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Post by cthia   » Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:21 pm

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cthia wrote:
cthia wrote:Trouble in paradise? Trump blames son-in-law Jared Kushner for Mueller’s widening Russia probe...

One of my sisters opined months ago that Donald Trump recruiting Ivanka and Jared was going to strain that marriage. She may be right.

And Jared may not even be seeing the underside of the bus yet.

There's a real possibility his own marriage may be strained before this is over.
A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Michael Cohen, who spent nearly a decade as a top attorney at the Trump Organization, arranged payment to the woman, Stephanie Clifford, in October 2016 after her lawyer negotiated the nondisclosure agreement with Mr. Cohen, these people said.
Ms. Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels, has privately alleged the encounter with Mr. Trump took place after they met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, these people said. Mr. Trump married Melania Trump in 2005.

Oops! Melania should strip him to the bone!
gcomeau wrote:My bet would be she already knew.
cthia wrote:That would certainly be a good bet. He'd've had to be a moron not to have told her beforehand, knowing he would seek office—and knowing that seeking office would hang all of his dirty laundry out to dry. (Thus says my sister.)

My question is "at what point" did she become privy? Before or after the election or somewhere in-between? I'm willing to bet it had aplenty to do with her not wanting to move into the White House. Feeling her own home would be more of a firebreak for the heat she and her family would definitely get from it.

It also probably has a lot to do with her abstinence from speaking out against the despicable men in Hollywood and her missing support of the TIMES UP movement. She would come off as a hypocrite. Similar to the scathing backlash Ivanka has been getting after she tweeted her support for the movement. "You don't get to be a part of this. You hypocrite."

Then, of course, did Ivanka know? And at what point did she become privy?

It really seems like my sister hit the bulls-eye on this one. With the alleged prostitute scandal and all of the occasions the President and First Lady embarrassingly broke with protocol, ending up with her walking alone on several occasions where traditionally they should have been together. Her failing to stand once. The occasion she snatched her arm from him. It's just plain frigid in the White House. A man with such total, outrageous disrespect for women has only a matter of time before he spoils his marriage. Oh, wait. This is not his first spoiled marriage, you say?

Oops, bad edit!

Last edited by cthia on Thu Feb 15, 2018 3:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:47 pm


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So... this happened today.

Bannon gets called to testify, voluntarily, in front of the House Intel committee.

He arrives, informs committee the White House has instructed him to answer no questions AT ALL about the entirety of his time in the transition or the White House. Nothing. Total blanket gag order.

The REPUBLICAN led house gets so aggravated at this blatant obstructionism they serve him a subpoena on the spot. They go back to the White House and instructions come back, ignore the subpoena, say NOTHING.

In the meantime Mueller serves him a Grand Jury subpoena, where this "just don't answer questions" crap isn't going to fly.

(But yeah, this administration has nothing to hide from the investigation) :roll:
Post by cthia   » Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:55 pm

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Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by Daryl   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:08 am

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Greatest, the best limbo dancer ever!

Post by cthia   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:33 pm

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Daryl wrote:Greatest, the best limbo dancer ever!

Simply the greatest! :lol:

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by cthia   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:42 pm

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A Billionaire Keeps Pushing To Impeach Trump Democratic leaders have pressed Tom Steyer privately, urging him to tone down his campaign calling for President Trump’s impeachment. They have prodded him in public, declaring on television that they consider impeachment an impractical idea. And party strategists have pleaded with Democratic candidates for Congress not to join in.

But Mr. Steyer, a California billionaire and one of the Democratic Party’s most prolific donors, has only intensified his attacks in recent weeks. Buoyed by tens of millions of dollars in television commercials — financed out of his own pocket and starring him — Mr. Steyer has become one of Mr. Trump’s most visible antagonists, firing up angry Democrats and unnerving his own party with the ferocity of his efforts.

