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Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists

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Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by cthia   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:15 am

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yannosh wrote:1) Honor Harington
2) Raoul Courvosier
3) Lester Tourville
4) Hamish Alexander
5) Shanon Foraker
6) Alfredo Yu
7) Chien-Lu Anderman
8) Javier Gicard
9) Mark Sarnow
10) Michael Oversteegen

Yes, in that order.
What I've seen in the other's list brought something to my mind.
Folks traits such as courage, leadership, or sheer awesomeness do not automatically translate into tactical acumen. Are there great tacticians not on this list? Sure, but this is the top ten.

Nice list. And you've got the balls err intestinal fortitude to put them in order. I am also considering Chien-Lu Anderman, as he seems like a force to reckon with. But I don't actually recall any examples of his tactical/strategic acumen. Are there examples somewhere?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by KNick   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:26 am


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Since the two are not mutually inclusive nor mutually exclusive, my picks are :

1.) Honor Harington
2.) Lester Tourville
3.) Tom Theisman
4.) Alfredo Yu
5.) Ester McQueen
6.) Hamish Alexander
7.) Aivars Terekhov
8.) Abigail Hearns
9.) Helen Zilwicki
10.) Judah Yanakov

1.) Honor Harrington
2.) Tom Theisman
3.) Aivars Terekhov
4.) Ester McQueen
5.) Michelle Henke
6.) Westley Matthews
7.) Lester Tourville
8.) Hamish Alexander
9.) Raoul Courvosier
10.) Scotty Tremain (now that he is finally in a position to shape strategy.)

Try to take a fisherman's fish and you will be tomorrows bait!!!
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by Kizarvexis   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:26 am

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1-Edward Saganami
2-Honor Harrington
3-Tom Theisman
4-Esther McQueen
5-Hamish Alexander
6-Raoul Courvosier
7-Javier Giscard
8-Lester Tourville
9-Aivars Terehkov
10-Judah Yanakov
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by WLBjork   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:50 am


Posts: 186
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No Quentin St. James?! The man won a war without a battle - surely the mark of a good Strategist.

As for the rest of the cast, we've mostly seen them in one role or the other. We have never seen White Haven in a single ship action for example, although his political tactics probably reflect well on his military tactics.
Oh, and I'm forgetting Parnell, bringing half the fleet that attacked Grayson home in the opening phases of the first war.


Webster, S
Zwilick Sr
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by Hutch   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:37 am

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Well, I had a long and complex post with ratings and justifications and all that...and I hit the wrong button, got logged out of the system and the whole post disappeared... :evil:

Oh well. Just for definitions, Strategy to me is what you want to accomplish once battle is joined, tactics is what you do in battle to accomplish your strategy. For example, Honor's strategy in Cerberus was to obtain enough shipping to take everyone home while defeating any Peep forces. Her tactics included coming out of the Sun and not using her impellers.

And on that note....


10. Couvorsier
9. Truman
8. Caparelli
7. Giscard
6. Sarnow
5. Terehkov
4. McQueen
3. Theisman
2. Hamish
1. Honor


10. Yu
9. Terehkov
8. Oversteegen
7. Theisman
6. Hamish
5. Sarnow
4. McQueen
3. Truman
2. Tourville
1. Honor

Them's my votes and I'm sticking with them (at least for another hour or two...)
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by Tenshinai   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:14 am


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Tactical list:

Foraker (do not mess with her)
Overstegen (gets in your mind and then makes it spin)
Theisman (a superior "classic style" officer)
Abigail Hearns (she´s going to be DANGEROUS )
Harrington (brilliant but has some bad flaws)
Sonja Hemphill (Podnaughts and Apollo... etc)
Terehkov (might climb higher on the list in the future...)
McQueen (ouchy)
Tourville (needs his 6th sense tuned a bit but otherwise superb )
Rozsak (not someone to take on lightly, or preferably at all)
Helen Zilwicki (up and coming, going to be very nasty)

