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Honorverse dramatis personae

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Honorverse dramatis personae
Post by cthia   » Thu May 08, 2014 9:38 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Think you have what it takes to be an old-school Cecille B. DeMille? If you have to ask, then you should be playing with your dolls or your marbles. :lol:

I think it is safe to post this new thread; the young babes and pups should be in school. They won't be able to play in this thread (cthia makes a throwing away gesture much like Honor with his right hand.) Oh I'd like them to, I'd like everyone to play in this sandbox...but, if you don't have proper ID verifying your age well...

You see, my sister challenged me to a casting call of a different type. She calls it dramatis personae and we've been having loads of fun with it. At my nieces expense. Like it or not, she's just not old enough. My sisters and brothers and I continue a tradition of my parents. We watch reruns of the old movies once a week if we can. Family night. We all even have an old-fashioned home-style popcorn maker. My sister has read three books now. Three. lol

At intermission, awaiting my niece to refill her endless need for popcorn, my sister turns to me and says "you know, in answer to your question a few days ago it has just now occured to me that perhaps the very best actors/actresses have either not yet been born or have already been beamed up." We began to discuss actors/actresses from the past that will fit the casting call. There was raw acting skills in those days. Had to be, since monsters and aliens were simply people in suits, or extreme close-ups of miniature models.

Rules. Born between 1900-1969, or on the list. The list taken from AMC. Assume Hollywood will augment physical features since many actresses were very short, with several listed as 4'11" such as Judy Garland, Veronica Lake, Gloria Swanson. Assume proper age for role, either actor in early days or later years.

Right away I thrust with Dorothy Dandridge. She is a shoe-in for Elizabeth Winton. Lighter skin shade. Beautiful. Powerful actress. Quite talented. Touché. Won't even have to be an audition for that one.

Sis parries with Elizabeth Taylor or Meryl Streep for Eloise Pritchart. Nice. Two powerful actresses. Rather interesting. I throw in Katherine Hepburn for Eloise.

Barbara Stanwyck for Dame Estelle or Lady Cathy Montaigne?

Marilyn Monroe would be a Mesan sex slave for certain. She'd be the anti-thesis for Paulo D'Arezzo. Georgia Sakristos! One Elaine Kormondorsky.

My sister and I are just chuckling it up. As much because of the sheer mind experiment as the look of dismay on my niece's face. But...not wanting to be left out, my niece counters with Tom Hanks, as the cigar wielding Lester Tourville. Sis and I are quieted. We are reminded never to underestimate the little minx.

