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Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned

Discussion concerning the TV, film, and comic adaptations.
Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by Hutch   » Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:22 am

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I saw the movie this weekend (highly recommend it), and thought about how it's obvious financial and (to a great extent) critical success can translate to the Honorverse.

Now not everything parallels, of course; the Honorverse uses physics, GotG couldn't spell physics if you spotted them the p-h-y. GotG has aliens galore, the Honorverse only one (since we probably won't see the Medusans on-screen).

But...this was a movie featuring characters that to a great extent were complete unknowns except for the most comic-addled folks--which also describes Honor Harrington, albeit the SF community and comic-dom don't tend to overlap). Yes, it was part of a highly successful studio (Marvel) which helped the publicity, but Marvel movies have fallen flat before if they didn't grab people's interest--and this off had about the most off-beat cast you could imagine.

So why did it work and what can we learn for the Honorverse? I have a couple of points, would love to hear others. Probably they apply to many SF movies, but this is the latest and most successful

1. Grab Them Fast. In the first five minutes we had pathos, fear, kidnapping, ancient civilization, robbery, fights and a daring escape. That is why I like the MWW's suggestion that it begin with the Battle of Basalisk, with Honor dreaming, then awakening and interacting with Nimitz...grab them fast (think of the first 30 seconds of the original Star wars and contrast it to the first two minutes of Dune...).

2. Make them Care. Most folks know Superman, or Spiderman, or Batman's storyline before they go into the movie. GotG had to introduce folks you did not know and make you emphasize with them. They did it without long explanation or overly drawn-out emotional scenes, but gave you the necessary bones to flesh out the characters. When you end up caring about a character that can only say three words (well, actually four), then you've done something (and the CG was superb, something that we need to see come Nimitz).

3. You Don't Need Names in the Starring Roles-but Sprinkle them Around. I won't mention the cameo's in GofG (except Stan Lee, but he's a regular), but the leads are not the 'big names' of Hollywood...but they obviously fit the roles they have been chosen to play. The bigger names fit in just fine and give people who might not know anything about the film something to look for.

Again, all of the above is probably obvious (I can hear folks saying "we already knew all that, you knucklehead"). Still, I think it is worth saying, since so many movies with major budgets and great hopes can and do forget them and fall flat (see "Dune" and "Battlefield Earth" for examples).

But I would like to hear from deeper thinkers than I on this.

IMHO as always. YMMV.
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Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by strapakai   » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:20 pm


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Hutch wrote:
1. Grab Them Fast.
2. Make them Care. YMMV.

I like your idea of opening the movie with Honor dreaming. What if it was Young trying to rape her in the shower? We'd get action, intrigued, someone to love and someone to hate right off the bat. It would be a hint for future movies. We'd get to see Honor's moves. A hint of skin, for those who it attracts. It would also explain the depth of her reaction to what later happens to Madrigal's crew.

She wakes, out of breath and hugs a cute and cuddly Nimitz.
Instant caring!
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by 61Cygni   » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:48 pm


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Hutch, I think the real lesson to learn from GOTG is that for a space adventure based on a little-known property, you have to make it FUN. I've seen GOTG described as Star Wars (as in the original movie) for today's generation but with the characters being all Han Solos and Chewbaccas. And that is what it is, it replicates all that made Star Wars successful (and what Lucas forgot with the prequels).

The trouble is, the Honorverse isn't a fun type of space adventure, but a rather serious-minded one. There's no exotic places, no funky Mos Eisley cantina scene...and no one like Han Solo. If the HOTQ movie comes off as too serious, pretentious and full-of-itself, I fear it will just another sci-fi movie bomb.

I also wonder if Nimitz will be animated as well as Rocket Raccoon and Groot (the living tree alien) in GOTG considering the much smaller budget for HOTQ. I also think the lack of a speaking voice for Nimitz might actually be a disadvantage. Many general-audience type of people are going to expect that he talks, and when he doesn't, they could be turned off ("Boring!"). Also, no opportunity to get someone like Vin Diesel or other known star to do the voice.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by The E   » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:08 am

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strapakai wrote:I like your idea of opening the movie with Honor dreaming. What if it was Young trying to rape her in the shower? We'd get action, intrigued, someone to love and someone to hate right off the bat. It would be a hint for future movies. We'd get to see Honor's moves. A hint of skin, for those who it attracts. It would also explain the depth of her reaction to what later happens to Madrigal's crew.