Strategical list:

Theisman (just impressive)
Rozsak (master planner and plotter extraordinaire)
Abigail Hearns (run away!)
Overstegen (brilliant)
Terehkov (one step ahead )
Alexander (solid with some brilliance)
Harrington (solid and intelligent)
McQueen (failed, but even with random bad luck it wasn´t by much)
Khumalo (not obvious but he´s doing a SUPERB job in a difficult position with not enough resources, delegation is actually a very difficult skill to learn correctly)
Helen Zilwicki (still climbing fast in skill)

Lists are in rough order and i may have forgot someone or messed up what which one did, but it´s a start.
Only using ~current characters. And i have another 5 or 10 for both lists, that might take over, it´s really hard to rank them.

Them's my votes and I'm sticking with them (at least for another hour or two...)

Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by cthia   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:17 am

Fleet Admiral

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Hutch wrote:Well, I had a long and complex post with ratings and justifications and all that...and I hit the wrong button, got logged out of the system and the whole post disappeared... :evil:

Oh well. Just for definitions, Strategy to me is what you want to accomplish once battle is joined, tactics is what you do in battle to accomplish your strategy. For example, Honor's strategy in Cerberus was to obtain enough shipping to take everyone home while defeating any Peep forces. Her tactics included coming out of the Sun and not using her impellers.

And on that note....


10. Couvorsier
9. Truman
8. Caparelli
7. Giscard
6. Sarnow
5. Terehkov
4. McQueen
3. Theisman
2. Hamish
1. Honor


10. Yu
9. Terehkov
8. Oversteegen
7. Theisman
6. Hamish
5. Sarnow
4. McQueen
3. Truman
2. Tourville
1. Honor

Them's my votes and I'm sticking with them (at least for another hour or two...)

Thanks Hutch! For a minute there I panicked. "I will not allow my niece to see Honor at the bottom of a list! She's already a hairtrigger away from going ballistic!" :lol: whew, give me a stroke why don't you Hutch?!

And I appreciate all of you separating the two, however I cannot. The college students want one list. My niece argues the point and wanted either two lists, or just tacticians. They even argued over tactics and strategy. I am tickled pink that you gave your distinction Hutch. My niece's, to the students is (verbatim) ...

"Strategy is what is planned aboard ship before the actual fighting, or at the War room. Tactics are what happens during the heat of battle to keep your ass from catching fire." -Cthia's 12-year-old niece

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by cthia   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:38 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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I forgot. What happened to you happened to me on many occasions. I lost entire monologues to the "submit" button. I suppose most of us have, at some point. What I do now, just as an insurance is to copy the entire window before I sumbit. That way, no matter what, even if I have to log out, everything is in the clipboard. Even if my post is growing large I will "select all" "copy". Screwing with computers for years and computers screwing me back and winning, I learned to take precautions, mostly. As soon as I get complacent and don't "copy", boom! You think she's not watching but the compy bitch is always watching. And she holds a grudge.

But this is the first time, Hutch, that someone else got screwed by Compy and I felt cheated on. I really wish I could have seen your explanations.

Sorry Compy got you. She can be a real beeotch sometimes. She likes you to play with her mouse a lot. :lol:

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by munroburton   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:02 pm


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cthia wrote:Hutch,
I forgot. What happened to you happened to me on many occasions. I lost entire monologues to the "submit" button. I suppose most of us have, at some point. What I do now, just as an insurance is to copy the entire window before I sumbit.

My solution to this happening is to type long posts in notepad.exe. Then copy and paste into the fragile browser text box, which has consumed a few too many words for my liking over the years.
Re: Honorverse Top Ten Tacticians, Strategists
Post by Starsaber   » Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:58 pm

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Another definition problem is whether they're talking about tacticians in terms of handling an individual ship or a fleet. Someone who is good at one might not be good at the other.

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