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Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine

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Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Sat Sep 10, 2022 2:25 pm

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Don’s point about the Russian gas extraction infrastructure that is sitting unused is quite insightful.
Look at the two Nord Stream Pipelines! Billions invested in their construction, designed to funnel more billions back into Russia’s coffers; and the coffers of selected oligarch’s!
Now instead of being net earners, they are actually costing millions in maintenance for nothing in return! :P
According to reports, Putin has nothing to fear from his brainwashed masses; as yet.
But somewhere in his inner circle there must be people who can put two and two together, and who incidentally are seeing their wealth decrease rapidly. ;)
Maybe the recent spate of suicides and murder-suicides of senior level executives in the energy sector is a sign of dissention.
Not to neglect the recent car bombing in Moscow!
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by n7axw   » Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:37 pm

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All I can say is wow! It looks like Donbast (sp) is about to fall. I am a bit stunned by the pace that Ukrainian Army has been moving. Ukraine has suggested that the war might be over by the first of the year, but that could be misinformation that was part of the deception that set up the double front offensive... Things seem to be moving fast...

Anybody else game to set up a lottery on when this will end?


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Sep 11, 2022 3:00 am

Michael Everett

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Given that Russia's army has been bled to the point it is using WWII equipment and pulling convicted criminals from jail to try and fill the ranks (desertion must be becoming a huge problem for them), it's no surprise that the momentum is shifting.

I especially loved how Ukrainian Hackers have been using Tinder to localise Russian bases/outposts via catfishing horny Russian soldiers, then passing the locations to the Ukrainian military for an artillery/missile strike.

Russia is fighting the wrong sort of war and boy, is it showing...

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
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(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
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Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:18 am

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Michael Everett wrote:Given that Russia's army has been bled to the point it is using WWII equipment and pulling convicted criminals from jail to try and fill the ranks (desertion must be becoming a huge problem for them), it's no surprise that the momentum is shifting.

I especially loved how Ukrainian Hackers have been using Tinder to localise Russian bases/outposts via catfishing horny Russian soldiers, then passing the locations to the Ukrainian military for an artillery/missile strike.

Russia is fighting the wrong sort of war and boy, is it showing...

You know it’s getting easier to understand the; by now well documented, problems that the logistical section of the Russian Army is experiencing. :D
Not only are they providing logistical support to the Russian Army…but also the Ukrainian!!! :lol:
The YouTube clip shows the discovery of almost a brigades worth of abandoned Russian fighting vehicles.
The twitter feed reports the finding of almost a dozen Russian T-80 tanks. ... cek7ft38Qw
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Michael Everett   » Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:48 pm

Michael Everett

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Apparently the youtube clip was filmed in Stepne (Crimea).

Someone noted that the symbols on the tanks are diagonal lines, not the Z, plus the location is referenced by a speaking woman according to a Russian speaker (the woman wants to know what so many tanks are doing in Stepne).

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Joat42   » Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:37 am


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Someone has released the maintenance-report on the Moskva from 14-days before she was sunk - some interesting facts came to light:

None of the 3 anti missile defenses worked, the missile defense radar couldn’t lock onto targets, the dual cannon broken due to hydraulic leak, the damage control systems all broken, watertight doors leaking, hundreds of missing fire extinguishers out of 500, the engines past their service replacement date, the control systems had inoperable or missing indicator lights, steering gear partially jammed and the entire ship having heating and cooling problems.
Source: ... 9922454528

I haven't been able to verify the veracity of the report, just so you know.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

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Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:59 am

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We all know that RFC is also a respected military historian, so his prescience shouldn't be a surprise, but how much of what he has written is now coming to light in OTL. Takes a lot of misdirected logistic support, and phantom pay rolls to buy a super yacht.
So much of the graft he attributed to Frontier Fleet and Battle Fleet from 20 years ago, and since, has come to light with the Russian forces.
Right from the start when the 43 km convoy to attack Kiev ground to a halt this was displayed. Apparently the troops had sold the fuel, knowing that it would be replenished, except that the officers had sold the tanker fulls. I saw a video of the truck tires, with blow outs from the rotten carcasses sidewall splits. I eventually got my wife to accept selling our Winnebago (which she loved but never used), by showing her the account for six new truck tires to replace those with little wear, but well out of use by date.
All of this began the rot. When your enemy lines up 43 kms of targets for you, it would be a pity to disappoint him.
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Daryl   » Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:59 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 3520
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We all know that RFC is also a respected military historian, so his prescience shouldn't be a surprise, but how much of what he has written is now coming to light in OTL. Takes a lot of misdirected logistic support, and phantom pay rolls to buy a super yacht.
So much of the graft he attributed to Frontier Fleet and Battle Fleet from 20 years ago, and since, has come to light with the Russian forces.
Right from the start when the 43 km convoy to attack Kiev ground to a halt this was displayed. Apparently the troops had sold the fuel, knowing that it would be replenished, except that the officers had sold the tanker fulls. I saw a video of the truck tires, with blow outs from the rotten carcasses sidewall splits. I eventually got my wife to accept selling our Winnebago (which she loved but never used), by showing her the account for six new truck tires to replace those with little wear, but well out of use by date.
All of this began the rot. When your enemy lines up 43 kms of targets for you, it would be a pity to disappoint him.
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Arol   » Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:41 pm

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n7axw wrote:All I can say is wow! It looks like Donbast (sp) is about to fall. I am a bit stunned by the pace that Ukrainian Army has been moving. Ukraine has suggested that the war might be over by the first of the year, but that could be misinformation that was part of the deception that set up the double front offensive... Things seem to be moving fast...

Anybody else game to set up a lottery on when this will end?



The Ukrainians current successes certainly should enhance your quite optimism regarding a possible end of the war. Seen with different optics the same successes can also give rise to worry and pessimism.
Putin has experienced nothing but failures ever since his build up along the Ukrainian border started. Now on top of his diplomatic and economic screw-ups, he is facing a military reverse!
As an autocratic strong-man he’s facing responsibility for the loss of tens of thousands of Russian lives, and the loss of billions in material. I don’t see him quietly; or being allowed to, resigning to go live in his palace on the Black Sea!
What does someone do, when caught between the rock and hard place, when his ass is literally on the line?
Yet even if he is removed, who or what would replace him?
Medvedev, his protégé? ... on-1742264

Apparently Russian expansionism is rife in the Kremlin top! :twisted:
Re: Russian “False-Flag” operations in the Ukraine
Post by Joat42   » Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:17 am


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I was thinking about the announcement that the occupied territories of Ukraine are about to hold a vote if they should join Russia. The voting will of course show that all "citizens" are entirely in favor of this.

If we also consider that Putin has been threating doom and gloom on anyone attacking Russia it is very clear this is a manufactured excuse to ramp up the war and sell it domestically. And now Putin have gone and initiated a limited mobilization which actually doesn't sit that well with the populace (the number of searches on how to leave Russia exploded yesterday), if he also can claim that Russian territories (aka annexed Ukrainian territories) are being attacked he probably can limit the backlash somewhat that comes from the mobilization.

This limited mobilization is expected to garner about 300,000 troops and here we come to another problem - Russia have already expended a lot of equipment and ammunition so I do wonder how they are going to equip these troops. Perhaps this is why Russia purchased stuff from North Korea.

This is just another few brush-strokes where Putin keep painting himself into a corner and it won't end well if he can't keep a lid on it domestically.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.

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