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Stargate Universe

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Stargate Universe
Post by Duckk   » Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:29 pm

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From the author interviews, I understand there are some Stargate fans at the Weber household. Gonna watch the new series? It can't possibly be worse than the last season or 2 of Atlantis... >_>
Shields at 50%, taunting at 100%! - Tom Pope
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by namelessfly   » Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:33 pm


Stargate Atlantis went down hill after Rachael Lutrell got pregnant. She looked good pregnant (darn good) but the writers producers gave her a break which might have been needed for her health. Reminds me of how Andromeda finally wound down after Dexa Droig got pregnant. They brought her back for one last episode obviously post partum but looking fantastic. Has this post confirmed that I'm truly a lecherous old man
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by Relax   » Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:36 am

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Duckk wrote:From the author interviews, I understand there are some Stargate fans at the Weber household. Gonna watch the new series? It can't possibly be worse than the last season or 2 of Atlantis... >_>

Its far worse... Think I will stick to SG-1 episodes.
Tally Ho!
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by Duckk   » Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:25 am

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Eh, it seems to range between watchable, even enjoyable, to "eh, I'm going to bed". It just swings too wildly between those to make me like it. The episodes that deal with the ship and surviving tend to be ok, but the Earth-centric episodes are just terrible.
Shields at 50%, taunting at 100%! - Tom Pope
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by Paks   » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:08 pm

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My girlfriend and I watched the first half of season one - and then when it came back from hiatus - well - it just got even worse - deleted ALL of the second half of the first season after watching only PART of the 2nd episode into the 2nd half of the season.

They had WAY to many different "MAIN" characters and viewpoints - and that camera jinking around was starting to make me really pissed off. They should've had just the one MAIN thread - survival - and then as momentum built up, have these little background threads start to come to the forefront.
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by SharonWMBO   » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:00 pm

First Lady of the Admiralty

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Yeap! We both Hated it!!! Way too dark and depressing, have enough of that in real life!!! We didn't even try to watch it after the 2 week or so!
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by Halcyon   » Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:48 pm


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I think that SGU is an entirely different take on the universe. SG-1 and SG-A were more around quirky hoerky jollies and battles and this and that, with larger than life characters.

*deep breath*

Daniel Jackson could kick the arse off of Indiana Jones any day of the week with his feet tied together and arms chopped off with nothing but a broken toothpick wedged in between one of his eyelids while underwater.

But I digress.

My main focus on SG:U is more on the technical and eye candy side. Chloe is an idiot. Scott is an idiot. Young is a fool. Rush is a power hungry impotent moron. Eli is Emo. The emphasis on gay/lesbian issues and whatnot just destroys the universe that SG-1 set up. Greer is the only real and likable character on the show in my opinion.

However, there are many plot lines that have not been opened up yet. What happened to the first three 'defectors'. Where is Telford? What's with the hibbity bibbity with the people who took refuge on the alien planet?

Why can't Rush just say "I have control of the ship" so they can turn the damned thing around, stop at a planet to get proper supplies, and go the hell home?

I think that the SG-Universe (not SGU) could have gone a lot of different directions back in the Milky Way easily enough and the same with Pegasus.

The Ishen, for example. They could easily team with the Lucien Alliance if their non-black holed planets are discovered.

The Stargate program could be revealed to the public.

The Lucien Alliance could actually directly assault earth.

More of those totally awesome Tauri ships could be patrolling the skies across the galaxy.

The "Wormhole Drive" that was the horribleplotdevice that ended Stargate Atlantis could easily be reverse engineered and then used to go GET the Destiny on the other side of the Universe.

Its like they have half of the writers for Gray's Anatomy on the show.

I rate SG:U a 3/5 compared to SG-1's 6/5 simply due to the technical aspects that I'm interested in. Other than that, its BSG:Lite.
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by SharonWMBO   » Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:49 pm

First Lady of the Admiralty

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Halcyon wrote:I think that SGU is an entirely different take on the universe. SG-1 and SG-A were more around quirky hoerky jollies and battles and this and that, with larger than life characters.

*deep breath*

Daniel Jackson could kick the arse off of Indiana Jones any day of the week with his feet tied together and arms chopped off with nothing but a broken toothpick wedged in between one of his eyelids while underwater.

But I digress.

My main focus on SG:U is more on the technical and eye candy side. Chloe is an idiot. Scott is an idiot. Young is a fool. Rush is a power hungry impotent moron. Eli is Emo. The emphasis on gay/lesbian issues and whatnot just destroys the universe that SG-1 set up. Greer is the only real and likable character on the show in my opinion.

However, there are many plot lines that have not been opened up yet. What happened to the first three 'defectors'. Where is Telford? What's with the hibbity bibbity with the people who took refuge on the alien planet?

Why can't Rush just say "I have control of the ship" so they can turn the damned thing around, stop at a planet to get proper supplies, and go the hell home?

I think that the SG-Universe (not SGU) could have gone a lot of different directions back in the Milky Way easily enough and the same with Pegasus.

The Ishen, for example. They could easily team with the Lucien Alliance if their non-black holed planets are discovered.

The Stargate program could be revealed to the public.

The Lucien Alliance could actually directly assault earth.

More of those totally awesome Tauri ships could be patrolling the skies across the galaxy.

The "Wormhole Drive" that was the horribleplotdevice that ended Stargate Atlantis could easily be reverse engineered and then used to go GET the Destiny on the other side of the Universe.

Its like they have half of the writers for Gray's Anatomy on the show.

I rate SG:U a 3/5 compared to SG-1's 6/5 simply due to the technical aspects that I'm interested in. Other than that, its BSG:Lite.

I agree! Even though I didn't get into it enough to know any of the names (didn't even care to learn them) I think that there were tons of ways to go but nooooo, they went with BSG:Lite...(Love that!) I really can't stand to listen to it! I'll remain a SG-1 fan!!!
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by Tenshinai   » Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:45 pm


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Duckk wrote:From the author interviews, I understand there are some Stargate fans at the Weber household. Gonna watch the new series? It can't possibly be worse than the last season or 2 of Atlantis... >_>

While im not a SG fan, when SG-1 was airing, if it was on at the right time i still found it a halfdecent thing to watch.
SG-A went a bit more overboard but was still not exactly bad... And both series did some fun stuff and had some ideas i´ve not seen before.

SG-U is complete garbage. Dreadfully poor overuse of plot devices, incoherent universe AND stories, stereotyped and above all utterly pale characters, seemingly played mostly by actors just waiting for a better job.
I havent got a clue what the story is, because my brain just shuts off out of pure horror at the lack of quality while watching it.

I´d rather watch Neon Genesis Evangelion again... And i really didnt like that series much. ^_^
Re: Stargate Universe
Post by namelessfly   » Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:01 pm


You folk keep referring to Sci Fi shows I'v enever heard of. Are they perhaps aired only in Europe.

SG-I was light hearted fun. SG-A started out promising but faded. Rachael Luttrell certainly made the show interesting for a lot of men. Ronan could have been very interesting, but he evolved into a mundane character who was indistinguishable from the Earth people.

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