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Guns, Guns Guns

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Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by MAD-4A   » Thu May 06, 2021 4:24 am

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n7axw would still be a good thing to remember that a bullet that goes up must come down... I've always wondered about the working brainpower of someone who would fire a gun randomly in any direction... including up.

Why, rich corporations have been randomly "firing up" toxic poison into the air for centuries "it just goes up, disappears and stops existing, right?" :?
Actually, the fact is that unless your in a crowded city where everyone is living stacked on-top of each other (where discharging a gun is illegal anyway) the odds of any random shot into the air actually coming down on someone is minuscule, not 0 but near 0, it is far more likely to land in the street, bushes someone's unoccupied yard etc... but it CAN hit someone, or something (window, passing car, your roof...), so is still a dumb thing to do, not to mention bullets are expensive and idiotic to waste.
Almost only counts in Horseshoes and Nuclear Weapons. I almost got the Hand-Grenade out the window does not count.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by cthia   » Sat May 22, 2021 12:15 am

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cthia wrote:No selfish idiot who is going to fire a gun in the air is going to fire a gun downwards, and take a chance of being killed by a ricocheting bullet.

Also, the age of the victim has a lot to do with whether a bullet in free fall can kill. The density of skin and bones vary a lot with age.

At any rate, you cannot assume that the unwitting victim of a stray bullet in free fall is stationary. The added kph could certainly be deadly.

For instance, the fastest rollercoaster in the Capital city of Abu Dabi reaches speeds of 150 mph. Also, the angle of entry and the entry site could be fatal. Like your eye.

Remember yourself as a child lying in the snow looking up into the sky while making snow angels. Or that 150 mph coaster placing your eye on a head-on collision with the upwards leg of 150 mph.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by cthia   » Sat May 22, 2021 12:21 am

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MAD-4A wrote:
n7axw would still be a good thing to remember that a bullet that goes up must come down... I've always wondered about the working brainpower of someone who would fire a gun randomly in any direction... including up.

Why, rich corporations have been randomly "firing up" toxic poison into the air for centuries "it just goes up, disappears and stops existing, right?" :?
Actually, the fact is that unless your in a crowded city where everyone is living stacked on-top of each other (where discharging a gun is illegal anyway) the odds of any random shot into the air actually coming down on someone is minuscule, not 0 but near 0, it is far more likely to land in the street, bushes someone's unoccupied yard etc... but it CAN hit someone, or something (window, passing car, your roof...), so is still a dumb thing to do, not to mention bullets are expensive and idiotic to waste.

The downside of that is in certain American cities where lots of firearms are discharged within the city limits of very dense populations, many rounds are discharged at once. Besides, rifles have much more range.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Daryl   » Sun Jun 06, 2021 6:49 am

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Reminiscing, back to the original discussions of this topic.
Years ago I found David's pages and loved all the inside information. To the best of my knowledge I was the first to notice that Runsforcelery was talking about writing the series in the first person, and I was the one who outed him. Sorry David.
Meanwhile, I was at that time quite shocked to discover that many on here ascribed to the mantra that the 2nd Amendment legitimised the concept of armed insurrection to overthrow the government if you disagreed with its policies. Up to that point I had thought that there wasn't a lot of difference between the US and my country (Australia). Sure the US was much further to the right, and considered a universal health and welfare net to be socialism, but in many other ways we were similar.
However, that armed insurrection can be a good thing mind set just blew me away.
There were mainly hard righters on here like Namelessfly, but they all seem to have now left, leaving no one to debate with.
Why I mention this again, is that looking at US based media it appears that there are tens of millions of Republicans that are seriously considering this? Hopefully it is all talk and braggadocio, but if it did come to pass, regardless of the outcome, the US would lose any credence in regard to being a world leader.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Jun 06, 2021 7:51 am

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I think part of the problem is speed of change. Most people prefer change to be incremental, for today to be pretty much like yesterday and tomorrow to follow the pattern. Any huge changes must cover almost the entire society so that there is no real resistance.

What we got with Antifa, BLM, media control and so on was not change, but splintering. Different groups united only in that they disliked how things were, but had many differing opinions on What Should Be Done and How It Should Be Achieved. Without an actual consensus to direct them or the ability to gain the support of those who were comfortable with the Status Quo, their attempts to Rebuild Society Right This Time ended up at loggerheads with each other, damaging the foundations that each group was trying to set into place.

On the plus side (and it is a very small plus side), the recent events have revealed problems that have been brushed under the carpet for far too long. A tendency to train police to go for their guns rather than try to de-escalate the situation (although given how gun-happy the stereotypical 'Murikan is, it is understandable), conflicting cultural imperatives between minorities and majorities (or minorities and minorities on occasion), feuds held for generations, unfair laws...

With any luck, at least some of those problems will be tackled. Sadly, too many of those issues will remain as it helps feed the Victim Mentality which can then be used by unscrupulous politicians to ride into power...

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Daryl   » Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:28 pm

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Probably no one out there, but I was just musing about the current trial of a teenager who shot dead two and wounded one in BLM protest.
The jury is still deliberating days later.
Now from what I can see, he took an assault rifle, and travelled a significant distance to attend, with the expressed desire to prevent marchers from doing things.
I grew up in the country, with guns, and to me you only take a gun and point it at something if you intend to kill it.
Thus, in any country but the US, the trial would have been over in a day. Took a gun, killed people, guilty.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Joat42   » Thu Nov 18, 2021 7:38 am


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Daryl wrote:Probably no one out there, but I was just musing about the current trial of a teenager who shot dead two and wounded one in BLM protest.
The jury is still deliberating days later.
Now from what I can see, he took an assault rifle, and travelled a significant distance to attend, with the expressed desire to prevent marchers from doing things.
I grew up in the country, with guns, and to me you only take a gun and point it at something if you intend to kill it.
Thus, in any country but the US, the trial would have been over in a day. Took a gun, killed people, guilty.

