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The moments that got you

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Re: The moments that got you
Post by justdave   » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:06 pm

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1. when Honor and Andrew visit Raoul in the artificial womb and she tells him he's going to be Raoul's armsman

2. ooops
Re: The moments that got you
Post by Yow   » Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:32 am

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“Yes, yes. Okay. I've got no bone to pick with the Tilden." Genevieve was starting to think like an admiral again. "And since I see that Yuri's got the Hector under control—thanks for taking down the impellers and sidewalls, Yuri, that makes me a lot less nervous—"
Radamacher was startled. He hadn't ordered . . . 
Then Kit Carson caught his eye and he really had to fight down a laugh. The Hector's XO had his most ingratiating expression on. Ever attuned to the changing of the political winds, Carson had apparently ordered the SD to stand down while Yuri had been preoccupied with forestalling another disastrous explosion. It was one of the few times in his life where Radamacher was willing to sing hosannas to the virtues of lickspittles”

This one from the Fanatic in the WoH: The Service of the Sword. It got me pretty good tonight.

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"
Re: The moments that got you
Post by Amaroq   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:10 am

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I have one from the Havenite side of the fence. When the Havenites attack Hancock while Truman is working up the new CLACs, LACs, and MDMs and we get to meet the Peep attackers including one Oliver Diamato. The last exchange of fire mortally wounds Diamato's captain and mentor, Captain Joanne Hall. It goes something like this:

"O-Oliver." It was a faint, thready sound over his suit com, with the bubbling sound of aspirated blood behind it, and his hands tightened on her shoulders.
"Yes, Skipper!" He felt his eyes burn and blur and realized vaguely that he was crying. She must have heard it in his voice, for she reached out and patted his skinsuited thigh feebly.
"Up ... to you," she whispered, her eyes burning into his with the fiery power of a soul consuming itself in the face of approaching death. "Get—" She paused, fighting for breath. "Get my people . .. out. Trust . . . you, Oli—"
Her breathing stopped, and Oliver Diamato stared helplessly into the eyes which had suddenly ceased to burn.

To me this was where I really started to actually care about sympathetic Havenite characters (other than the main ones) who died. And it hits closer to home because you can see the similarities between Diamato's relationship with Hall and Rafe Cardones' and/or Scotty Tremaine's relationship with Honor.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.
Re: The moments that got you
Post by namelessfly   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:48 pm


Echos of Honor, Chapter 20, Very educational.
Re: The moments that got you
Post by cthia   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:30 pm

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Amaroq wrote:I have one from the Havenite side of the fence. When the Havenites attack Hancock while Truman is working up the new CLACs, LACs, and MDMs and we get to meet the Peep attackers including one Oliver Diamato. The last exchange of fire mortally wounds Diamato's captain and mentor, Captain Joanne Hall. It goes something like this:

"O-Oliver." It was a faint, thready sound over his suit com, with the bubbling sound of aspirated blood behind it, and his hands tightened on her shoulders.
"Yes, Skipper!" He felt his eyes burn and blur and realized vaguely that he was crying. She must have heard it in his voice, for she reached out and patted his skinsuited thigh feebly.
"Up ... to you," she whispered, her eyes burning into his with the fiery power of a soul consuming itself in the face of approaching death. "Get—" She paused, fighting for breath. "Get my people . .. out. Trust . . . you, Oli—"
Her breathing stopped, and Oliver Diamato stared helplessly into the eyes which had suddenly ceased to burn.

To me this was where I really started to actually care about sympathetic Havenite characters (other than the main ones) who died. And it hits closer to home because you can see the similarities between Diamato's relationship with Hall and Rafe Cardones' and/or Scotty Tremaine's relationship with Honor.

I agree wholeheartedly. This is a very touching passage. Went quite a ways toward emphasizing Eloise Pritchart's statement to Henke that our enemies are people too.

I totally love and admire Pritchart!
For some reason the song...

Don't cry for me Haven err Argentina comes to mind.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: The moments that got you
Post by namelessfly   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:48 pm


Echoes of Honor, Chapter 21.

Announcing the name of the GSN Honor Harrington, then announcing thatAllison Harrington is pregnant with a Harrington heir.

