Please forgive my lack of time for the forum. It will remain this way for at least the next couple of months. God willing and the creek don't rise.
Bad news is I have not even begun to have time to read House of Steel. Good news is I don't exactly have to. I'd like to… but I do not have to. Not yet anyway to get my point across.
Even better news for all of you is that I have made a mistake. I thought HoS and the HV Companion were one and the same. Dunno how I failed to realize much sooner that they are not. In my “cornered the market” thread, I linked to the relevant portion of the thread in the HV Companion. Which again I thought is the same as HoS.
Still, I am puzzled at the disconnect, either mine or y’alls’. Because I don't see how anything changes. I'm really trying to see everything y'all's way, but it just doesn't make any sense when one considers how business works. What's more is everyone is quoting facts that are detrimental to your own case.
First off, let's clear up a misnomer. Cornering a market is not quite the same as dominating a market. Let's use one of my old time favorite games from the 80’s.
Drug Wars.Let's say Jose has shipped 100 tons of cocaine into the US. And let's also accept that Jose, by way of location and association, has access to an endless supply of cocaine from Columbia. Well, in effect, Jose has cornered the market on cocaine. But it does not follow that Jose has
dominated the huge market for cocaine in the US. There are other sources of cocaine. It is simply that Jose’s cocaine is much cheaper because he has an unlimited access to an unlimited supply of cheaper cocaine. But it does not necessarily follow that Jose has greater access to the
entire market across the US.
But, many of the buyers are going to buy from Jose if they can get access to him. Because his product is much cheaper and the supply is endless. An endless supply fuels the lower costs.
Now, and again, it does not follow that Jose dominates the cocaine market simply because he has
cornered the market. Far from it. When the many smaller buyers buy from Jose, it is they who have access to all of the addicts. Let's bracket the fact that Jose is selling a superior product that can be stretched to make huge profits. Even without that fact, supply and demand will always be the mechanism that rules the market, and the world.
However, for every one-hundred sales that Jose has, the total market fueled by
each of Jose's customers alone has thousands of sales of a product that sees an enormous markup in price. So, there is Jose’s hundreds of sales vs his buyers’ thousands of sales. No contest.
Jose continues to make enormous profits because he has access to the cheaper product in unlimited supplies. Because Jose has an unlimited supply, he can afford to sell his product much cheaper than it is going for in the market outside of his “store.” Which makes it possible for the smaller dealers to sell at a lower price than that which is offered in other markets whose demand is also high, but the supply is much lower. That fact also enables Jose to influence the market from his much more isolated and remote location.
Jose also wishes to expand his market even further. He wishes to break into the markets of the costlier suppliers. Jose only needs to travel to those markets to get direct access to those markets. He doesn't need to do so himself. He simply sends his trusted dealers into those markets carrying huge freighters full of product. This fuels what is called “turf wars.” Turf wars is one of the main reasons the SL hates Manticore. Unlike drug dealers, the SL couldn't simply perform drive-bys to shoot up the competition.
Turf wars is what the MBS initiates in League Space, influencing and taking over more and more of the League’s turf. If Jose has an endless supply of freighters, what do you think is going to happen in League Space over the years? Jose's cartel is going to get bigger and bigger, richer and richer. Carving out an ever increasing slice of the pie.
It still does not mean Jose has dominated the market. The market is as huge as the Hitchhiker’s Galaxy. And Jose cannot conceivably gain access to every street in every backwoods city on every backwoods planet in every backwoods system. But he is influencing the market because the smaller dealers who do much more volume than Jose in terms of numbers of sales has access to those markets.
Sooner or later, those smaller dealers get a tip on where their seller gets his product and off to the MBS to see Jose they go. Eliminating the more expensive Solarian middle man. Jose also enjoys a hearty empire and an intense supply and demand because of his location. He is close to ports where he can get an endless supply in reliably and timely.
@Jonathan. You still haven't answered my question. If the quote I referenced is talking about the MMM cornering the market on carrying trade 300 years ago, how do you think the MMM fared as time goes by? Their market share will increase.
