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Rock and hard place!

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Rock and hard place!
Post by Arol   » Wed Aug 02, 2023 6:14 pm

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Sweden and Denmark consider ban on Quran-burning protests as security fears rise

The governments of Denmark and Sweden; through no fault of their own, simply for having a liberal Bill of Rights; that enshrines freedom of speech, are now finding themselves between the rock and the hard place!
Do they cave in to pragmatism and to the demands of religious elements that have virtually demanded that they abridge the said Bill of Rights and put constraints on freedom of speech?
Or, will they sand fast; with the economic consequences that would entail, and face the ire of Muslims across the world; whipped up by religious demagogues?
Now there are nations here in the west that has hate-laws on their books that would prevent something equally happening there. But what about those that doesn’t?
How would they react to outside religious elements telling them to re-write their laws?
How would Americans feel about being told that their 1st. Amendment that guarantee free speech should be re-written?
Bowing to outside foreign pressure could be seen as the thin edge of the wedge! What would be the next demand, now that they have seen that pressure works?
Re: Rock and hard place!
Post by Daryl   » Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:11 am

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Regardless of which religion there will always be some extremists who rigidly take everything literally. In today's news an elderly Muslim cleric in Indonesia has been jailed because he allowed some women to worship with the men.
In India, hard line Hindus are rioting and murdering Muslims in the street. As we know many an atrocity has been committed in the name of Christianity.

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