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HFQ Official Snippet #20

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Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:18 am

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Hi Keith_W,

Actually I believe it was in HFaF and MTaT that we read his thinking references to his plans to get his daughters and their families out of the inquisition's clutches.

Who knows perhaps he's 'buried at sea' after being 'shot', and Merlin rescues him, with just the message suggesting this solution delivered by Nynian's agents.

Of course Merlin offering a breath mask [could diving suits etc be the Lt's other project?] while not needing one himself might be quite a shock to what he thought he knew about Merlin. :lol:

If it takes a 5day or more for the news of his execution to reach Gorath, then Merlin et. al will have that much more time to rescue his daughters.

On the other hand, suppose its all within Thirsk's navy capability, ie he's to be rescued by a RDN submersible or diver, with bishop Maik's support?

Interesting times indeed.


Keith_w wrote:
DrakBibliophile wrote:Having a suspicious mind, I wonder if the Mighty Wizard Weber has another means in mind for "rescuing" Thirsk and his family. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Oh, Nice Snippet. :)

[quote="runsforcelery" quote="Peter2"

I wonder if there's any chance of Aivah Pahrsahn's organisation getting Thirsk and his family out from under the baleful eyes of their Inquisition guards? /quote

No. :P :twisted: :lol:/

There is a point in LAMA (if I recall correctly) where Thirsk thinks to himself about his secret plans which I assumed will concern rescuing his family, and may have something to do with the Duke shoot which occurred in a previous snippet
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:23 am

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"Hi everybody,"

If Ahlverez is truly out of the rescuer role, I'm wondering if Nimue might replicate his features to be his double, since she's closer to his height, to do the deed for him which puts Thirsk in his eternal debt?

Feel free to share your thoughts either way.

Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:37 am

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Hi McGuiness,

Thanks to Nimue, the old joke about "Look out! There's two of them!" might have some bearing on some problems, but with Nahrmahn/OWL able to execute any pesky guards or priests etc with their SNARC sensors as assassins, I see the main problem being safely escaping, ie transport and hiding, rather than simply breaking out of their incarceration.

We have no textev, but the inquisition might hold Thirsk's daughters and their families in the mansions or castles of his enemies, which might have rotated to Ahlverez by that time, or in a royal palace that Ahlverez has access to but not Thirsk.

If Ahlverez escapes being trapped, he might be able to arrange some of what's needed, or OWL might forge it for him. :D

183 days to go.


McGuiness wrote:
DrakBibliophile wrote:Having a suspicious mind, I wonder if the Mighty Wizard Weber has another means in mind for "rescuing" Thirsk and his family. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Oh, Nice Snippet. :) *quote**quote="runsforcelery"**quote="Peter2"*
I wonder if there's any chance of Aivah Pahrsahn's organisation getting Thirsk and his family out from under the baleful eyes of their Inquisition guards? *quote*
No. :P :twisted: :lol:*quote*Oh dear, the Voice of God on Safehold has spoken!

Those of us who have had the misfortune to have spent far too much time on these forums over the years, and thus have been the victims of RFC's . . . misdirections, know better than to believe him when he makes a clear, direct declaration about anything! So all he said here is that Aivah's organization won't be involved in spiriting Thirsk's family away from the tender guardianship of the Inquisition, not that it won't happen!

Since most readers respect Thirsk and wished he weren't playing for the wrong team, getting him to defect has long been a fond dream of ours. I've postulated that we're more likely to see a seijin involved in spiriting his family away if some sort of derring do is required, although the best sort of derring do is when the inquisitors notice that their charges are missing only after those charges have been missing for some time. Now that there's a female seijin, rescuing Thirsk's family might be a bit easier. Of course Thirsk would have to be at sea so he isn't immediately executed for treason... ;)

Seriously, if his family disappears, he's a dead man. If he's killed in battle or "something" then there's no reason to keep his family under the "protection" of the Inquisition. So if there's some skullduggery afoot, the seijins, Aivah, and the EoC may not have to be involved at all! (Other than the EoC serving as a sanctuary for Thirsk's corpse and his grieving family of course!) :lol:
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:49 am

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Hi BobG,

Kudos for the excellent points.

Letting Ahlverez exhaust his men might be cruel but it might also put them in the proper frame of mind to surrender when the trap is sprung.