She wakes, out of breath and hugs a cute and cuddly Nimitz.
Instant caring!

Does not work. One, it undermines a lot of Honor's character and credibility. The first introduction to a female character should not be her being threatened with rape. Show her in her area of competence, make the viewer see her as a competent officer first, not a victim.
Two, the plotline this scene belongs to isn't relevant to the story of HotQ. The payoff for it wouldn't happen until Short Victorious War, which is far off into the future.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by SWM   » Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:37 pm

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strapakai wrote:
Hutch wrote:
1. Grab Them Fast.
2. Make them Care. YMMV.

I like your idea of opening the movie with Honor dreaming. What if it was Young trying to rape her in the shower? We'd get action, intrigued, someone to love and someone to hate right off the bat. It would be a hint for future movies. We'd get to see Honor's moves. A hint of skin, for those who it attracts. It would also explain the depth of her reaction to what later happens to Madrigal's crew.

She wakes, out of breath and hugs a cute and cuddly Nimitz.
Instant caring!

It's not his idea for the movie--it's David Weber's idea.
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Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by SWM   » Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:53 pm

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Nice observations, by the way, Hutch. I need to see that movie sometime soon.
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Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by Duhjoker   » Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:36 pm

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If I go see HOTQ and Nimitz starts talking, I will walk out straight up. I don't really care what kids or any body else thinks. Nimitz is an original concept of a cool intelligent alien cat. But talking, GTFO. Sign language sure!! It's already been established although later in the series. Talking nooooo!! It's bad enough they changed his appearance for the comic. That's what I hate about Hollywood. They take a good Original idea and then completely screw it up where it's not even enjoyable to the true fans who have supported it for so long. After so many Hollywood FU's I'd be happy if they never made another book or comic into a movie. Keep it pure or throw it way with the rest of the Hollywood bubblegum.
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by namelessfly   » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:37 pm


No one is as obsessed with shower scenes as I am, but even I would not favor opening with Honor having a nightmare about an attempted rape by Pavel Young whom thanks to prolong was hung like a hamster. This degrades her character.

Open with Honor having a nightmare about the battle with Sirius in OBS. Have the final frames of this dream sequence focus on her sail plane trophy being melted by fire. She awakens to be comforted by cute, cuddly Nimitz with her half melted sail plane trophy visible above her bed so the audience understands that she is dreaming about a real event.

Then you can have Honor seek some relaxation by taking a shower.

strapakai wrote:
Hutch wrote:
1. Grab Them Fast.
2. Make them Care. YMMV.

I like your idea of opening the movie with Honor dreaming. What if it was Young trying to rape her in the shower? We'd get action, intrigued, someone to love and someone to hate right off the bat. It would be a hint for future movies. We'd get to see Honor's moves. A hint of skin, for those who it attracts. It would also explain the depth of her reaction to what later happens to Madrigal's crew.

She wakes, out of breath and hugs a cute and cuddly Nimitz.
Instant caring!
Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by roseandheather   » Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:17 pm


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namelessfly wrote:No one is as obsessed with shower scenes as I am, but even I would not favor opening with Honor having a nightmare about an attempted rape by Pavel Young whom thanks to prolong was hung like a hamster. This degrades her character.

Open with Honor having a nightmare about the battle with Sirius in OBS. Have the final frames of this dream sequence focus on her sail plane trophy being melted by fire. She awakens to be comforted by cute, cuddly Nimitz with her half melted sail plane trophy visible above her bed so the audience understands that she is dreaming about a real event.

Then you can have Honor seek some relaxation by taking a shower.

Nameless, that may be the single most insightful, intelligent, and all-around genius thing I have ever heard you say.

...except for the last line. :mrgreen:

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Re: Guardians of the Galaxy: Lessons Learned
Post by strapakai   » Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:03 am


Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:31 pm

Namelessfly, I like your version better.

I can't be the only one looking forward to a Sci-fi movie that is not a comedy or a horror flick.

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