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TFT out of order snippet

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Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by Randomiser   » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:32 pm

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Dilandu wrote:
Randomiser wrote:I think a smart Archangel would realise it wasn't risky at all, in that sense. Merlin, Cahleb and Sharly, to say nothing of our favourite Archbishop, are never going to authorise the murder by biological weapons of millions of innocent Harchongese. (Innocent in the sense that any Bio-war was not their idea nor within their technical capabilities.) Especially not if those millions were almost all that was left of the human race at that point. The Returned Archangel would be able to work that out from their record and publicly known characters.

Considering that no one of Archangels knew Merlin (even if some of them knew Nimue), how could they evaluate the risk?

How is the Archangel going to work out what the current situation in the world is regarding all the areas of life he/she will need to know about? They will learn about the character of the current leaders of the EoC in the same way.

At minimum they will be granted ready access to everything the CoGA and it's leadership knows. And have Merlin and OWL been scanning for anyone else using TF remotes on their people?
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by Randomiser   » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:40 pm

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Loren Pechtel wrote:
Randomiser wrote:Unfortunately, the OBS is not the only weapon of mass destruction a returned Chihiro could employ, theoretically at least. Some kind of weaponised very nasty disease with a relatively short active life and a self destruct built in, spread everywhere but North Harchong, which had orders to cut itself off from the Apostates for a time could effectively wipe out the opposition without doing permanent damage to the planetary ecostructure.

That would be pure insanity. Nobody would flee to the area the plague wasn't hitting???

Sure the Harchongese would need some stringent quarantine measures, but news travels slowly if the CoGA clamps down on use of the Semaphore, and an infected person would have to move fast and start from very near N Harchong to have any chance of spreading the infection there. That doesn't even consider any protective measures the Archanvel might take. Besides, anyone playing with a full deck wouldn't be contemplating this in the first place.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by evilauthor   » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:08 pm

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Fireflair wrote:If the inner circle really wanted to get frisky they could always set up an electrical device in the heart of some church strong hold and activate it.

They could watch the results from a respectable distance.

Of course this sort of destruction and loss of life associated with it would be counter to everything they stand for. Not to mention it might wake some sort of sleeping giant. But it would be an easy way to let the OBS swat your enemies for you....

It would also run counter to the Inner Circle's strategy of breaking the Proscriptions and getting Safehold society to think of the world as a rational orderly place by demonstrating arbitrary Acts of God.

IOW, actual Rakurai strikes would reinforce the religion (not the Church, the RELIGION) that the Inner Circle is trying to undermine.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by mhicks   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:56 pm

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Re-Reading the out of order snippet made me think that a meeting is taking place with everyone watching a 3D schematic of the Temple complex. I was thinking that maybe what we are seeing is a readout left my Schuler on the files we could not open from the Wylsin family's scepter and stone. The reason for me thinking this is that the person narrating was surprised that there were so many detectors that "Would Have BLAZED UP" meaning that they did not blaze up.

RFC wrote:The Temple was riddled with even more — far more — power sources than they'd been able to detect and track from outside its walls. They'd blazed up the instant his passives had crossed the Plaza of Martyrs.

This is like a recon report that they are all seeing and they are preparing their attack. So IMHO this info comes from some other source than the SNARKs or what any lay person could get by snooping around the temple and reporting back. This is raw data the group is getting and going to work with. :o
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by evilauthor   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:40 pm

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mhicks wrote:This is like a recon report that they are all seeing and they are preparing their attack. So IMHO this info comes from some other source than the SNARKs or what any lay person could get by snooping around the temple and reporting back. This is raw data the group is getting and going to work with. :o

I think the going theory is that one of Inner Circle went to the Temple wearing a bunch of passive sensors that recorded everything. PROBABLY one of our named priests. The Inner Circle then reviews the take after the visit is over and their guy is a safe enough distance from the Temple to upload the data.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by mhicks   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:32 pm

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evilauthor wrote:
mhicks wrote:This is like a recon report that they are all seeing and they are preparing their attack. So IMHO this info comes from some other source than the SNARKs or what any lay person could get by snooping around the temple and reporting back. This is raw data the group is getting and going to work with. :o

I think the going theory is that one of Inner Circle went to the Temple wearing a bunch of passive sensors that recorded everything. PROBABLY one of our named priests. The Inner Circle then reviews the take after the visit is over and their guy is a safe enough distance from the Temple to upload the data.

You missed the first part of the quote, "They'd blazed up" Does he mean -They had- or -They would have- because later in the sentence he used the words had crossed indicating that the passives did not cross the plaza. Because if the passives had crossed the plaza the temples sensors would have lit up like a Christmas tree. No, no, I believe that there is a new source of info and that the HE in the last end of the whole snippet is Schuler himself without all the accesses to the locations Chihiro was working on.

Prove me wrong RFC.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by Randomiser   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:36 pm

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mhicks wrote:The reason for me thinking this is that the person narrating was surprised that there were so many detectors that "Would Have BLAZED UP" meaning that they did not blaze up.

In the first place the "would have blazed up" phrase never appears in the snippet. As the part you quoted shows they did actually blaze up.

RFC wrote:The Temple was riddled with even more — far more — power sources than they'd been able to detect and track from outside its walls. They'd blazed up the instant his passives had crossed the Plaza of Martyrs.

More importantly the intro that RFC gave in the original posting of the out of order snippet was not carried over - it fills in a lot more of what was going on.
RFC wrote:Since the question of relative capabilities --- and whether or not one might wish to risk pissing off The Thing Beneath the Temple, I thought I'd post this little out-of-order snippet. It would appear that Merlin actually manages to get himself or a remote (I say not which at this point and there has been some modest editing to avoid hints) inside the Temple, and discovered the following:

So it is clearly a report after an infiltration, but one carried out in current Safehold time.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by Randomiser   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:41 pm

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@MHicks, "they'd" Never means "they would have" in English, and always "they had". Unless maybe you would like to "prove me wrong" by quoting a clear example from the published writing of a native speaker?

He does not mean the temple's detectors blazed up on spotting the intruder, but rather the Temple's power sources "blazed up" on the intruder's detectors when he got close enough, which is why he can now report about them.

[edited AUG 6 to remove typo which confused the point being made]
Last edited by Randomiser on Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by mhicks   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:47 pm

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Dang, foiled again by my lack of understanding my mother tongue and having all my Spanish grammar classes bouncing though my head and this stupid dyslexia. :lol: At least I can laugh at myself. I was so convinced I had come across something good and wished to share it with everyone, only to see I had tripped on a few words. This is how conspiracies start too, a misunderstanding that gains momentum.
Re: TFT out of order snippet
Post by ericth   » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:51 pm


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evilauthor wrote:
Fireflair wrote:If the inner circle really wanted to get frisky they could always set up an electrical device in the heart of some church strong hold and activate it.

They could watch the results from a respectable distance.

Of course this sort of destruction and loss of life associated with it would be counter to everything they stand for. Not to mention it might wake some sort of sleeping giant. But it would be an easy way to let the OBS swat your enemies for you....

It would also run counter to the Inner Circle's strategy of breaking the Proscriptions and getting Safehold society to think of the world as a rational orderly place by demonstrating arbitrary Acts of God.

IOW, actual Rakurai strikes would reinforce the religion (not the Church, the RELIGION) that the Inner Circle is trying to undermine.

Actually, it occurred to me earlier in the series that a transmitter on the top of the mast of one of the CoGA fleet ships designed to provoke the OBS would have been an effective tactic earlier in the war when it was primarily naval. That was also before they knew about the likelihood of "Dad" being under the temple and might not have been so out there as a strat.

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