Mr. Steyer is likely to unsettle national Democrats further in the coming weeks, with a new phase of his campaign aimed at pushing lawmakers in solidly liberal seats to endorse impeachment. Having collected more than four million email addresses from people who signed an impeachment petition, Mr. Steyer has begun prodding those voters to call congressional offices and lobby them for support.

In an interview, Mr. Steyer was dismissive of party leaders’ reservations about making impeachment an issue in 2018. He described Mr. Trump as lawless and unfit for office; acknowledging the practical obstacles to impeachment, he said raising a popular outcry was a necessary first step.

“We’re just telling the truth to the American people, and it’s an important truth,” Mr. Steyer said of his campaign. “And if you don’t think it’s politically convenient for you, that’s too bad.”

Already, Democrats acknowledge that Mr. Steyer has helped force impeachment into mainstream conversation, playing to a liberal base that has cheered confrontational tactics like the three-day government shutdown. While Democrats intend to run on a fiercely anti-Trump message this year, party leaders envision a campaign of broad attacks on the president’s economic agenda rather than a blunt-force impeachment pledge. There is no realistic chance of impeaching Mr. Trump while Republicans control Congress, and Democrats from moderate and conservative districts fear the idea could alienate voters otherwise likely to vote their way in November.

But the Democratic base, enraged by Mr. Trump and frustrated by party leaders counseling restraint, appears enthusiastically open to seeking the president’s removal. A handful of Democratic congressional candidates — in crucial states like California, Florida, Nevada and Wisconsin — have vowed to pursue impeachment if they are elected. That number is likely to grow during the coming season of Democratic primaries, in which throngs of candidates are competing for the affection of liberal voters who loathe the president.

Mary Barzee Flores, a former circuit court judge who is one of more than a half-dozen Democrats seeking a Republican-held seat in Miami, said the issue had plainly resonated with voters in the area, where Mr. Trump is unpopular. Ms. Barzee Flores, who endorsed impeachment in a newspaper column last fall, said Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, had been a breaking point for her.

“Like a lot of people, I am appalled by the president’s conduct in office,” Ms. Barzee Flores said in an interview, adding: “I do believe that there’s a basis to impeach the president, and I do believe that he’s got to go. He’s dangerous.”

But Ms. Barzee Flores said Democrats should not treat impeachment as a singular issue in 2018, over matters like health care and immigration. “There are other issues that are pressing,” she said. “More pressing, even.”

© James Estrin/The New York Times Mary Barzee Flores, a former circuit court judge seeking a Republican-held seat in Miami, said Democrats should not treat impeachment as a singular issue in 2018. “There are…

For Mr. Steyer, however, impeachment is a singular cause. And he is no easy character for Democrats to ignore: From his headquarters in a San Francisco office tower, Mr. Steyer, 60, has built a sprawling political operation with more than 200 staff members around the country, mostly employed by his flagship group, NextGen America, which focuses on climate change.

Mr. Steyer has amassed a mixed win-loss record over the years, along with a mercurial reputation among Democratic strategists. But he is nearly alone among Democratic donors in his willingness to spend money on a titanic scale. In 2016, Mr. Steyer spent more than $90 million supporting Democrats, and his checkbook may be critical to their efforts to capture Congress.

Separate from the impeachment drive, Mr. Steyer, who made his fortune as a hedge fund investor, announced this month that he would spend $30 million on mobilizing young voters in 2018. He has already quietly funneled nearly $2 million into a union-backed effort to capture seven Republican-held seats in California, three strategists directly involved in the campaign said.

But on impeachment, Democrats in Congress have made no secret of their skepticism. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leaders in the House and Senate, have called it a premature proposal. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a hero of the left, said Democrats should avoid “jumping the gun” on such a drastic action. And the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has urged candidates to use more measured language, endorsing investigations of Mr. Trump but avoiding an impeachment pledge.

