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Knives, Knives, Knives

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Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by The E   » Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:48 am

The E

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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

TFLYTSNBN wrote:I actually have disarmed someone who attacked me with a knife. I employed a technique that broke his arm, then broke his other arm just because he pissed me off. I got cut for my trouble, but not as badly as I should have. I dont recommend the experience. While the sharp edges of a knife are always dangerous, their are a number of techniques that can render a gun inoperable. If I am up close in personal, a gun is actually less dangerous than a knife.

Today in things that definitely happened...
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by Daryl   » Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:03 am

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Nearly fifty years ago I had something similar. While at university I ended up being entertainment convener for the student union (hey, lots of girls at the peak of the Age of Aquarius).
So naturally I organised a rock concert in the park, a mini Woodstock. During the show this wild looking type jumped on the stage and declared he was taking one of the female singers with him. I explained that he wasn't and a big bowie type knife appeared. Weirdly I didn't get scared but went into Tae Kwon Do mode and ended up with him disarmed and in a half nelson. No broken bones Fly. Called the local police who told us hippie students to f*** off. A student who's dad was the local police chief rang daddy, who went to the station and interrupted the poker game.
What did piss me off was the next day's headlines of "Brave local police capture dangerous escaped prisoner".
The E wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:I actually have disarmed someone who attacked me with a knife. I employed a technique that broke his arm, then broke his other arm just because he pissed me off. I got cut for my trouble, but not as badly as I should have. I dont recommend the experience. While the sharp edges of a knife are always dangerous, their are a number of techniques that can render a gun inoperable. If I am up close in personal, a gun is actually less dangerous than a knife.

Today in things that definitely happened...
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by noblehunter   » Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:44 am

Captain (Junior Grade)

Posts: 385
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The E wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:I actually have disarmed someone who attacked me with a knife. I employed a technique that broke his arm, then broke his other arm just because he pissed me off. I got cut for my trouble, but not as badly as I should have. I dont recommend the experience. While the sharp edges of a knife are always dangerous, their are a number of techniques that can render a gun inoperable. If I am up close in personal, a gun is actually less dangerous than a knife.

Today in things that definitely happened...

It's not implausible. Though I'm not sure "I disarmed a guy at optimal knife range with only minor injuries" really helps his argument.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by Michael Everett   » Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:00 pm

Michael Everett

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Years back, someone tried to mug me at knife-point as I came out of a martial-arts shop with a new Gi (having ripped the sleeve off the old one escaping from a hold in sparring).
I had been in a bad mood that day, so I took the knife away from him, then being mindful of the laws about theft, I returned it.
Point first.
I missed my target by a couple of inches (I had intended to turn him into a eunuch), but I have never seen anyone manage to limp away that fast before or since.
Had he been holding a gun, things would have been far trickier as I would have had to worry about collateral damage at the very least.

One thing that many people overlook is that when your opponent is holding a knife, they will tend to forget that they have another hand, two feet, elbows, knees etc unless they have actually trained. They will concentrate on just using the knife, meaning you only really need worry about one small area of danger, the point/edge of the knife.
For guns, you need to worry about a very long line extending from the barrel, a line which if you are unlucky, terminates in yours or someone else's body.
Knives are safer than guns.
And people are far less likely to accidentally kill a sibling/parent/child with a knife that has been left in a drawer.

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by noblehunter   » Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:32 pm

Captain (Junior Grade)

Posts: 385
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Michael Everett wrote:One thing that many people overlook is that when your opponent is holding a knife, they will tend to forget that they have another hand, two feet, elbows, knees etc unless they have actually trained. They will concentrate on just using the knife, meaning you only really need worry about one small area of danger, the point/edge of the knife.

I've noticed that that's how movie fights are often choreographed. Especially if the hero gets disarmed.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:30 pm


Michael Everett wrote:Years back, someone tried to mug me at knife-point as I came out of a martial-arts shop with a new Gi (having ripped the sleeve off the old one escaping from a hold in sparring).
I had been in a bad mood that day, so I took the knife away from him, then being mindful of the laws about theft, I returned it.
Point first.
I missed my target by a couple of inches (I had intended to turn him into a eunuch), but I have never seen anyone manage to limp away that fast before or since.
Had he been holding a gun, things would have been far trickier as I would have had to worry about collateral damage at the very least.

