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Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)

The "Prince Roger" books, co-authored by David and John Ringo, are a well-loved series...join us for further conversations!
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by jay   » Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:59 am


Posts: 2
Joined: Wed May 23, 2012 4:24 am

Did Julian only receive Duke Mars (the obvious error), or were other titles glossed over and lost in the ellipses? Seems that he would become untitled once enough heirs are uncanned...
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Hank Plantagenet   » Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:31 am

Hank Plantagenet
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I saw that one crucial actor did not receive any titles or awards at all, although a loyal and well-deserving character.

It makes me wonder if the office of Prime Minister must be filled by a commoner. ;)
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by AJGrossman   » Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:52 am


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is there an update to a publication date for Book 5 in the Empire of Man series? Sadly, I haven't seen anything else besides the snippets at ... eofMan5/-/

Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Peter2   » Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:55 pm

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AJGrossman wrote:is there an update to a publication date for Book 5 in the Empire of Man series? Sadly, I haven't seen anything else besides the snippets at ... eofMan5/-/


Thank you for flagging those up to me. I shall enjoy reading the book if and when it finally arrives.
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Sharidann   » Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:31 am

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Also, apparently there was one big, well, HUMONGOUS cluster-fxck in communications between David and John.

From memory:
John sent his draft to David ages ago, got no answer, spoke with David about it, David said "didn't get it, resend", John did it, still no answer from David, then John spoke with Sharon about it and she confirmed David didn't get it, a check of the email-addies revealed that John had sent it to an address that David hasn't used in ages... and that David has sent inquiries about the manuscript to an address that John hasn't used for years either...
So last stand is: David finally got the draft from John,
they both can once again communicate with each other, not sure when he shall find the time to take care of it, as he has other contractual obligations and first had to recover from his surgery.

All Infos were to be found on Baen's website in the John Ringo Tavern.
Link to thread:

Post 17...
AJGrossman wrote:is there an update to a publication date for Book 5 in the Empire of Man series? Sadly, I haven't seen anything else besides the snippets at ... eofMan5/-/

Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Sharidann   » Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:37 am

Lieutenant (Senior Grade)

Posts: 59
Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:29 am

There are a couple of snippets missing...


You were warned!!!!

No, Serious.... BIG SPOILERS AHOI!!!!!!

Number one (expansion of the first chapter on Jiltanith)

///big jump. Move to Marduk, etcetera. This is during the long transit to Marduk.///
"Admiral," Roger said as Helmut entered the command quarters. "Thank you for coming over to visit."
"You are my Emperor, Your Majesty," Helmut said. At Roger's gesture he took a seat in one of the station chairs.
"And a tad new to the job," Roger said, leaning back and steepling his fingers. "I miss the hell out of Armand Pahner, Admiral. Because Armand and I learned, slowly, painfully, in a very hard school how to work together. And one thing he taught me was the difference between some natural skill at something and natural skill coupled with experience. In every aspect of being Emperor, that lack of experience is a huge challenge. Whatever natural skill I might or might not have, We might or might not have, is often insufficient to the massive lack of experience We assuredly possess."
"In most ways, Your Majesty, I do not think you are doing a bad job," Helmut said, uncomfortably. "Moving the capital was, I believe, a political master stroke. We'll have to see how it actually works out but breaking up the current embedded politics has to have some benefit."
"But you're still unhappy with the current plan to go through the Saint territory for example," Roger said.
"It seems a short term solution that creates long-term issues, Your Majesty," Helmut said. "I have to disagree that the Saints are going to take it sitting down. However, it may permit us to take out Kellerman with more limited losses than a frontal assault. If we then find ourselves involved in a war with the Saints? Difficult but unlikely to end the Empire. Their fleets are not as well trained nor equipped as ours. Given the time lag to their capital and time to assemble a sufficient fleet to actually attack us, we would have repaired most of the damage in the Kellerman system and be ready for them. I'd anticipate after a bit of fighting another cease fire. Finally, it is your order, Your Majesty. And like it or not, I am loyal to the throne."
"I, We damnit, agree that the Saints won't take it sitting down," Roger said. "Especially since a frontal assault on Jackon's planets will leave all of Our forces in tatters both those currently loyal and the ones in Kellerman. It's exactly the opportunity they've been waiting for and as clear a casus belli as they could ask. And We are more pessimistic about the plan as briefed than you, Admiral. Frankly, an assault on Kellerman might not work. Which would leave Us, loyalist Us, in a three front war we'd probably lose. That's my analysis, anyway."
"Then…?" Helmut said, his brow furrowing. "Your Majesty, I cannot recommend going to war with the Saints under the conditions you described. I would even strongly protest."
"Which is why it's not the real plan," Roger said, smiling thinly. "And that is why you are here. You and only you. Armand taught me the difference between talent and experience. I think the real plan is a pretty good plan. But I don't know. I don't have the experience. You do. So you, and only you, will know it besides myself. Julian has some inkling due to some orders I, We, gave him. But only you will know the full plan and Our thoughts behind it."
"So, what is the plan, Your Majesty?" Helmut asked.
Roger spent five minutes giving him the outline.
"Duke Helmut, you are the most respected space warrior in the known galaxy," Roger said when he was finished. "If you think this is a bad idea, say so now and we'll figure out something else. Otherwise, we go with it. We as in the fleets."
"I would like a moment to consider this plan, Your Majesty," Helmut said.
"Take as much time as you need," Roger said, leaning back in his chair again.
While his sovereign waited, Helmut got up and started pacing. It was nineteen of his very short steps from one end of the large compartment to the other. Back and forth, back and forth, for a full twenty minutes. Finally, he stopped, walked to the front of Roger's desk and took a position of parade rest.
"Your Majesty, I have finished my consideration of your plan," Helmut said, formally. "I have two objections."
"Go," Roger said.
"The first objection is that as you have noted you are the invaluable man," Helmut said. "There are already objections to placing yourself and your heirs on Marduk which is far from the current center of power and somewhat ill defended at present. This places you virtually at the front lines."
"Duly noted," Roger said. "We have already considered that fact and have decided it is insufficiently important compared to the objective. Objection denied. Second objection."
"I am professionally annoyed that I didn’t think of it first."

