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Real life "Mesan Alignment"?

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Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Tenshinai   » Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:39 am


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Information about him IS pretty bad. But it also got me looking at the whole Israel thing again and what's been claimed by them. And I have to say, some of the most startling information about Israel comes from the Israelis themselves! It really makes me wonder how we could be duped like we have been for as long as we have

It´s not a matter of being duped, it´s a matter of religious nutjobs in USA being convinced that Israel must survive and thrive no matter what, because otherwise there can be no armageddon.

And sadly, i am NOT kidding above. Not even the slightest. That´s what you get for listening to bible(t)humpers.

when they themselves come right out and actually brag about manipulating other countries into not only doing and giving Israel whatever it wants but allowing them to commit such atrocities as the willful and deliberate murder of civilians while using the claim of "self defense"! MY GOD, if any of us tried using that excuse in any other country on earth, the judge would actually laugh in our faces before giving us the chair! Yet nobody else seems to see through the smokescreen to what's really going on....

Israel has long since lost its legitimacy.
The only state in the world built on religious affiliation, built on landtheft often so bad that even the Israeli court system says its illegal, and ethnic cleansing...

There are quite a few legitimate questions which tend to cast doubt on your "The Elders of Zion" argument, especially since I haven't gotten to reviewing it to see whether it is fact of fiction.

The documents as such, are completely 100% fiction, that is firmly established.
Did the documents have ANY grounding in reality, oh sure of course they did, all conspiration theories needs a grain of truth to be a good lie.
Problem is, the grain is very very tiny, they basically took the most common prejudices around, spiced them up to get some extra "spookiness" and horror in and wrote the whole thing down like a very bad sci-fi story.

* Israel is using at least some of the aid money it
receives from the United States to bribe elected
officials in the U.S. and other countries, as well as
provide free trips to college students and select
christians in order to convince them to support israel
no matter what they do.

Yup. USA also gives Israel money to buy military equipment from USA with...

Funny thing? They ALSO use some of that money to buy from elsewhere, AND they export some US material onwards, some of which end up in for example China.

They´re basically committing treason using USAs own money, and because their US supporters are so rabid, they GET AWAY WITH IT!

Nothing new about this however, it´s been ongoing for several decades. And while it´s not exactly shown openly, it´s an open secret considering how much arguing there is about it even in USA itself.

* There are archived news articles (some of which are in
the Library of Congress) as far back as at least 1915
reporting on the collection of donations to prevent a
"jewish holocaust" in europe as well as using the "six
million jews" figure.... BEFORE Hitler ever rose to

Irrelevant. And you should understand why if you stop to think for a few seconds.
Maybe more if you don´t know the history.

The reason for the number is blatantly obvious for example. It is at the time roughly the number that exists (for certain) in Europe.

* Nearly half of the moderators for the website
"facebook" live in israel, and quite a few of them use
"LAST.WARNING" in the URL of their personal facebook
pages. You might say "so what"... but these are the
same moderators who ignore racism against arabs while
censoring information critical of Israel.

No. Seriously, that´s bullshit.

And your later list shows a distinct lack of moderators from other places.

NOTE: So far, every member that I've checked that has "LAST.WARNING" in the URL has been located in ISRAEL.

Yes? And if you take a few seconds to bother to think about that?
Not that it´s relevant at all.
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Tenshinai   » Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:44 am


Posts: 2893
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Location: Sweden

What I will say is that Israel is a country that has been invaded by every one of it's neighbors in the last 50 years.

Yeah, that kinda tend to happen when you invade a place and take it as your own.
People in the area tend to get pissed off by that kinda things.

And no, legally, israel had zero legitimacy at start because how it flaunted the UN resolution that WOULD have given it international legitimacy.

The creation of israel was literally an armed invasion into an area THAT HAD BEEN PROMISED INDEPENDENCE.

Instead, 2 divisions of US-supported jewish soldiers walked in, and kept going.
And they´re still expanding, the nation of Palestine was made a farce right away, but in the last 20 years it´s been made a mockery.
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Dilandu   » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:07 am


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Tenshinai wrote:
The creation of israel was literally an armed invasion into an area THAT HAD BEEN PROMISED INDEPENDENCE.

Instead, 2 divisions of US-supported jewish soldiers walked in, and kept going.
And they´re still expanding, the nation of Palestine was made a farce right away, but in the last 20 years it´s been made a mockery.

Not only US... Comrade Stalin also initially was very supportive of Israel (he hoped that Israel would be neutral nation, friendly toward USSR).

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Tenshinai   » Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:10 pm


Posts: 2893
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Location: Sweden

Dilandu wrote:
Not only US... Comrade Stalin also initially was very supportive of Israel (he hoped that Israel would be neutral nation, friendly toward USSR).

Yeah, but nowhere near the same scale or blatant disregard for people already living in the area.

The two divisions that was the main part of "israeli" invasion forces, were created and trained by USA during WWII, when the war was over, USA just went "oops" and let them move on as coherent units AND gave them their equipment and weapons.

Because obviously that´s what you always do when you dismiss units from military service... :roll:
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by RedBaron   » Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:48 pm


Concerning MA / Israel connection, I suggest people reread chapter 43 of "Torch of Freedom".

As for news sources, Let's see how smart the israel supporters here are - read this article and pick it apart... IF you have the intelligence to. ... in-israel/

The simple fact is that those who worship israel will ALWAYS find excuses to dismiss reality, not to mention outright refusal to even look at anything that might show that what they believe could possibly be wrong.

