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Honorverse timeline getting back on track?

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Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by Vince   » Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:32 pm

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roseandheather wrote:
Bill Woods wrote: Which is exactly why 'right now' is the time to act, because that's not a permanent status. The Manties have got nothing the Sollies can't duplicate if they throw enough resources and brainpower at them. And some time. -- They've got the first two. If the Manties piss away their advantage by giving them the time, they'll pay dearly.

Bill is absolutely right. The last thing the GA should do is rest on the laurels of its overwhelming technical superiority. They need to attack, and do it now, while they still have the advantage. The more they wait, the more time the SL has to start trying to catch up. The GA can't - and, dare I say, won't - let that happen.

Think about it. Elizabeth is out to get the MAlign because of all the people they caused her to lose during the M-H war. Also the Yawata Strike, which... yeah. Eloise is out to get them for the same reason as Elizabeth, plus Javier (*sob*). Tom's out to get them for the same reasons as Eloise, and also because they pissed off Honor. Allen Higgins is out to get them because of the Yawata Strike, with the additional impetus that he was commanding Home Fleet and could do nothing to save his navy or his star nation. Lester and Hamish have their own axes to grind and will follow Tom and Honor anywhere, and Honor? Well. We all know what she has against the Alignment, don't we?

Throw in the Cachat/Zilwicki team, the hotbed of tactical and diplomatic genius that is the Talbott Quadrant, the entire nation of Torch, and a really goddamn angry planetful of Graysons, and they have every reason in the world to crush the SL and the Alignment under their collective boot heel as soon as humanly possible.

You left out the treecats. An entire species now dedicated to taking out the enemies that killed almost every member the of Black Rock clan.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by kzt   » Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:00 pm

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Vince wrote:You left out the treecats. An entire species now dedicated to taking out the enemies that killed almost every member the of Black Rock clan.

That and a buck will get you a bad cup of coffee.
Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by Starsaber   » Fri Apr 18, 2014 10:41 am

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If there is a jump, I imagine it'll be more like the 5 year jump during the Manticore-Haven war truce period than a full 20 years. There are enough young established characters now that they could be in position to command ships on death rides and stuff like that in 5 years. ;)
Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by roseandheather   » Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:25 pm


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Starsaber wrote:If there is a jump, I imagine it'll be more like the 5 year jump during the Manticore-Haven war truce period than a full 20 years. There are enough young established characters now that they could be in position to command ships on death rides and stuff like that in 5 years. ;)

Mmmmmm, Abigail Hearns commanding her own ship...

...sorry, I'll try to wipe up my drool. :lol:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
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Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by KNick   » Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:24 pm


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roseandheather wrote:Mmmmmm, Abigail Hearns commanding her own ship...

...sorry, I'll try to wipe up my drool. :lol:

YES. But which Navy?

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Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by roseandheather   » Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:56 pm


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KNick wrote:
roseandheather wrote:Mmmmmm, Abigail Hearns commanding her own ship...

...sorry, I'll try to wipe up my drool. :lol:

YES. But which Navy?

In all honesty, I frankly don't give a damn which Navy she's commanding in, since a) all my darlings are now on the same side and b) it's Abigail Hearns commanding her own ship. :lol:

But, looking at the thing practically, I think that when she commands, it's going to be in the GSN. Abigail may have been "contaminated" by the women of the RMN, but she is still as Grayson as Grayson can be, and I think she'd rather command in her home navy than anywhere else. She needs to prove she can do it, and more importantly, the GSN itself needs her to prove she can do it.

Let's just shove my fantasies of Abi playing Chief Tactical Officer on a Havenite superdreadnought over to the side where they can't do anyone any harm....

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: Honorverse timeline getting back on track?
Post by pokermind   » Fri Apr 18, 2014 7:08 pm

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roseandheather wrote:
[Clip other quotes]

In all honesty, I frankly don't give a damn which Navy she's commanding in, since a) all my darlings are now on the same side and b) it's Abigail Hearns commanding her own ship. :lol:

But, looking at the thing practically, I think that when she commands, it's going to be in the GSN. Abigail may have been "contaminated" by the women of the RMN, but she is still as Grayson as Grayson can be, and I think she'd rather command in her home navy than anywhere else. She needs to prove she can do it, and more importantly, the GSN itself needs her to prove she can do it.

Let's just shove my fantasies of Abi playing Chief Tactical Officer on a Havenite superdreadnought over to the side where they can't do anyone any harm....

Smile Roseandheather:


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