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Maple syrup

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Maple syrup
Post by biochem   » Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:44 pm

Rear Admiral

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One of the stories making the rounds of the news of the weird sites it a drug raid. A family was innocently making maple syrup when one of their neighbors who couldn't tell the difference between collection maple syrup and making meth reported them to the local police as a meth lab. Fortunately no one was hurt during the drug raid.

They stated that they were glad they had such vigilant neighbors. Sure they are. What they're really thinking is now is lovely time for a 10ft barrier fence but we can't say that on national TV!
Re: Maple syrup
Post by Daryl   » Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:03 am

Fleet Admiral

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In John Ringo's Troy series maple syrup was a drug for ETs and the lead character used it to get funding and technology to defend the planet, so maybe they knew something?
biochem wrote:One of the stories making the rounds of the news of the weird sites it a drug raid. A family was innocently making maple syrup when one of their neighbors who couldn't tell the difference between collection maple syrup and making meth reported them to the local police as a meth lab. Fortunately no one was hurt during the drug raid.

They stated that they were glad they had such vigilant neighbors. Sure they are. What they're really thinking is now is lovely time for a 10ft barrier fence but we can't say that on national TV!

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