AMC Movie List
The 50 Greatest Actresses of All Time

1Bette Davis
She had offbeat looks and a quirky voice, but when Davis was onscreen everyone else disappeared. 805221424
2Katharine Hepburn
She made casual elegant and relocated the seat of sex appeal from the bosom to the brain in Bringing Up Baby and Adam's Rib. 446914445
3Marilyn Monroe
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Seven Year Itch, and Some Like it Hot showcased the buxom, blue-eyed blonde's comic gifts. 402528577
4Ingrid Bergman
Soulful star Bergman made doomed romance look good in Casablanca and self-loathing even better in Notorious. 385814358
5Meryl Streep
Boss from hell, Holocaust survivor, and frustrated housewife -- is there anyone Streep can't play? 290518933
6Vivien Leigh
The Gone With the Wind star made fewer than two dozen movies, but the combination of icy beauty and inner fire made her unforgettable. 268812834
7Olivia de Havilland
Gone With the Wind made the dark-haired beauty a star, but ten years later she played a shy spinster in The Heiress. 267221140
8Audrey Hepburn
In a world of pneumatic blondes, Hepburn made smart, complicated brunette sprites sexy in Roman Holiday and Sabrina. 20346840
9Barbara Stanwyck
From Double Indemnity to The Lady Eve, Stanwyck was a lean live wire with an alluringly husky voice. 17704806
10Kate Winslet
At 17, Winslet wowed moviegoers as a sociopathic teen in Heavenly Creatures. She's never shied away from offbeat characters. 173813702
11Ava Gardner
She wasn't much of an actress, but Gardner had the looks that transformed a tobacco farmer's daughter into a pop-culture goddess. 15784254
12Rita Hayworth
A Hollywood makeover turned Latina dancer Margarita Cansino into a red-haired pinup and erotic icon. 14683936
13Elizabeth Taylor
Taylor could act when she wanted to, as in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, and even when she didn't her looks sufficed. 13815749
14Judy Garland
Talented but insecure, Garland was the little girl with a voice big enough to inspire everyone who felt out of step with the world. 11574023
15Claudette Colbert
Colbert could do just about anything -- historical dramas, women's weepies, musicals -- but she was the quintessential runaway heiress. 10794767
16Joan Crawford
No one worked harder. From Our Dancing Daughters to Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, she remained in the limelight. 10523840
17Joan Fontaine
Olivia de Havilland's younger sister was the quintessential cool, classy Hitchcock blonde and won an Oscar for Suspicion. 10404334
18Jodie Foster
Precocious child actress Foster matured into a brainy Oscar-winning beauty in dramas like The Accused and The Silence of the Lambs. 9595629
19Natalie Wood
As a child star (Miracle on 34th Street), teen idol (Rebel Without a Cause), and ingenue (West Side Story), Wood always sparkled. 6314095
20Cate Blanchett
Blanchett sexed up the queen in Elizabeth and turned men's blood to ice as a Nazi in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 6314065
21Judi Dench
Dench has been a woman for all seasons, equally able to steal 1998's Shakespeare in Love and put James Bond in his place. 5943564
22Julie Andrews
She sang like an angel in Mary Poppins and made fun of her sweetness-and-light image in S.O.B. 4633511
23Grace Kelly
Before becoming Princess Grace of Monaco, she was the impossibly elegant star of Rear Window and Dial M for Murder. 4143298
24Maureen O’Hara
From The Quiet Man to Miracle on 34th Street, O'Hara brought a dash of color to every movie she made. 4142990
25Sandra Bullock
Bullock is the girl next door -- smart, nice, pretty, loyal, and fun. Who cares if her movies are forgettable? 3904480
26Sally Field
Refusing to be stereotyped as the perky star of TV's Flying Nun, Field reinvented herself as a gutsy movie actress in Norma Rae. 3773607
27Lauren Bacall
In The Big Sleep, the young Bacall's sultry voice and tough-girl swagger captivated men and women alike. 3772931
28Julia Roberts
Pretty Woman catapulted the coltish Roberts to stardom, and her megawatt smile continues to light up comedies and dramas. 3704506
29Shirley MacLaine
An energetic redhead with a saucy smile, MacLaine made hooking seem wholesome in Irma la Douce and Sweet Charity. 3543570
30Deborah Kerr
British beauty Kerr specialized in channeling the hidden heat beneath the brittle, high-strung facade. 3472607
31Myrna Loy
Witty and urbane, Loy excelled in the Thin Man movies, playing the brainier half of society sleuths Nick and Nora. 3332789
32Greta Garbo
The Swedish-born Garbo had plenty of beauty and talent to spare, but her mystery made her a legend. 3252685
33Natalie Portman
Portman gives her all to every role, from a 12-year-old assassin (The Professional) to a ballerina losing her grip on reality (Black Swan). 3174227
34Nicole Kidman
Kidman's range -- which includes comedy, action, and serious drama -- is as striking as her fiery red hair. 3153997
35Diane Keaton
Often daffy but never dumb, Keaton was equally at home in Annie Hall and the Godfather trilogy. 3093765
36Susan Hayward
Modeling got Hayward to Hollywood, where she delivered wrenching performances in Smash-Up and I Want to Live! 3052531
37Sophia Loren
An Italian bombshell with talent as generous as her curves, Loren could be sultry, funny, and heartbreaking. 2953251
38Marlene Dietrich
Louche, leggy, and decadently languid, Dietrich brought European sophistication to Hollywood and kissed a girl in thirties Morocco. 2182528
39Carole Lombard
She could have coasted on her platinum-blonde looks, but Lombard showed she had sublime comic timing in My Man Godfrey. 1882428
40Jean Arthur
Arthur excelled at playing brisk, witty, no-nonsense career girls who could go toe-to-toe with any man. 1312377
41Jean Harlow
"Would you be shocked if I put on something more comfortable?" asked the bombshell in Hell's Angels, and a bad-girl cliche was born. 1182312
42Ginger Rogers
Rogers could sing, dance, and had enough sex appeal that it rubbed off on Fred Astaire, with whom she starred in Top Hat. 1162446
43Jane Fonda
Fonda defied the Establishment, going from generic starlet (Walk on the Wild Side) to sex kitten (Barbarella) to Oscar winner (Klute). 353713
44Doris Day
Day's perky, fresh-faced image was the antithesis of her hard-knocks life, but she never broke character. 322566
45Reese Witherspoon
She may be tiny, but she can go from cute (Legally Blonde) to formidable (Walk the Line) in an instant. -983874
46Mary Pickford
Wholesomely pretty, America's Sweetheart was the first real movie star and co-founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. -1242230
47Angelina Jolie
The Tesla roadster of actresses, Jolie is the rare woman who looks like Lara Croft and talks like Mother Teresa. -3814739
48Mae West
The star of the sex farces She Done Him Wrong and I'm No Angel, the full-figured West was queen of the bawdy double entendre. -3872535
49Barbra Streisand
Her mother said she wasn't pretty enough, but brassy Barbra from Brooklyn won an Oscar for her first film, Funny Girl. -5653397
50Halle Berry