Snippet 2:

"Sailors and Marines of the Empire," Roger said. "We embark upon a great battle. Be really aware of that. This is going to be a fight to tell the grandkids about. An old Earth general once said the job of a soldier isn't to die for his country, his job is to kill the other poor bastard. In this case, we're going to be killing our brothers. That is a sad, sorry, duty. A tough one. The thing to keep in mind is that the leader of those poor bastards, the guy they are following, was the son-of-a-bitch who ordered the rape of your Empress, my mother, and who killed my entire family. So mercy is a distant second to winning in this one. And win we shall.
"There are lots of rumors going around. Jackson has us outnumbered. We're going to be going in against a heavily fortified system. We're going to get our asses kicked.
"We, I, have been fighting battles for it seems like half my life. Most of you have at least had a touch on Marduk, whether you liked it for shore leave or not, and seen some of what We fought crossing that hellish planet. But we didn't just fight lions and tigers and bears. We fought battles against half the nations and barbarians of that world. And We won every single battle.
"So keep that in mind as well. Your leader has never lost a battle. Not a single damned one. We don't intend to lose this one or even take a hell of a lot of casualties. Why you'll just have to figure out later. There shall be battle upon this morn and as God is my witness, most of you shall see the sunset again. It is the other poor bastards who are going to be doing the dying.
"Because Jackson made the classic blunder: He pocked with a McClintock. Ask half the polities on Marduk what that means. Nobody does that and lives to tell about it.
"All ships: Transit."

Et voilà!!!

And yes, can't wait to read that book ! :-)


Peter2 wrote:
AJGrossman wrote:is there an update to a publication date for Book 5 in the Empire of Man series? Sadly, I haven't seen anything else besides the snippets at ... eofMan5/-/


Thank you for flagging those up to me. I shall enjoy reading the book if and when it finally arrives.
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by AJGrossman   » Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:19 am


Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:12 pm

Wow, I really can't wait for this book :P

Sharidann wrote:There are a couple of snippets missing...


You were warned!!!!

Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Louis R   » Wed Apr 05, 2017 3:01 pm

Louis R
Rear Admiral

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thanks. Had seen the second one, missed the first.

Sharidann wrote:There are a couple of snippets missing...


< snip >
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Lunan   » Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:47 pm

Captain of the List

Posts: 401
Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:06 am

i either missed both those or read them so long ago i forgot about them.
so now that Himself has the MS anyone know if hes working on it? we know John works to his Muse (which is great in some ways but sucks from a movign various series forward standpoint, while david is more methodical and works a project at a time rarely putting one aside untill its done)

Louis R wrote:thanks. Had seen the second one, missed the first.

Sharidann wrote:There are a couple of snippets missing...


< snip >
Re: Questions about Book 5 Snippets (SPOILERS)
Post by Michae   » Mon May 29, 2017 7:36 pm

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Posts: 67
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From the tone of the Snippets it sounds very like several companies that were responsible for issuing faulty equipment will be experiencing a change in management at the very least. After all Prince Roger (now Emperor) did say that ANYONE that was responsible for knowingly issuing faulty equipment was going to the wall,on the bodies of their dead.
I suspect certain members of the Surviving Basik's Own members that had to work with faulty plasma rifles,seeing those members have now received various titles would be more than happy to get their hands dirty,so to speak.

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