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Comments on heroism

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Comments on heroism
Post by KNick   » Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:21 am


Posts: 2142
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:38 am
Location: Billings, MT, USA

One of the items I have noticed with all of the school shootings, mass assaults and other "news worthy" items involving guns. Any one of the stories (take your pick) has received more media attention than all of the Congressianal Medal of Honor awardies since WWII, combined. I realize we as a nation expect a certain level of courage from our soldiers and sailors and by and large, we get what we expect. But it shames me to see a criminal act receive more attention than an act of heroism on the battlefield. For that matter, the media ignores the actions of police and firemen who die trying to save lives. Unfortunately, violence sells newspapers while heroism does not. It is a sad commentary on our society that this is true.

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Re: Comments on heroism
Post by Daryl   » Sun Dec 23, 2012 6:19 am

Fleet Admiral

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And the media will milk this for all they can get out of it, repeating the name of the perpetrator numerous times, so other losers will think that they too can be famous.
KNick wrote:One of the items I have noticed with all of the school shootings, mass assaults and other "news worthy" items involving guns. Any one of the stories (take your pick) has received more media attention than all of the Congressianal Medal of Honor awardies since WWII, combined. I realize we as a nation expect a certain level of courage from our soldiers and sailors and by and large, we get what we expect. But it shames me to see a criminal act receive more attention than an act of heroism on the battlefield. For that matter, the media ignores the actions of police and firemen who die trying to save lives. Unfortunately, violence sells newspapers while heroism does not. It is a sad commentary on our society that this is true.

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