The SL is closer to its planets than the MBS. Yet, the MBS influences prices. How can that be? It should be cheaper for the SL to deliver to its own planets since travel time is so short.
tlb wrote:I have found the relevant quote and it was briefly mentioned in your thread on whether the MBS "cornered the market". The author has specifically said that the financial area in the MBS was huge, BUT not tremendously bigger than other markets in the League.
You keep using that misleading word “bigger.” I already stated that the MBS’s market is
not bigger. That's insane. The MBS’s market is not bigger. It is more influential and cheaper. That is why the MBS market can influence prices in a system that is both much farther away and is much larger. You are still having trouble with business.
tlb wrote:Here it is with a point to the source:
RFC wrote:I'm not saying that the Star Kingdom completely dominates the Solarian League's financial markets or stock markets or futures markets, because it doesn't. No single star system could completely dominate an economic system that huge. But Manticore is very definitely first among equals -- by a substantial margin -- compared to the other interstellar banking centers scattered around the galaxy. It could hardly be otherwise, with such a huge percentage of the galaxy's total trade and shipping passing through the Star Kingdom. Indeed, dear readers, I suspect that you are coming to understand (if you didn't previously) why a single-system polity like the Star Kingdom was able to ram an embargo on military technology to Haven down the Solarian League's throat.
tlb wrote:Because the author says that no single system could dominate, then it follows that no single system (including the MBS) could "corner the market".
No that does not follow. Dominating a market and cornering a market is not necessarily the same thing. Do understand. Dominating a market
can lead to cornering a market. But not vice versa.
But! The fact that the MBS was able to corner the market on “carrying trade” because of its enormous MMM, that same advantage allows it to corner the market on “carrying information.”
The MBS has cornered ths market on interior lines of communication. This fact has always assisted the RMN in its naval matters. But it also assists the MBS in information. Informtion that allows it to identify new markets, identify those market’s demands, and allow the MBS to broker much better deals with a much more comprehensive set of data in which to broker the best deals in bulk.
First among equals in banking puts a nail in the coffin. Made possible by those interior lines of communication. The MMM is not just carrying trade. It is amassing and carrying information collated and compiled from all of those routes.
Jonathan_S wrote:And note that he only goes on to say Manticore is first among equals in interstellar banking.
Surely you realize that the entire world’s economy is built upon and depends on just several of the world’s biggest banks, who rely on just a handful of the biggest investment companies who in turn rely on a handful of insurance companies? These companies rely on the best compiled data. Wall Street. The MBS has information from all over the galaxy available in one location. The MBS probably has better information on the SL’s systems than the SL does.
Jonathan_S wrote:He specifically does NOT claim they're first among equals for financial markets or stock markets or futures markets -- merely that they don't dominate the Solarian markets for those.
If someone is first in banking, and banks run the economy then why can't you sew the threads together? And again, dominate and corner the market are two different things.
Jonathan_S wrote:That's enough to confirm they haven't cornered those markets -- but leaves quite unclear how they actually rank against various League financial markets or stock markets or futures markets. I would think that if they were also first among equals there that RFC would have said so; rather than narrowing that down to just interstellar banking. But that's not something we can 100% rely on.
Any higher than very much first among equals would seem to take us in the "dominate" region where we've been told they aren't.
Again, dominate does not equate to cornering markets. And if the MBS is first among equals, then that includes the SL as well! Any entity who is unequal to the SL in banking certainly could not cause them to lower their prices in trade when the SL’s systems are – as you all point out - much closer and operating costs should be much lower. The SL should have been able to secure much cheaper loans from their banks to allow them to squeeze the smaller MBS out. Even with the much larger MMM.
Jonathan_S wrote:But it leaves open the possibility that they're a significantly smaller player in those other financial, stock, future markets for the League than they are for banking.
Sorry, but that simply does not follow in my warped brain.
Forgive my use of of drugs to make my point. But Drug Wars was a great and entertaining time waster of yesteryear. It still is with the many advanced versions that are out now.
The artist formerly known as cthia.
Now I can talk in the third person.