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Post by Starsaber   » Sun May 27, 2018 9:21 pm

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Michael Everett wrote:Ladies and gentlemen, let me present an overview of the residents who enjoyed the view from Pennsylvania Avenue...

Admittedly, due to image quality, I'm uncertain as to whether the last one is a banana or a sausage, but either one would actually make quite a good metaphor.

I think it's a cheeto.
Post by Annachie   » Mon May 28, 2018 3:04 am

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The Democrats ran a very corrupt candidate who had too many skeletons in the closet. She should be in jail on a variety of charges.

She has been investigated damn near constantly for the last 20 years by people who absolutely hate/fear her and who aparently would like nothing better than to put her in jail.
People we know are not above a little law bending to achieve their aims.

Just think about that smr.
Just think for a minute.
60 seconds.

Then perhaps you might realize how rediculous those people who think she should be in jail actually sound when they chant "Lock her up".

Then think for another minute about those self same people who don't demand the person who was recorded admitting to sexual assaults gets locked up.

Nothing found after 20 years, lock her up.

Says he sexually assaults women, the second coming.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by gcomeau   » Wed May 30, 2018 11:44 am


Posts: 2747
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smr wrote:The Democrats ran a very corrupt candidate who had too many skeletons in the closet. She should be in jail on a variety of charges. Their were/are several prominent Dem's that would have easily beaten Trump. Heck, I think Biden would have been President if he had run or been selected at Party Convention.

Now, Gcomeau did you ever check into who took the FBI files home in President-elect Bill Clinton (elected but not sworn in 1st term). Where were they supposedly found? How long were they missing?

Hilary took them home (self-admitted). Files missing for over 6 weeks. She claimed left on the study in their study.

Oh good grief.... "Filegate"? Really?

An employee for the Clinton White House that was running the processing of security clearances improperly requested background checks using improper information and got a ton of documents on ex White House employees.

Some of the files did get taken home by Clinton while they were being reviewed.

A Special Counsel was appointed to investigate what happened. It ended up folded into Kenneth Starr's investigation.

He spent TWO YEARS investigating it and concluded it was nothing but a bureaucratic error and the Clinton's had no involvement in it.

It basically came down to a few low level employees using an outdated list of White House Staff when they submitted their background check requests to the FBI. Which pales in comparison to the dumpster fire that is the Trump Admin handling of the security clearance process.


That was why I think David Weber used her for the basis of the Youngs. The Clinton's used the information that they had collected very astutely. (Granted this last bit is speculative.) Second, she had access to all sorts of up-to-date intelligence due to her clearances as Secretary of State. I think she kept her little black book up-to-date. Granted that is speculative but a pretty good reasonable assumption based on previous history.

So you have another conspiracy theory like most of your conspiracy theories untethered to any actual evidence.


Gcomeau prove that Russian meeting was collusion and illegal under US law.

I don't need to, Trump Jr. already did that when he released the e-mails showing the meeting was intended to arrange Russian government assistance of Trump's campaign.


Did Trump go to that!

Did Trump Jr. call a blocked number immediately before and after that meeting.... like for instance the blocked number we know the main Trump residence has?

You know who that number won't be blocked to? Mueller when he subpoenas it which I guarantee he already did. So sit tight and let's just see how that turns out when the findings are released.

But even if Trump did not personally attend the meeting it was still illegal coordination between his campaign and his family with the Russian government in a US election.

They were trying to obtain opposition research to qoute Gcomeau about the Steele Dossier.

If you seriously do not understand the difference between paying a private US based research firm to research your opponent and accepting a proposition from a hostile foreign government to provide you with assistance and intelligence to help you win a campaign while they sound you out about US sanctions policy towards them you need to seek help.

So which is it Gcomeau, was the Steele Dossier political research or collusion.

Collusion with fucking who?????? An ex Wall Street Journal reporter that owns the research firm???

What is wrong with you? Seriously?

If the dossier was research then we need to end the Mueller investigation.

There is exactly zero logical connection between the opening and the conclusion of that sentence.

Addressing the probe issue and scope, who approved increasing the scope? Rod Rosenstein. Did Congress approve...NO!

Because that isn't Congress's job? It's Rosenstein's?

Learn how your freaking government works.

Many people then can conclude that the Mueller Investigation is a political witch.

Many people who understand how all of this works as poorly as you do maybe.

Many people feel that this investigation is being extended for political reasons. One, the Democrats are hoping for a blue wave in the Legislative Branch. If they win Congress back, they will attempt impeachment within the House. Two, they would like to force Trump out of office. Now, I believe Trump will never leave office and will run for reelection. I think he has to run for a 2nd term because of the Trump haters on the Democratic side will never leave him alone.

You do understand that "The Democrats" have no power over the investigation of any kind right? It's being overseen by a Republican Trump appointee DOJ official who appointed a Republican Special Prosecutor to run it.

Name one Democrat who has the power to extend the investigation. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Post by smr   » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:49 am

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Why did the FBI not warn Trump of potential problems with certain people?

Why did they digital surveil the Trump campaign?

Why did the FBI and other agencies (including foriegn friendly intelligence services) continually lie about their involvement in the Trump campaign.