The Salthar Canal should still be a major alliance priority after Dohlar is forced to retreat out of Siddermark, but that doesn't mean the alliance has to take Silk Town first.

If EHM takes Dairnyth soon, cutting the semaphore south to Dohlar and Howard, Dohlar might become much more accommodating.

Besides ending serfdom and Rahnyld IV's rule, whatever demands should the alliance make?


BobG wrote:
McGuiness wrote:I feel a bit less worried about 40,000 (and dwindling) survivors of the Army of Shiloh staggering around behind Hanth's main forces after this snippet. I'd feel even better if Seijin Zhevons showed up, or if Hanth received some clandestine reports of enemy movements penned by OWL...

I think it is to Hanth's advantage to let The Army of Shiloh keep on going toward St. Alek's, for a while, at least. With every mile they go, the more starved they are, and the less prepared for combat they are. With Hanth's ironclads, barges, supplies, and fresh troops, they could choose an ideal location for an ambush, ring it with mines and entrenchments, and when Ahlverez walks into it, oops. For that matter, the impact on morale after they think they might get away would be significant. I don't think he'd even put up much of a fight.

It does occur to me that Hanth's forces may not be the most critical ones to go after. Pushing toward Silk Town, and pushing the Dohlarens back may be more important. They are probably the best price-performace option for removing CoGA troops from the scene, however.

-- Bob G
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:58 am

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Hi SighsHeavily,

Greetings and welcome to the forums, please enjoy your favorite simulated beverage on the simulated forum. :D

Dohlar is a kingdom, and demoting it to princedom status will not endear the alliance to the Dohlaran public, whatever the nobility might have agreed to, ie seeing a prince has less authority than a king, making their positions seem more secure.

Making Thirsk king has been suggested before, but given his limited support among the nobility and the powers that be, that seems much too risky for the alliance.

Making him co-regent with Ahlverez seems more acceptable to the Dohlaran public to me.


SighsHeavily wrote:...Since most readers respect Thirsk and wished he weren't playing for the wrong team, getting him to defect has long been a fond dream of ours...

Quite. Many of us DO wish Thirsk would stop musing in cathedrals about how bad the team he is playing for is (Midst Toil Etc.) and figure out a way out. However, getting him out of Dohlar would have been an early to mid-game strategy for the EoC in my opinion...and the game is moving on rapidly. Frankly, while it is easy to get bogged in the details when getting the story in agonizing little snippets, Himself is writing a major story arc and the Empire has to hold and control what it acquires by whatever means...and without consuming too much scarce person-power. In the past, this has meant doing practical deals with conquered princes and/or replacing them (a la Zebediah) with reliable parties like General C. However, soon, at least some on this forum speculate, Charis will be in a position to occupy Dohlar Very good. Who then, however, to have as a tributary prince in Dohlar? Just as Prince Hector appointed a local Zebedian noble as "Grand Duke" after conquering that Princedom, the Empire may well wish a Dohlaran prince of their own choosing but less likely to be seen as a foreign interloper by the locals. At that juncture, one may ask: "Who better than the irritatingly competent, honorable, "knows he has no future," and increasingly Zion-sceptical Thirsk?" Thus, in this scenario, no one spirits out Thirsk or his family. At most a team of scout snipers (or similar) is sent on ahead during the confusion of invasion to take out the temple guards/inquisitors watching Thirsk's family. Once they are safe and the Princedom is held the Empire can negotiate with the Earl - they do not even have to defeat his fleet as a fleet with no home port will soon be no fleet at all.

On the above note, one might speculate that one fine day the King of Delferahk may find a letter on his pillow from his loving niece, now married into the Armahk family, suggesting to her Uncle that it is time to get into the boat with the winners and out of the water with the Temple losers. Again, this is in accordance with the type of realpolitik themes already used by the redoubtable Mr. Weber in this series. Now that might be a real blow to the Grand Inquisitor! Thirsk as Prince followed by Delferahk's change of allegiance. After all, how much territory does the EoC take and how many princedoms does it acquire before there is a rush to the exits by the remaining rulers of Safehold? Hmmmm....?
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by Joat42   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:02 am


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Re RFC's negative on Thirsk and family getting rescued by Aivah's organisation.

I have posited the theory that Thirsks family could be saved by Aivah's organization quite a while ago, but thinking about it now I doubt it's very realistic.