Considering this case is in the US where gun and politics are all rolled up into a confusing mess, I expect the verdict will be stupid. And then we have the judge saying that it's okay to call the victims "looters, arsonists and antifa" but not "victims", that is a good indication how much "justice" actually will be dispensed.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by cthia   » Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:13 am

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Joat42 wrote:
Daryl wrote:Probably no one out there, but I was just musing about the current trial of a teenager who shot dead two and wounded one in BLM protest.
The jury is still deliberating days later.
Now from what I can see, he took an assault rifle, and travelled a significant distance to attend, with the expressed desire to prevent marchers from doing things.
I grew up in the country, with guns, and to me you only take a gun and point it at something if you intend to kill it.
Thus, in any country but the US, the trial would have been over in a day. Took a gun, killed people, guilty.

Considering this case is in the US where gun and politics are all rolled up into a confusing mess, I expect the verdict will be stupid. And then we have the judge saying that it's okay to call the victims "looters, arsonists and antifa" but not "victims", that is a good indication how much "justice" actually will be dispensed.

For chrissakes, racism Trumps everything in the US. Haven't you people figured that out, yet?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Imaginos1892   » Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:35 am

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Daryl wrote:Now from what I can see, he took an assault rifle

‘Assault rifle’ is a pejorative term which anti-gun zealots have repeatedly redefined to mean whatever they want it to mean on any particular day. The label no longer conveys any information other than blind opposition to private gun ownership.

Daryl wrote:travelled a significant distance to attend

Kyle Rittenhouse drove 15 miles to the next town. Where he worked. Where his father lived, and still does. ‘Across a state line’ was a matter so trivial it wasn’t even a consideration. Unlike, say, rioters shipped in from cities hundreds of miles away to burn Kenosha to the ground.

Our state lines are not delineated by razor wire and guard posts. In most places, there is nothing more to mark the border than a sign by the roadside:


Driving past it several times a week would make it tend to fade into the background. I doubt he ever thought about ‘crossing the state line’. He didn’t even ‘transport a firearm across a state line’ — which is not illegal — because the rifle was at his father’s house in Kenosha.

Daryl wrote:with the expressed desire to prevent marchers from doing things.

His primary piece of equipment that night was a first aid kit. The rifle was merely a backup; a prudently considered one, because when trying to help people being attacked by a mob, the mob can turn on you. As they did. If he had not been armed, he would be dead and the left-wing media would be happy. NONE of the rioters that murdered people in other cities have even been arrested, much less prosecuted. Why is that?

Daryl wrote:I grew up in the country, with guns, and to me you only take a gun and point it at something if you intend to kill it.

Which is exactly what K.R. did. He pointed the gun at violent rioters that were trying to kill him. Some of them backed off, and he held fire. Three of them continued trying to kill him, and he shot them. I’ve seen the videos, over and over. He acted with commendable restraint.

Daryl wrote:Thus, in any country but the US, the trial would have been over in a day. Took a gun, killed people, guilty.

Which is why I am thankful not to live in any other country. When you are more likely to be thrown in jail for shooting a violent criminal that has broken into your house than the criminal would be for shooting you, the law has been perverted.

cthia wrote:And then we have the judge saying that it's okay to call the victims "looters, arsonists and antifa" but not "victims"

That is what they were. All three of the ‘victims’ were violent criminals. It wasn’t just what they did during the riots, it was the crimes they had committed years before. Rosenbaum, the first one, had just been released from a mental hospital that very morning after spending ten years in prison for molesting multiple children. The other two had also been previously convicted of violent felonies. Including the one that shoved a gun into Kyle’s face. It is illegal tor a felon to possess a gun. Why has Grosskreutz not been arrested, and charged?

That is, to say the least…unusual. Violent felons make up a very small percentage of the U.S. population. The odds that someone could randomly pick three people out of a crowd, and ALL THREE would ‘just happen’ to be violent felons, are literally a million to one.

But such are the ‘Sainted Martyrs’ of the Left. We see it again and again. Most of the Left’s celebrated ‘victims’ are scum. Robbers, gang punks, rapists, murderers and child molesters. They get killed while committing the same violent crimes they’ve been committing all their lives, and we’re told they are ‘victims’ of ‘systemic racism’ rather than villains reaping the fruits of a life of crime.

We also have the left-wing media’s daily ongoing meltdowns about the ‘pervasive systemic racism’ in this trial. K.R. is racist, the judge is racist, the jury is racist, why, the whole damn court is racist!

Kyle Rittenhouse is white. The three violent criminals he shot when they tried to kill him in the middle of a riot were white. The three Soros sock-puppets mismanaging the prosecution are white. The defense lawyers are white. The judge is white. Hell, even the court clerk and the bailiff are white!

I have looked, and looked, and I just don’t see where race plays any part in this whole affair. It’s like the media mouthpieces have one set of scripts they use even when they have no bearing on the issues.
When police shoot violent criminals to protect innocent people, they are jackbooted fascist stormtroopers.

When police shoot innocent people to protect corrupt politicians, they are National Heroes.
Re: Guns, Guns Guns
Post by Joat42   » Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:05 pm


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Interesting, I see you still can't stop yourself from blaming the "left" for all the ills of society, imagined or real.

You have also neatly constructed a narrative about Rittenhouse, in where he was entirely justified shooting people because they where "violent felons". There is just one extremely huge flaw with that narrative that clearly shows your lack of reasoning skills. I can point it out but it's more entertaining to see you come up with a response how wrong I am.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.

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