One thing that many people overlook is that when your opponent is holding a knife, they will tend to forget that they have another hand, two feet, elbows, knees etc unless they have actually trained. They will concentrate on just using the knife, meaning you only really need worry about one small area of danger, the point/edge of the knife.
For guns, you need to worry about a very long line extending from the barrel, a line which if you are unlucky, terminates in yours or someone else's body.
Knives are safer than guns.
And people are far less likely to accidentally kill a sibling/parent/child with a knife that has been left in a drawer.

Only the muzzle of a gun is dangerous. The slide, barrel, cylinder or grip will not hurt you. You can safely grip these areas of a gun to keep it pointed away from you or anyone else, wrest it away from an assailant, or render it inoperable.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:31 pm


The E wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:I actually have disarmed someone who attacked me with a knife. I employed a technique that broke his arm, then broke his other arm just because he pissed me off. I got cut for my trouble, but not as badly as I should have. I dont recommend the experience. While the sharp edges of a knife are always dangerous, their are a number of techniques that can render a gun inoperable. If I am up close in personal, a gun is actually less dangerous than a knife.

Today in things that definitely happened...

You just pissed off because your wife admitted that I encounterer her during my European insemination tour.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:50 pm


Joat42 wrote:

If you examine the historical record here:

you will realize that homicide rates were much higher before effective, repeating firearms were invented. The massive decline in European homicides occurred before European governments adopted such extremely restrictive gun control laws. Knives are extremely easy to improvise. All you need is a piece of steel flatbar (an automotive leaf spring is best) and a grinder. A common screw driver is an extremely effective stabbing instrument.

Faulty reasoning is faulty. You are really grasping now..

The statistics you linked to has no data on HOW someone was killed, it also has no data on how social progress, economic progress and law-enforcement progress etc affects the rate.

The only conclusion that can be drawn from the statistics is that humans are becoming more disinclined to kill each other (outside of war), which is a direct consequence of lessening inequalities.

You are almost there. People in different cultures and different times kill each other at disparate rates because they are culturally inclined or disinclined to do so. This is obvious if you look at a map of homicide rates. Not so obvious but can be inferred is that from the map is that racial and cultural diversity is generally associated with higher homicide rates. A caveat is that people of Japanese heritage living in America have extremely low homicide rates even though they live in culturally diverse communities.

The historical statistics are useful because prior to the introduction of repeating firearms, knives and clubs were generally more effective murder weapons than guns. Most homicides were probably NOT committed with guns.

The point that you refuse to understand that up until recent years, England enjoyed a very low rate of homicides with knives even though restrictions on knives were not particularly stringent. Suddenly; England is experiencing a surge in knife crime that is provoking new restrictions. The logical conclusion is that England has an evolving people problem rather than a knife problem.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by The E   » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:26 pm

The E

Posts: 2683
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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

TFLYTSNBN wrote:You just pissed off because your wife admitted that I encounterer her during my European insemination tour.

Nah. Just curious why you'd be so willing to admit to being a pedophile.

See, the thing is, you're trying to insult me personally -- but because I am better at this whole information security thing than you, you only have a very limited set of information to work with, causing these insults of yours to fail quite spectacularly.

You are incredibly easy to troll. You're so used to not being listened to that you cling to every bit of attention you get, even if it's just me telling you how badly you fail at research. You've driven your believability so far into the ground that literally noone takes you seriously; As far as I can tell, you are incapable of having a positive exchange on the internet unless you are deep inside an echo chamber. When you go anywhere else, you have to fall back on a limited set of stories whenever you're cornered: the judge story or your past (very definitely real and not at all made up) martial and sexual exploits or how the west is doomed because people with other opinions exist, you make comments befitting a 12-year-old who's managed to look at porn on the internet without his mom knowing; You get off on being told off, because it validates everything you believe about yourself: That you are the only "real" person, the only guy in the room who's a "real man", who speaks the "truth" to the unbelievers.

You're incapable of introspection and reflection. You're too proud to admit you're wrong; You're too illiterate to respond to criticism of your ideas and sources, too bigoted and too hypocritical to ever learn anything from anyone.

As I said in the other thread: You're a sad, pathetic old man, and I pity you.
Re: Knives, Knives, Knives
Post by Dilandu   » Thu Mar 07, 2019 1:57 pm


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TFLYTSNBN wrote:I actually have disarmed someone who attacked me with a knife. I employed a technique that broke his arm, then broke his other arm just because he pissed me off. I got cut for my trouble, but not as badly as I should have. I dont recommend the experience. While the sharp edges of a knife are always dangerous, their are a number of techniques that can render a gun inoperable. If I am up close in personal, a gun is actually less dangerous than a knife.


Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)

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