laser or missile based.)

The Political system is ideal as well as you can set it for instance to make the Peoples Republic of Haven... but if they suffer a massive defeat in a war you can make an event that turns them first into the Committee for Public Safety and then if it happens again the Republic of Haven. You can make a ton of single system polities nearby that Haven can turn into Protectorates(voluntarily) that they siphon money from or turn them into Vassels who attack/defend with Haven or direct annexation.

for the Solarian League you could easily set it so that Beowulf and Sol are separate but if they and their neighbors enter a coalition together then they trigger the formation of the Solarian League, and again you can use the Protectorates system.

Add in hyperlanes and wormholes/gateways and you've got the ideal grounds for a damned near perfect HH 4X strategy game. But it would take quite a lot of work. There is a very good ST mod that you could modify for a lot of it (they even have an event where Bajor discovers a wormhole, which is a static event. i've been testing to see whether i can do similar except 7 times for the Manticoran Wormhole Junction... i've made it work with Gateways... but they are a bruteforce method and gives Manticore control over who uses them... wormholes anyone can use so you'd need to have a beefy defense)

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