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Post by Annachie   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:33 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3099
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You do make a habit of missing the point don't you smr.

You push for a theocratic government, that's the 1st violated.

You scream "throw her in jail"

That's 5th, 6th, &14th you plan to violate.

You wish to send her to Gitmo, that's the 8th.

Quite honestly, given how much of the US constitution You have advocated the violation of, I suspect the real reason you supposedly carry a copy around is to wipe your arse with, because like most Trumptards, and yes I am calling you a trumptard since the label fits, you quite happily shit on it when it doesn't meet your prejudices.

Oh, and other posts of yours espouse violating the 2nd as well, so don't try jumping on that high horse.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by smr   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:20 pm

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No I am not pushing a theocracy that's just you own personal demons speaking. I am just pointing out the consequences that will happen if anti Trumpers get their way. Now I founders were very religious but they were religious refugees and colonizers that were fleeing religious suppresion. So your theocracy comment is just a little beneath your stature.

Yes I do scream "throw her in jai!" because she should be prosecuted for illegal email setup. That email server was hacked by at least 6 known countries. Her emails caused the termination of over 20 intelligence assets within China, Russia, and Iran all to hide her political corruption and from FOIFA requests. That's treason and she is eligible to be tried in military court. Yes politicians that have a security clearances can be tried in a military court. If she was guilty that would be punishable up to the death penalty but that's far too good for her. Throw her into Gitmo and let her rot. Let her reflect on how close to the Presidency she came and where she is (Gitmo detention cell). I hold her to same standards that I was held to when I had security clearances. Hopefully that's what is being done with Hubard running the show in Utah. I won't hold my breath because she is the Teflon Queen!
Post by Michael Everett   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:46 pm

Michael Everett

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smr wrote:Yes I do scream "throw her in jai!" because she should be prosecuted for illegal email setup. That email server was hacked by at least 6 known countries. Her emails caused the termination of over 20 intelligence assets within China, Russia, and Iran all to hide her political corruption and from FOIFA requests. That's treason and she is eligible to be tried in military court. Yes politicians that have a security clearances can be tried in a military court. If she was guilty that would be punishable up to the death penalty but that's far too good for her.

Interesting choice of phrasing there, smr.
If she was guilty
By writing it like that, the implication is that she is innocent since you have used the past tense (was) with the conjunction (if), the whole combining to indicate that it is nothing more than a theoretical mental exercise and not the actual truth.
Had you written it as "if she is guilty" or, even more appropriately, "should she be found guilty", then it would have shown that you do not believe her to be innocent.
But since you phrased it like that, it indicates that at some level, you believe that she is indeed not guilty.

So, now you have undermined that particular argument of yours, what is the next one that you will demolish the foundations of?

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Post by Imaginos1892   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:52 pm

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Hillary Clinton deserves to be in jail. Unfortunately, they covered their tracks so all that remain are the statistical correlations. Somebody from Country X pays hubby Bill a few hundred grand to blow hot air at some gathering of stuffed shirts, and suddenly Country X gets anything they want from the US State Department. Visas, permits, trade concessions, etc.

Happened over and over, but you can't convict a Clinton for statistical correlations.
If you ran a business the way they run the government, you'd be in jail within six months.
Post by jchilds   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:01 pm

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But would VP Pence necessarily become President if Trump is impeached, smr?

If the Democrats have the votes to impeach Trump, they can likely also manage the votes to impeach Pence, if he's able to be implicated in what's alleged to be going on(VPs are also impeachable, are they not?). In that case, the Presidency would then go to the Speaker of the House, IIRC. Who would likely be a Democrat in this scenario?
Post by smr   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:04 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
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Under US law you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Military clue. I won't mention all the classified emails that were breached. Second, in 2009 [HRC] put out a video to all State Department employees about only using State Department approved equipment only and not using any personal email.

Michael Everett wrote:
smr wrote:Yes I do scream "throw her in jai!" because she should be prosecuted for illegal email setup. That email server was hacked by at least 6 known countries. Her emails caused the termination of over 20 intelligence assets within China, Russia, and Iran all to hide her political corruption and from FOIFA requests. That's treason and she is eligible to be tried in military court. Yes politicians that have a security clearances can be tried in a military court. If she was guilty that would be punishable up to the death penalty but that's far too good for her.

Interesting choice of phrasing there, smr.
If she was guilty
By writing it like that, the implication is that she is innocent since you have used the past tense (was) with the conjunction (if), the whole combining to indicate that it is nothing more than a theoretical mental exercise and not the actual truth.
Had you written it as "if she is guilty" or, even more appropriately, "should she be found guilty", then it would have shown that you do not believe her to be innocent.
But since you phrased it like that, it indicates that at some level, you believe that she is indeed not guilty.

So, now you have undermined that particular argument of yours, what is the next one that you will demolish the foundations of?
Post by smr   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:12 pm

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Posts: 1522
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A person has to prove that he knew and that's almost impossible without a smoking gun. Impeachment depends on what he was charged with. Impeachement takes 67 Senators to vote for impeachment. That would take a great many Senators from the Republican side to assure a conviction. That's why the Senate censured Bill Clinton rather than impeach him in a trial in the Senate.

jchilds wrote:But would VP Pence necessarily become President if Trump is impeached, smr?

If the Democrats have the votes to impeach Trump, they can likely also manage the votes to impeach Pence, if he's able to be implicated in what's alleged to be going on(VPs are also impeachable, are they not?). In that case, the Presidency would then go to the Speaker of the House, IIRC. Who would likely be a Democrat in this scenario?
Post by Michael Everett   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:25 pm

Michael Everett

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Location: Bristol, England

And yet you make no effort to correct, modify or explain your earlier statement.


...very interesting...
smr wrote:I won't mention all the classified emails that were breached.

How about some of them? Three perhaps? Two? Even one?
Was Clinton the only politician to ever use a private server? Will you call for the death penalty/Guantanamo bay for any Republican who did a similar thing?
Or an Independent?
Where's the line?

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Post by smr   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:52 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
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I don't call for her death but to rot in jail. She caused the deaths of 20 intelligence assets. She caused their deaths by exposing their identies because of an illegal server. This is not a Republican or Democrat; a left or right issue; progressive or conservative issue but a right or wrong issue. She exposed intelligence agents their secret identies that caused their termination or jail time. This is a NATIONAL SECURITY issue. She took an oath of office. Her actions caused the intelligence assets exposure to their governments. She committed the crime she needs to pay the price. Jail time in Gitma till she dies a natural death hopefully she will live many more years in a jail cell.
Michael Everett wrote:And yet you make no effort to correct, modify or explain your earlier statement.


...very interesting...
smr wrote:I won't mention all the classified emails that were breached.

How about some of them? Three perhaps? Two? Even one?
Was Clinton the only politician to ever use a private server? Will you call for the death penalty/Guantanamo bay for any Republican who did a similar thing?
Or an Independent?
Where's the line?
Post by isaac_newton   » Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:49 pm

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smr wrote:I don't call for her death but to rot in jail. She caused the deaths of 20 intelligence assets. She caused their deaths by exposing their identies because of an illegal server. This is not a Republican or Democrat; a left or right issue; progressive or conservative issue but a right or wrong issue. She exposed intelligence agents their secret identies that caused their termination or jail time. This is a NATIONAL SECURITY issue. SNIP

I have to say that I've not heard that elsewhere - is that really true? Can you give a link?

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