NO amount of proof is enough for them to wake up and realize that they are supporting evil, or that they are being used to further that evil. Which begs the question - if each of them were characters in the Honorverse, how strongly would they support the Mesan Alignment?
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Michael Everett   » Mon Dec 12, 2016 6:27 pm

Michael Everett

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Location: Bristol, England

Given recent and not-so-recent Fundamentalist Islam activities, it may be interesting to look back as to why Israel (modern) was established where it was.

It's a beach-head.

It is where it is because the western powers were worried that the Islamic Countries would one day choose to unite against the West. Israel was placed where it was both to give the Islamists a different target and to provide a fairly secure landing point should World War 3 break out.

The other option for Israel had been in Africa, but Africa wasn't (and still isn't) as much of a potential threat.

Politically, placing it there was and still is a borderline disaster. Militarily, it's inspired. The West has a well-armed and semi-paranoid country in the perfect position to serve as a jumping-off point for a counter-invasion.
And the countries that surround it know this, which is why they all united and tried to burn Israel to the ground in the Six Days War. Of course, by failing, they just honed the blade of Israel to a sharper edge and lodged it harder into position.

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Daryl   » Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:34 am

Fleet Admiral

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I was a teenager at the time of the six day war, living on a remote sheep station. We only got a paper once a week (no TV), and I remember the two papers, last week's said Nassar declares he will crush Israel; and the new one had Israeli tanks in Egypt on the front page.
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by RedBaron   » Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:11 pm


Michael Everett wrote:Given recent and not-so-recent Fundamentalist Islam activities, it may be interesting to look back as to why Israel (modern) was established where it was.

It's a beach-head.

It is where it is because the western powers were worried that the Islamic Countries would one day choose to unite against the West. Israel was placed where it was both to give the Islamists a different target and to provide a fairly secure landing point should World War 3 break out.

The other option for Israel had been in Africa, but Africa wasn't (and still isn't) as much of a potential threat.

Politically, placing it there was and still is a borderline disaster. Militarily, it's inspired. The West has a well-armed and semi-paranoid country in the perfect position to serve as a jumping-off point for a counter-invasion.
And the countries that surround it know this, which is why they all united and tried to burn Israel to the ground in the Six Days War. Of course, by failing, they just honed the blade of Israel to a sharper edge and lodged it harder into position.

So you actually approve of antagonizing others to provide an excuse for attacking them, Michael Everett.

Daryl wrote:I was a teenager at the time of the six day war, living on a remote sheep station. We only got a paper once a week (no TV), and I remember the two papers, last week's said Nassar declares he will crush Israel; and the new one had Israeli tanks in Egypt on the front page.

Daryl, what did you think about it then versus now?
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Michael Everett   » Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:59 pm

Michael Everett

Posts: 2612
Joined: Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:54 am
Location: Bristol, England

RedBaron wrote:So you actually approve of antagonizing others to provide an excuse for attacking them

Not what I said.
One can admire the tactics of another without wishing to join them.
However, the point is that the western powers looked ahead and decided that the Islamic States were the greatest potential threat (they were still sort-of-allied to the Communists at that point), so they put a pawn into play to disrupt the possible future threat before it could coalesce.
[sarcasm]So, according to your idea of my stance, does that mean that you think America joined in with the decision to site Israel where it is in order to provoke the Islamists into flying multiple airliners into their skyscrapers in order to have an excuse to invade Iraq? Wow! Excellent example of forward planning there! Well done America! Great way to take down a dictator who wasn't even in power at the point the plan started![/sarcasm]

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

(Now on Twitter)and mentioned by RFC!
ACNH Dreams at DA-6594-0940-7995
Re: Real life "Mesan Alignment"?
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Dec 13, 2016 3:52 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
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Israel is where it is, because the Jewish Bible (also
accepted and claimed by Christians) says that that
particular land, between the Jordan River and the
Mediterranean Sea, was given by G-d to the Israelites.

No other land can be acceptable as a Jewish state.
The British did offer some land in Uganda, circa 1908,
but a Zionist Congress refused it.

As for a Jewish Army to fight in Eretz Israel, Tenshinai,
it was recruited and assembled one Jew at a time,
from Jews who were either already there or who went
there to fight. No USA army units were involved, ever.
The British did recruit a Jewish Brigade, mostly from
Jews already in "Palestine," for WW2. After 1945 most
of the 4000 or so Jewish Brigade members did join the
Haganah (or Irgun, or Lehi) which was (were) turned
into the Israeli Army when the State was declared.

One US Army colonel, David "Mickey" Marcus, a Jew,
did join the Israeli Army. He did so by himself,
without bringing any other Americans, Jewish or not.

Howard T. Map-addict
Yes, I am a Jew, and a supporter of Zionism

Michael Everett wrote:Given recent and not-so-recent Fundamentalist Islam activities, it may be interesting to look back as to why Israel (modern) was established where it was.

It's a beach-head.

It is where it is because the western powers were worried that the Islamic Countries would one day choose to unite against the West. Israel was placed where it was both to give the Islamists a different target and to provide a fairly secure landing point should World War 3 break out.

The other option for Israel had been in Africa, but Africa wasn't (and still isn't) as much of a potential threat.

Politically, placing it there was and still is a borderline disaster. Militarily, it's inspired. The West has a well-armed and semi-paranoid country in the perfect position to serve as a jumping-off point for a counter-invasion.
And the countries that surround it know this, which is why they all united and tried to burn Israel to the ground in the Six Days War. Of course, by failing, they just honed the blade of Israel to a sharper edge and lodged it harder into position.

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