The same goes for Merlin rescuing his family, however if Thirsk is dead there is no need for the inquisition to keep them under their thumb.

So, we have a couple of scenarios that might be possible:
  1. Thirsk gets killed because the enmity from a certain Dohlarian noble which sees his chance to get his revenge.
  2. Thirsk gets killed because the inquisition thinks he is of no further use.
  3. Thirsk plans his own "death" as a way to defect. See LAMA Aug 896 - Ch IX and his thoughts about Ahlvyn Khapahr and his daugthers.
  4. Thirsk plans his own death as a way to save his family from the inquisition.
  5. Merlin impersonates Ahlvyn Khapahr and feigns killing Thirsk as a way to help him defect.
In my opinion, Thirsk's death by Ahlvyn Khapahr hand is very fishy since we know that Thirsk thrusts him implicitly and we have the reference to that Ahlvyn is up to something that Thirsk can't tell his daughters about (see point 3 above for reference).

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:14 am

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Nice to hear from you.

Actually the textev a third of his men no longer have weapons, but have of them might still be rifles.

Approximately 13,000 rifles is actually a high percentage of the rifles Ahlverez took with him from Thesmar, almost half, while only a third of the Desnari infantry had rifles to start with.

If the infantry still has 60 rounds per man, ie just 15 minutes firing time, no wonder Ahlverez knows he can't fight a real battle.

Since the Desnarians are at least in the same boat, Thirsk's predictions of their unlikely successful escape seem increasingly accurate.


SYED wrote:I forget, which kind of guns are these guys carrying. If only a third are armed, that is 13000 guns. so a small force could do untold damage to the armny.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:22 am

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Hi Anwi,

Kudos for your many thoughtful contributions on snippet #19 and here.

The poem shows some talent, I look forward to the rest as we learn the details.

EHM might already be within a hundred miles of Fort Sheldon, able to block Ahlverez quite soon.

But I also wonder if Tyrwait has captured a supply convoy...


anwi wrote:As I see it, it's rather unlikely that Ahlverez gets suicidal tendencies. He's actually developed a plan that had a small chance of success if he wasn't up against Merlin's intelligence. He should arrive at the Malyktyn - Cheryk road to find some Charisian troops already holding key points. It'll be interesting to see what he does then.
In any case, it'll be interesting to see how far Ahlverez comes. I think it won't be that far actually.
Moreover, I don't think that the Allies have any interest in letting him escape. (Ahlverez might get relevant again in the next books after his release as a POW.)
But perhaps his march will leave a lasting memory like:

Ten little Dohlarans were walking through South March,
one got lost in the Kyplyngyr, nine still on the march;
Nine little Dohlarans arrived at Tairys late,
One fell to Duke Eastshares men and then there were only eight,
Eight little Dohlarans ...
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by lyonheart   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:35 am

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Hi Jgnfld,

Sorry I thought I'd already sent this.

May I echo your hopes for the Weber household.

Such subterfuge doesn't reflect the values that RFC has set the ICA up to honor.

Who knows, the ICA might attract Ahlverez's remnants to where they're to surrender by baking lots of fresh bread.

The problem then becomes what to do with ~40,000 POW's, shipping them by sea to the southeastern republic or would Tarot be better?

Your thoughts will be appreciated.


jgnfld wrote:
Keith_w wrote:Thank you very much for the snippet RFC. I am sure that we all hope that things are going well in the household.

I think the best thing for the ICA would be for Ahlvarez's men to become POWs. If the succeed in retuning to Dohlar, they will become the core of a new, experienced fighting force that will like nothing better than to avenge their treatment at the heretics hands. In short, rather than supporting the church, it will have become personal for them, as well as theological.

That's one possibility. Nations, however, have also been known to sequester or otherwise hide totally defeated forces away in some remote deployment rather than use their learning.

That said, I too foresee a mass surrender.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #20
Post by Peter2   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 10:05 am

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Peter2 I wonder if there's any chance of Aivah Pahrsahn's organisation getting Thirsk and his family out from under the baleful eyes of their Inquisition guards?

RFC No. :P :twisted: :lol:

Peter2 Shucks! Oh well . . . :cry:

Randomiser What? You expected RFC to give a clear and unambiguous answer to a question like that? :lol: :twisted: :lol:[/quote]

Nope. :lol: And I strongly suspect the fact that I got one means I asked the wrong question! :mrgreen:

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