Why are so many high level FBI officials have been officially fired and may go to jail?

Why did Susan Rice send a memo to herself on Jan 20 (Trump officially took office)?

Sally I think you were one of the smartest woman in the Obama administration. That woman saw what was going to go down and found an excuse to get out.

Obama: be very careful because Page and Strzok are cooperating. Just remember their are text messages that say you are read into this whole Trump investigation debacle.

After meeting with Admiral Rodgers on Nov. 20, 2016 why did Trump move his entire transition team out of Trump tower to one of the Golf courses he owned in New Jersey on Nov. 23, 2016.

Well played Mr. Trump well played indeed...we shall see if that slow information leak works for a red wave in November.

Why are so many Democrats and Repbulicans all are retiring? Most times these professional politicians have to die in office or have a major health scare before they leave office? hmmm...thoughts to ponder!
Post by gcomeau   » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:15 am


Posts: 2747
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smr wrote:Why did the FBI not warn Trump of potential problems with certain people?

Trump was personally briefed and warned by the FBI about Russian attempts to infiltrate his campaign on July 19, 2016.

So the question you should be asking yourself is why is Trump lying to you about getting that warning. (Also, why do you continue to get your news from sources that don't tell you these things everyone else fucking knows)

Why did they digital surveil the Trump campaign?

Because they were tipped off from MANY sources that that campaign was making extensive improper contact with the Russians and investigating that is their actual exact job description.

And in case you haven't noticed a whole lot of indictments and guilty pleas have already come from that investigation so it was clearly the right call.

Why did the FBI and other agencies (including foriegn friendly intelligence services) continually lie about their involvement in the Trump campaign.

They didn't. Stop lstening to Sean Hannity and Alex Jones.

Why are so many high level FBI officials have been officially fired and may go to jail?

The answer to the first part of that question is TRUMP is doing the firing you genius.

As for the second, name me one that "might go to jail" and explain why without sounding like you're wearing tinfoil headgear.

Why did Susan Rice send a memo to herself on Jan 20 (Trump officially took office)?

To officially document the crazy shit that was going in. A campaign credibly suspected of being in bed with the Russians just won the presidency. Duh? How do you not understand that, seriously?

Sally I think you were one of the smartest woman in the Obama administration. That woman saw what was going to go down and found an excuse to get out.

How the hell is that "getting out??? Could you at least try to have your conspiracy theories make something approximating logical sense?

Obama: be very careful because Page and Strzok are cooperating. Just remember their are text messages that say you are read into this whole Trump investigation debacle.

After meeting with Admiral Rodgers on Nov. 20, 2016 why did Trump move his entire transition team out of Trump tower to one of the Golf courses he owned in New Jersey on Nov. 23, 2016.

Well played Mr. Trump well played indeed...we shall see if that slow information leak works for a red wave in November.

WTF are you talking about???

Why are so many Democrats and Repbulicans all are retiring?

Democrats are retiring at or below normal historical rates.

It's only the GOP experiencing a mass exodus like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Geez, please acquaint yourself with reality. Please. Just make an effort at least.
Post by cthia   » Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:17 pm

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Pardon himself for which ... possible crimes, exactly?

1. Collusion?
2. Fraud trial in Trump University suit?
3. Possible RICO racketeering charges?
4. Crimes against humanity?

Though a pardon cannot be used to circumvent an impeachment.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:49 pm

Michael Everett

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cthia wrote:Though a pardon cannot be used to circumvent an impeachment.

IIRC, a Presidential Pardon can only be granted by a sitting President to someone who has been found guilty of a crime.
Surely that means that if Trump gives out a pardon, he has therefore acknowledged that the person being Pardoned is guilty since the Pardoned Person is not having their name actually cleared legally but is merely being allowed to escape the legal consequences of their actions.
So... by Pardoning someone, Trump would be stating that the person in question was indeed guilty.
And by saying that he is going to pardon someone, he is saying that he knows that they are guilty and will be convicted.

Am I understanding this correctly?

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Post by Annachie   » Sun Jun 03, 2018 5:25 pm

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No, I believe the President can also pardon those charged with Federal crimes, or likely to be.

While it's generally accepted that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt it's not universally so.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by cthia   » Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:14 pm

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Annachie wrote:No, I believe the President can also pardon those charged with Federal crimes, or likely to be.

While it's generally accepted that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt it's not universally so.

True. Pardons can be preemptive, to prevent further damage to the defendant. I presume this is the reasoning for the failsafe behind the exception to the rule of any similar efforts to prevent an impending impeachment.

Ex parte Garland.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:04 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

So Trump just confessed to obstruction of justice on Twitter.

Again. ... 4352030720

The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn’t tell me he was going to recuse himself...I would have quickly picked someone else. So much time and money wasted, so many lives ruined...and Sessions knew better than most that there was No Collusion!

We already know he made multiple attempts to try to get Sessions to un-recuse himself from the investigation. He just admitted the intent behind those attempts by saying if Sessions HAD un-recused himself he thinks the investigation into him would have been killed by now.

That is both the act and the intent of obstruction of justice.

You know some days I think Mueller's investigation is taking as long as it is because as he gets close to wrapping up Trump just keeps doing new things that add to his report.


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