Sets the stage for:

Re: The moments that got you
Post by Amaroq   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:02 pm

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I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet but Honor's reunion with her parents after she comes back from the dead in AoV:

"Momma?" she half-whispered, her soprano hoarse, and she tasted salt on her lips as her parents came towards her. "Daddy? I—"

Honor is usually somewhat formal with her parents and to hear her address them in such a manner really shows how strong the emotions are at that moment.

Also, her reunion with Mike in the same book when she complains that everyone is walking on eggshells around her and she has to remind them that she is okay and not dead:

"Thank God," Henke said quietly, and all the laughter had gone out of her face. Honor turned quickly to face her as she felt the sudden darkness of her emotions.

And Honor greeting Mike after she returns from being a POW in AAC:

My God," she said softly, "it is good to see you, Mike!"
Honor Alexander-Harrington had never been one for easy embraces, but she suddenly swept Mike Henke into a bear hug.
"Easy! Easy!" Henke gasped, returning the embrace. "The leg's bad enough, woman! Don't add crushed ribs to the list!"
For a moment, Honor's soprano was almost as husky as Henke's contralto, but then she stood back and cleared her throat while Nimitz buzzed a happy, welcoming purr from her shoulder.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.
Re: The moments that got you
Post by roseandheather   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:45 pm


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Amaroq wrote:I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet but Honor's reunion with her parents after she comes back from the dead in AoV:

"Momma?" she half-whispered, her soprano hoarse, and she tasted salt on her lips as her parents came towards her. "Daddy? I—"

Honor is usually somewhat formal with her parents and to hear her address them in such a manner really shows how strong the emotions are at that moment.

Also, her reunion with Mike in the same book when she complains that everyone is walking on eggshells around her and she has to remind them that she is okay and not dead:

"Thank God," Henke said quietly, and all the laughter had gone out of her face. Honor turned quickly to face her as she felt the sudden darkness of her emotions.

And Honor greeting Mike after she returns from being a POW in AAC:

My God," she said softly, "it is good to see you, Mike!"
Honor Alexander-Harrington had never been one for easy embraces, but she suddenly swept Mike Henke into a bear hug.
"Easy! Easy!" Henke gasped, returning the embrace. "The leg's bad enough, woman! Don't add crushed ribs to the list!"
For a moment, Honor's soprano was almost as husky as Henke's contralto, but then she stood back and cleared her throat while Nimitz buzzed a happy, welcoming purr from her shoulder.

Those rare moments where Honor and Michelle get serious always seem to catch me right in the ribs. Usually their relationship is banter and laughter, but then every so often we're painfully reminded of just how much these two women love each other and how much they mean to each other, and when we are... wham! Right in the heart.

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The moments that got you
Post by roseandheather   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:49 pm


Posts: 2056
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Location: Republic of Haven

From The Shadow of Saganami:

But she's still a damned superdreadnought, Khumalo's flag captain told herself. And we're still the Queen's Navy. And I will be damned if Augustus Khumalo hasn't actually remembered that.

She shook her head, bemused and, to her own astonishment, proud of her Admiral.

And from Mission of Honor:

"So much for any last-minue outbreak of sanity on their side."

Captain Loretta Shoupe looked up from her displays and wondered if Augustus Khumalo was as aware as she was of how calm his voice sounded. She glanced at his profile as he studied the icons in HMS Hercules' flag bridge master plot, and the calmness of his expression, the steadiness of his eyes, were not the surprise they once would have been.

He's grown, she thought, with a possessive pride whose fierceness did surprise her a bit, even now. He's no happier about this than anyone else, but if there's a gram of hesitation anywhere in him, I can't see it.

I don't think the reason these quotes get me requires any explanation. :D

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The moments that got you
Post by Amaroq   » Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:08 pm

Captain of the List

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Location: Princess Anne, Maryland

I guess I'll further indulge roseandheather's Khumalo obsession with another little moment that involves him. This takes place after Mike has destroyed Byng's ship and she is discussing the ramifications of everything that has been happening in the Quadrant since Monica. Mike apologizes to Khumalo for underestimating him and believing that the only reason he got the command was because of his political and familial connections within the High Ridge Administration.

"I'm afraid my evaluation of why you were out here was pretty close to your own, Sir," she admitted. "That's what I want to apologize for, because even if the logic that got you out here in the first place was exactly what you've just described, I believe you've amply demonstrated that it was a damned good thing you were here."

She held his eyes, letting him see the sincerity in her own, and, after a moment, he nodded.

It was nice to see that not all of the appointments that High Ridge made were disastrous.
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill.

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