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Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet?

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Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet?
Post by Theemile   » Thu Dec 07, 2017 2:58 pm

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Weird Harold wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Good point. IIRC The RZ fans out from the terminus to the edges of the hyper limit. So dropping out of hyper anywhere near a direct line between the terminus and the limit would be in the very heart of the RZ.

A resonance zone pinches IN, rather than fans out. From the hyperlimit of the Terminus to the diameter of the star (and/or other body big enough to have a hyperlimit, like a Jovian planet.)

From the terminus to the star would be a straight line through the hyperlimit, but not to the full diameter of the star's hyperlimit.

Au Contraire - in the Manticorian system diagram in Jayne's RMN, the resonance zone widens to the hyperlimit, covering ~40% of the hyperlimit facing the wormhole. (on the 2d map)

Makes you wonder why no one noticed it for 200 years...
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet?
Post by Jonathan_S   » Thu Dec 07, 2017 5:00 pm

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Theemile wrote:
Weird Harold wrote:A resonance zone pinches IN, rather than fans out. From the hyperlimit of the Terminus to the diameter of the star (and/or other body big enough to have a hyperlimit, like a Jovian planet.)

From the terminus to the star would be a straight line through the hyperlimit, but not to the full diameter of the star's hyperlimit.

Au Contraire - in the Manticorian system diagram in Jayne's RMN, the resonance zone widens to the hyperlimit, covering ~40% of the hyperlimit facing the wormhole. (on the 2d map)

Makes you wonder why no one noticed it for 200 years...

And At All Costs describes is at (bold added)
At All Costs: Ch. 62 wrote:Any wormhole terminus associated with a star formed a conical volume in hyper, with the wormhole at its apex and a base centered on the star and twice as wide as its hyper limit, in which hyper-space astrogation became less than totally reliable. The bigger the terminus or junction, the stronger the resonance effect . . . and the Manticoran Wormhole Junction, with its multiple termini, was the largest ever discovered. The resonance zone it produced was more of a tsunami, and it didn't just make astrogation "less than reliable." It made it the next best thing to flatly impossible. Any translation out of the resonance zone risked serious astrogational uncertainty, and any translation into the zone would have been no more than a complicated way to commit suicide.
Though it doesn't say so, it pretty much has to be weaker towards the fringes.

As you say, even with the low levels of interstellar trading happening before the Junction was discovered there's no way Manticore could have missed that 100% of ships attempting to enter n-space over 50% the circumference of their hyper limit simply never arrived.

Though a bit later in AAC it does mention that each planet is shielded by the RZ for half it's year, which implies the full cone is too dangerous to jump into -- which is crazy- that couldn't possibly escape notice.
Re: Out of order snippet? WHAT out of order snippet?
Post by Vince   » Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:37 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1574
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Weird Harold wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:Good point. IIRC The RZ fans out from the terminus to the edges of the hyper limit. So dropping out of hyper anywhere near a direct line between the terminus and the limit would be in the very heart of the RZ.

A resonance zone pinches IN, rather than fans out. From the hyperlimit of the Terminus to the diameter of the star (and/or other body big enough to have a hyperlimit, like a Jovian planet.)

From the terminus to the star would be a straight line through the hyperlimit, but not to the full diameter of the star's hyperlimit.

No, it fans out to the diameter of the hyper limit, not the star:
At All Costs, Chapter 62 wrote:The Junction's position also put it over eleven light-hours from Manticore-B, which created Home Fleet's commander's second problem. But, fortunately, Manticore-B also lay far outside the resonance zone—the volume of space between the Junction and Manticore-A in which it was virtually impossible to translate between hyper-space and normal-space. Any wormhole terminus associated with a star formed a conical volume in hyper, with the wormhole at its apex and a base centered on the star and twice as wide as its hyper limit, in which hyper-space astrogation became less than totally reliable. The bigger the terminus or junction, the stronger the resonance effect . . . and the Manticoran Wormhole Junction, with its multiple termini, was the largest ever discovered. The resonance zone it produced was more of a tsunami, and it didn't just make astrogation "less than reliable." It made it the next best thing to flatly impossible. Any translation out of the resonance zone risked serious astrogational uncertainty, and any translation into the zone would have been no more than a complicated way to commit suicide. But since the Manticore Binary System's secondary component lay outside the resonance (and would for the next few hundred years or so), Home Fleet had actually been closer from its position covering the Junction—in terms of travel time—to Manticore-B than to Manticore-A.
Italics are the author's, boldface and underlined text is my emphasis.
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