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My only proof

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My only proof
Post by Yow   » Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:01 pm

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Location: North Carolina, United States

This weekend I took my light cruiser HMS Courageous from the Breslau Sector to the live event for the Caldarian Outpost.

My trip to visit the Caldarian Outpost this week. They're not very friendly :(

:D road trip!!!
This is it?! Waaiiit? :shock: ? Ermagurd!! :o Dez gots guns. Back n'da ship. Go! Go! Go!
Run away. Run away! :lol:

I so got my posterior handed to me :(

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"
Re: My only proof
Post by RandomGraysuit   » Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:38 pm

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You know, I would LOVE to see if I could beat the medium event with the DD, or take the CL up against the hard boss a few more times. Pity, but I just upgraded to my CA and I'm stuck there... for the moment. I think it's possible to go back to previous sectors and ships with only a little bit of minor tweaking.

Caldarian Outpost *is* beatable with a CL. The key is to go with straight-up nukes. Unlike last week's boss, it's very, very strong against system damage, to the point where it's not even worth bothering to attempt that method in a CL.

Go with the best (purple with 2 upgrades if possible, fully upgraded blue if not) +weapon speed and +weapon damage items you can get. Although +damage is mathematically better, you cannot beat this boss's defenses. You have to shoot through the cooldowns.

Max your bridge, and then fill the remainder with the purple attitude jets that you can pick up in the hard mode station. You want that to be in use constantly, as it's your only way of beating a three-salvo broadside.

You should have three orange/legendary countermissile cooldown items in the CL, and all the blue or higher laser cooldown items you've been able to scrounge. You want to alternate lasers/CMs, with ECM as your backup. Rack a pair each of blue ECM and Laser repair items (unless you have several purple/orange laser cooldowns), and consider a third repair item on your ECM.

If you have to choose, allow ECM missiles through first, then hull damage (including single salvos of nukes), then sidewall. Lasers are better to let through than CM due to your three orange CM cooldowns, but not by much. Avoid weapons and especially Mk 13 hits at all costs, because this one is a DPS race.

If you've picked up a full array of legendary armor, you should be sitting at around 3500 HP IIRC. By rolling intelligently and accepting hits onto your ECM systems and sidewall, you can out-DPS the boss with a lead-in of sidewall burners and then straight nukes. Do it right, and you'll get about a 50-70% win rate.
Re: My only proof
Post by Yow   » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:20 am

Captain (Junior Grade)

Posts: 348
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Location: North Carolina, United States

RandomGraysuit wrote:You know, I would LOVE to see if I could beat the medium event with the DD, or take the CL up against the hard boss a few more times. Pity, but I just upgraded to my CA and I'm stuck there... for the moment. I think it's possible to go back to previous sectors and ships with only a little bit of minor tweaking.

Caldarian Outpost *is* beatable with a CL. The key is to go with straight-up nukes. Unlike last week's boss, it's very, very strong against system damage, to the point where it's not even worth bothering to attempt that method in a CL.

Go with the best (purple with 2 upgrades if possible, fully upgraded blue if not) +weapon speed and +weapon damage items you can get. Although +damage is mathematically better, you cannot beat this boss's defenses. You have to shoot through the cooldowns.

Max your bridge, and then fill the remainder with the purple attitude jets that you can pick up in the hard mode station. You want that to be in use constantly, as it's your only way of beating a three-salvo broadside.

You should have three orange/legendary countermissile cooldown items in the CL, and all the blue or higher laser cooldown items you've been able to scrounge. You want to alternate lasers/CMs, with ECM as your backup. Rack a pair each of blue ECM and Laser repair items (unless you have several purple/orange laser cooldowns), and consider a third repair item on your ECM.

If you have to choose, allow ECM missiles through first, then hull damage (including single salvos of nukes), then sidewall. Lasers are better to let through than CM due to your three orange CM cooldowns, but not by much. Avoid weapons and especially Mk 13 hits at all costs, because this one is a DPS race.

If you've picked up a full array of legendary armor, you should be sitting at around 3500 HP IIRC. By rolling intelligently and accepting hits onto your ECM systems and sidewall, you can out-DPS the boss with a lead-in of sidewall burners and then straight nukes. Do it right, and you'll get about a 50-70% win rate.

Flagging this for the next live event round. I've most of the items you described from system sweeps. A few from purchases. I bought two purple thrusters but found myself too busy upgrading components to get back in and buy more. If they have them in the next round I'll buy those first thing. I had a lot of fun building up the light cruiser with only the two missiles to go after the big bosses. I've taken on 7000 hulls with 75% success rate but could never make a dent in the 14000 hull outpost. I'll stay here for one more live event then move on. I also thought about how the DDs would fare now that I have a better idea on how to fight them. I may try to create a third account to try it :)

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"
Re: My only proof
Post by Yow   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:04 am

Captain (Junior Grade)

Posts: 348
Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:32 pm
Location: North Carolina, United States



and for my troubles


At the beginning I used mostly Hull Penetrators and Nukes with different salvos of Nukes and Mk-13s thrown. Towards the end I used Nukes and Mk-13s. All throughout the fight I used primarily Hull Penetrators and Hellfires waiting 4 seconds into the enemies roll to fire to catch the defense in transition. ...and I rolled a lot. Below are the stats going in.

Tactical Option: Enhanced Hull

Level Booster III lvl 7
ONI Sidewall Grav-Negator lvl 6
Tachyon Compensator lvl 4
Antiphononid Optic Armor lvl 6
Sidewall DXL Grav-Charger lvl 6

Level Booster III lvl 7
Gravity Pump Laser Charger lvl 6
Quantum Pump Charger lvl 6
Parallel Wave Phaser lvl 6
Prism-Cloud Disrupter lvl 6

Boosted Integrator IV lvl 6
ONI Intelic Simulator lvl 6 x3
C6 BuNine Disrupter lvl 6

Prototype Z-RZ Booster lvl 6
Intelic ECM Computer lvl 6
Photonic ECM Computer lvl 6 x2
ECM Quantum Shock Emitter lvl 6

Level Booster III lvl 7
Adaptive Assembler lvl 6
Photonic Computer lvl 6
1400mm Alloy Armor lvl 6 x2

Level Booster III lvl 7
Missile Tube Robotic Loader lvl 6
Payload Projector lvl 6
Quantum Thruster II lvl 6
Antiphotonic Ballistic Armor lvl 6
Grav-Wave Disruptor lvl 6

Level Booster III lvl 7
BuNine Rad Thrusters lvl 6
Gravitic Wave Thrusters lvl 6 x5

XO lvl 10 Max level for HMS Courageous
Chief Engineer lvl 10 Max level for HMS Courageous
Tactical Weapons lvl 10 Max level for HMS Courageous
Tactical Defenses lvl 10 Max level for HMS Courageous

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"
Re: My only proof
Post by RandomGraysuit   » Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:21 pm

Captain of the List

Posts: 470
Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:03 pm

Great job! I've been farming the heck out of that guy on my light cruiser, still no drop after almost a dozen runs. Maybe you'll get it before me at this rate!

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