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Update on next Safehold book

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by MrZero   » Mon May 16, 2022 3:25 am

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Crancy wrote: It is on page 3 of topics titled "How the Safehold series WON'T end." Worth a read as a reminder of what fun it is to read David's works, even when he is just messing around.

Part of the fun of Safehold was back in the first books, when he was just messing around. Joke names, fleet tricks, arguments over boat travel (That's a nautical mile.), sneaky weapons, etc.
Now yes, DW has kept up some of that, but he started trying to take it seriously. It was good that he kept those characters in play instead of dropping them the first chance he could.
As for Safehold, it's all over including the shouting. All that's left is the greater mission and how that'll play out. There's still borders to cross and restrictions to break- the platform is still up there for example. But given how wrong DW has proven me before, including the whole of #10 as well as the spirited ending of #10, I don't feel qualified to make any guesses. Merlin will finally control the planet, but will it go according to plan?
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by Guillaume   » Tue May 24, 2022 6:07 pm

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Personnally I see one or two more books to wrap all the loose ends ( the platform, and all the things hidden here and there ) and tehn time and RFC health willing we will go back to why safehold was created.

from what I gathered it's the single series where he RFC doesn't have another author writing stuff with him.
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by eldrwyrm   » Mon Jul 18, 2022 12:37 pm

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Has there been any word on status of the next book?
I'm getting the itch to go back and listen to the series again, and was just wondering if anyone had heard anything.
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by Salisria   » Tue Jul 19, 2022 1:14 am

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Doesn't seem to be any news, so I'd be surprised if we get a Book 11 this year. It's possible the reaction to Book 10 caused RFC to take extra time thinking about where he goes next with the story. (I liked TFT, but it certainly was different in pacing and tone than the first nine books.) Or he may have decided to revise his planned storyline if it wasn't working out and/or leaving too many things unresolved. After all, there are three major plot arcs to progress as well as a number of minor ones. (In my view the three major arcs as of the end of TFT are the Harchong Civil War, the rise of Siddarmarkian xenophobia, and the Testament of Schueller. Sorry, but the Royal Romance, Desnairian Industrial Development, and the ongoing reform of The Temple are all minor arcs in my opinion and likely to be touched upon only in so far as they affect or are affected by the major arcs.

If I had to guess, how to handle the Testimony of Schueler is the most likely cause of delay, simply because I think it'll be hard to come up with a resolution that satisfies Himself and existing fans and keeps the series accessible to new readers. Partly, that's because I get the impression that Weber's trying to avoid a second major war, if only because he wants to not write the six or more books such a war would likely take while many readers want one, complete with lots of steampunk goodies on display.
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by ecortez   » Tue Jul 19, 2022 3:20 pm

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Salisria wrote:I get the impression that Weber's trying to avoid a second major war, if only because he wants to not write the six or more books such a war would likely take while many readers want one, complete with lots of steampunk goodies on display.

The second war would not take as long as the first. The pace of war picks up with modern transportation, Safehold's growing network of rail lines, the Charisian airships, and steam powered naval vessels means they can move forces around a little closer to the way we do it now.

The main conflict, or at least this is how it looks to me in the wake of that final scene, is going to be another schism caused by the Testimony of Schueler. Some will accept it. Others won't, even if they believe Schueler himself appeared they will ask what if it isn't Chihiro who lied, but him? It's going to be a complicated mess. And at some point, Cayleb will unload the full truth on all of Safehold, when he thinks enough people can understand and accept it. We'll probably get to see what happens when time runs out and the Archangels "return" (whatever that entails).

I really wish we had some clue when to expect the next book. Even if it's not till next year sometime, at least we'd know it wasn't going to be David's Winds of Winter. Always being written but never done.
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by isaac_newton   » Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:12 am

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ecortez wrote:SNIP

I really wish we had some clue when to expect the next book. Even if it's not till next year sometime, at least we'd know it wasn't going to be David's Winds of Winter. Always being written but never done.

AAAARRRGGGGG - say it's not so!!! :o :o
that would be too horrible for words!

BTW, seriously, has anyone heard/seen anythng from RFC recently?
ForEx I wondered if he might have posted something about Eric Flint
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by Louis R   » Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:01 am

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Now there's a pile of fine stories we'll never get to read. Unless he did as much succession planning for the other series as has been done for 1632. One can hope...

isaac_newton wrote:
BTW, seriously, has anyone heard/seen anythng from RFC recently?
ForEx I wondered if he might have posted something about Eric Flint
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by Bruno Behrends   » Tue Aug 02, 2022 1:19 am

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ecortez wrote:
Salisria wrote:I really wish we had some clue when to expect the next book. Even if it's not till next year sometime, at least we'd know it wasn't going to be David's Winds of Winter. Always being written but never done.

Hahaha - good one.
I don't think we need to worry though. DW is a much more efficient writer than George Martin. Ontop of that he has told us that he can not not write ^^
He does seem to be taking it slower. But that's good. Since he was seriously overdoing it in the past.
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by oyohan   » Thu Aug 04, 2022 4:08 pm

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Working my way through the series again for the umpteenth time...

Enjoying A Mighty Fortress on Audible.

I think this part of the series is the most enjoyable to me since the character building is so developed here. We really get to know great characters like Narhman and Garvai, etc.

But more importantly....

Does anyone know anything yet? Any news? Rumors? TFT manuscript was probably completed in 2018! PRE-PANDEMIC! Pre-Ukraine Invasion! Pre-Top Gun!
Re: Update on next Safehold book
Post by Jeslis   » Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:20 am

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Someone on the Honorverse section posted a synopsis from a 'recent' facebooks post of webers..

Basically; currently on plate is 4 other books/collabs.. and given the usual thickness of those books, its unlikely we'll see even the starting of another safehold book for 2 years, let alone a publish and release within 3-4.

Also Weber is apparently ~70 y/o. Had a fall pre-covid, had covid and long-covid symptoms and issues, and then rolled right into 'to end in fire' (honorverse) which, per the facebook post, he 'overdid' and had to break/stop for a few months.

TLDR: He's gonna take it slow, and no safehold on the burner for awhile.

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