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Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoilers?)

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Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by Brigade XO   » Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:58 pm

Brigade XO
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The Torch wormhole is a deathtrap if you enter from the Torch end. Why has not been determined (at the Torch end) but the Harvest Joy has not show up anywhere so the wormhole is presumed to be "unhealthy".
The Aligment isn't going to be using it to exit the shadow network because that would raise all sorts of questions about what is happening. A ship transiting the wormhole to the Torch end is going to produce 1) some noticable fluctiation at the wormhole and, at minimum, there is going to be some kind of instermentation parked there to keep an eye on it- at least from a point of scientific interest 2) any ship comming out if it and bringing up it's impellers is going to raise the same concern. How can someone -who doesn't hang around- use that wormhole and where do they a) come from b) go

While Manticore is unlikely to sacrafice another crew (Solly SD availability not withstanding) they and Torch and Haven and our friends at Smoking Frog and Ewrhon are all going to be really intereted in some ship comming out of that wormhole and open a conversation the Alignment really doesn't want started.
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by lfesdaille   » Mon Apr 09, 2018 9:24 pm


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Should the plot require it an Intelligence and or Naval Officer may well question if known killer worm holes are truly such things.

Due to the sucessful execution of the Case Lacoon options Manticore could very well undertake their own clandestine survey of the wormholes they did not cease. It may take several years to to map or in some cases remap them and this could very well be one of the avenues to be pursued in the future. As a part of this Cold or Shadow War to find the hidden Mesan Alliance..

Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by Annachie   » Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:32 pm

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I suspect someone is eventually
A: Going to wonder why Verdant Vista was settled by Manpower given it's dustance from Mesa.
B: If it really was Manpower and not the MAlign operating as Manpower
C: Wonder if Manpower/whoever discovered the place via a wormhole that just happens to be in the system
D: Conclude then that the reason Harvest Joy didn't return might have more to do with the far end being guarded.
E: Guarded by the MAlign.

After all, they tried to wipe out the place for some reason, and that reason must logically by the wormhole.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by kzt   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:48 am

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There are suspicions.

However, how exactly are you going to tell the difference between a killer WH and one where you get killed when you exit it? And how many people do you think will volunteer for a plan that basically is: "Well, if you run really fast at the wood chipper my calculations say you'll get through just fine. I'm so confident in this that I'll be waiting here for your return."
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by Peregrinator   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:50 am


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kzt wrote:However, how exactly are you going to tell the difference between a killer WH and one where you get killed when you exit it?

I'd like to read more about killer wormholes - I don't think they've been discussed much in the text. But they must exist otherwise there would be more than mere "suspicions".
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by kzt   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:12 am

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Just that they exist.
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by Peregrinator   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:15 am


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kzt wrote:Just that they exist.

Hmmm, well, maybe that is fodder for a future story. Some WH scientist comes up with a method of identifying killer wormholes through observation of known killers with 99% accuracy, then applies these observations to the Torch WH and finds they don't apply, ergo....
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by kzt   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:17 am

Fleet Admiral

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How about “all killer wh kill everyone who enters”? Iirc there two of these in the known universe.
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by SYED   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:31 pm

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Do we believe that the Malignement has fully surveyed the whole of the Felix junction? They believe there are four terminii, but it is possible there are more, or they have not fully surveyed the terminii. We only know 2 of them specificly, the third vaguely and the fourth is totally unknown.
The third is claimed to be in the haven quadrant, because it is such a wide region, I could see they predicting the terminii is located here, and then deciding to not risk exposure by determining its exact coordinates. The wormhole could be in any system, who knows what is there, and it takes time to survey the route home. Also, if forced to go the long way, there is a chance of interception. So they could have chosen to simply guard that terminii.

Part of me hopes, that the 4th wormhole leads some where important to the conflict. This junction was a key secret asset for the Malignment, so it would great if the same junction could be used against them.
Re: Felix junction, key aspect of the story (possible spoile
Post by JohnRoth   » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:55 pm


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SYED wrote:Do we believe that the Malignement has fully surveyed the whole of the Felix junction? They believe there are four terminii, but it is possible there are more, or they have not fully surveyed the terminii. We only know 2 of them specificly, the third vaguely and the fourth is totally unknown.

That tidbit may be in UH. Since I haven't read UH yet, I can't confirm it. If it isn't in UH, the location of the other two are completely unknown.

SYED wrote:The third is claimed to be in the haven quadrant, because it is such a wide region, I could see they predicting the terminii is located here, and then deciding to not risk exposure by determining its exact coordinates. The wormhole could be in any system, who knows what is there, and it takes time to survey the route home. Also, if forced to go the long way, there is a chance of interception. So they could have chosen to simply guard that terminii.

The terminus that's in the Haven quadrant was always said to be the Torch (Congo) terminus.

SYED wrote:Part of me hopes, that the 4th wormhole leads some where important to the conflict. This junction was a key secret asset for the Malignment, so it would great if the same junction could be used against them.

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