cthia wrote: Oh no, the propaganda machine got to you too?
Shining examples of Christians.
If you are going to create a life form, you
must embed a conscience.
Once you lay out the schematics and algorithms, you will find that your 'conscience' is exactly the constructs at the heart of Christianity - no matter what you label it.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
No, quite the opposite to "shining examples", and that was the point. There are millions of devout christians with a wild variety of beliefs that they will swear comes from their holy bible and nowhere else, not to mention how it is "obviously" the one and only holy godgiven truth.
At the opposite side of that spectra, you have Stalin, which became a paranoid genocidal anti-religious atheist BY STUDYING RELIGION.
So, if you try to enter religion into a computer, you have quite a fair risk of getting an AI that instantly declares holy war, starting with a crusade against pigfarmers, as it is clearly against christian beliefs to even consider eating such foul things, and anyone raising them must be evil by default.
Or you might get an AI that figures only way for humans to be religious is being insane and delusional, ergo they should be removed from the earth as they´re nothing but a putrid infestation.
Both above extremes can easily be drawn through logic applied on "christian values".
Once you lay out the schematics and algorithms, you will find that your 'conscience' is exactly the constructs at the heart of Christianity - no matter what you label it.
Don´t be absurd. Rosecolored glasses might allow you to only see what you wish, but reality isn´t quite that nice and simple.
Not from religion but from a Deity.
It is widely - totally - accepted by academia that conscience lies in the realm of the metaphysical.
Short skip and a jump.
No, not among sane academia. Actually, not among ANY academia i ever heard about.
Well possibly with the exception of the lunatic fundamentalist christians in USA of course.
The idea is insane as it is contraindicated every day, all the time.