Ms. Pelosi, who has a longstanding relationship with Mr. Steyer and hosted him in her private box at the Democrats’ 2016 convention, conveyed her concerns to him directly. She told Mr. Steyer in a phone call last fall that impeachment was a profoundly divisive issue and stressed that other matters, like the Republican-backed tax overhaul, were more urgent, according to four people briefed on the conversation.

But Mr. Steyer insisted that Mr. Trump had more than met the standard for being removed from office, and said his ads were electrifying the Democratic base. The conversation was cordial, according to associates of both Democrats, but neither gave ground.

Mr. Steyer, his friends say, has been more pointed in private, appearing indifferent or even emboldened by the criticism of Democrats in Washington. Two of his friends, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Mr. Steyer has taken to declaring that when Ms. Pelosi or Mr. Schumer is complaining, he knows he is on the right track.

But Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer are not alone in their reservations. An impeachment resolution introduced last year by Representative Al Green, a Democrat of Texas, garnered only 58 votes in December. (When Mr. Green pushed for a vote for the second time in January, that number rose only slightly, to 66.)
Even if the House did vote to impeach Mr. Trump — perhaps under possible Democratic control in 2019 — it would take a two-thirds vote of the Senate to remove him from office — a threshold that could only be met with the help of a sizable number of Republicans. That appears an extremely remote possibility.

Representative Brendan Boyle, a Democrat of Pennsylvania who voted against the impeachment resolution, warned that pressing now could backfire badly. Voicing the exasperation of many of his colleagues, Mr. Boyle called the Steyer campaign a fruitless exercise.

“I just don’t see how the ads achieve anything,” Mr. Boyle said. “To do this now, before Special Counsel Mueller finishes the investigation, only complicates our job if Mueller finds something that warrants impeachment, which I believe is a real possibility.”

The Democratic base appears more receptive: Seventy percent of Democrats favor impeachment hearings, according to an NBC News/The Wall Street Journal poll published last month. Overall, 41 percent of Americans support impeachment hearings — an unusually high number for a president in his first year, but well short of an electoral majority.

If Mr. Steyer’s focus on impeachment is new, his status as one of the most mercurial figures in Democratic politics is not. He has pursued a number of political adventures over the last few years, often hiring expensive consultants and spending heavily on advertising, and then abruptly moving on to an entirely new project.

Last year, Mr. Steyer embarked on a kind of political star search, gathering national political strategists, including top advisers to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, to map out a run for governor or Senate. After briefly threatening to challenge Senator Dianne Feinstein, a fellow Democrat, Mr. Steyer abandoned plans to run for office in 2018.

Former Representative Ellen Tauscher, a Northern California Democrat, said Mr. Steyer had plainly embraced a provocateur’s role instead of putting his name on the ballot this year. But Ms. Tauscher, who leads a “super PAC” targeting California Republicans, warned that voters might balk at electing a Congress bent on driving Mr. Trump from office.

“You can’t have a conversation about impeachment until you take the House back, and so this is a little bit like somebody who’s jumped ahead,” Ms. Tauscher said, adding of Mr. Steyer: “I think, to a certain extent, Tom knows this.”

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by cthia   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 5:29 pm

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Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Post by smr   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:02 pm

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Ok GC, do you still think that the Obama Administration was not spying/illegal wiretapping Trump. The FISA memo was just released. Weapons of Mass destruction and working for a foreign intelligence service aka Russia were the justification for surveillance. This after the first attempt to spy was turned down by the court. The big question in my mind did they use the phony Trump dossier created by Clinton Campaign to get the approval of the 2nd FISA court. Time to go download this document and start to read the entire droll document.
Post by Annachie   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:30 pm

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There's a second dossier?

Who knew.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Post by Annachie   » Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:05 pm

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You've not actually looked at that memo have you?

Firstly, Infowars. 'Nuff said.

Secondly, it appears to be almost purely the FISC trying to investigate the NSA abuses leaked by Snowden back in 2013. Abuses that, from memory, date to Bush jnr's presidency.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)

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