1Tom Hanks
He loved a mermaid (Splash) and crossed paths with history (Forrest Gump) but never lost his boy-next-door appeal. 111133145241
2Henry Fonda
For six decades -- in The Grapes of Wrath and Fail-Safe -- Fonda was so good people stopped appreciating his talent. 681127745
3Paul Newman
Newman defiantly hitched his good looks to one slippery, startling classic after another, from The Hustler to Hud. 596529671
4Jack Lemmon
Long before dramedy had a name, Lemmon perfected the art of wrapping laughter around emotional truth in Some Like It Hot. 510523067
5James Stewart
Stereotyped as an aw-shucks Everyman, Stewart brought fierce intelligence to The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. 496418404
6Humphrey Bogart
World-weary Casablanca and Maltese Falcon star Bogart was a man's man who was also loved by the ladies. 487517611
7Robert De Niro
De Niro is as mesmerizing in the low-rent Bloody Mama as he is in Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and Goodfellas. 478035152
8Gene Hackman
Hollywood's seventies detour into gritty, downbeat movies saved Hackman -- he shone in The French Connection and The Conversation. 468921717
9Jack Nicholson
Nicholson's feral, defiant energy dovetailed with the Zeitgeist, producing movies like Five Easy Pieces, Carnal Knowledge, and Chinatown. 458529185
10Gregory Peck
Peck could play neurotic (Spellbound) and dashing (Roman Holiday) but excelled at righteousness (Gentlemen's Agreement). 453716497
11Clint Eastwood
In The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the Man With No Name has a suspicion of authority that makes him the perfect anti-hero of the sixties. 452124039
12John Wayne
Wayne spent 50 years defining American manhood, while starring in the career-making Stagecoach and the bittersweet Shootist. 439719509
13Gary Cooper
Bad boys are sexy, but the slow-talking Cooper made basic decency a turn-on in movies like Meet John Doe and High Noon. 439714073
14Spencer Tracy
Practical about the art of acting, Tracy was an unlikely leading man in the socially conscious drama Bad Day at Black Rock. 396721819
15Burt Lancaster
The onetime circus acrobat brought physical grace to crime movies (The Killers) and swashbucklers (The Crimson Pirate). 38259931
16Clark Gable
Jug ears notwithstanding, Gable oozed uncomplicated sex appeal, especially as Gone With the Wind's Rhett Butler. 346011610
17Morgan Freeman
If you need an actor who can play both a vicious pimp (Street Smart) and God (Bruce Almighty), you need Freeman. 341519051
18Laurence Olivier
Classically trained and Hollywood handsome, Olivier approached Shakespeare with the same vigor he brought to Wuthering Heights. 340120477
19Marlon Brando
Decades after A Streetcar Named Desire, Brando was electrifying in The Godfather and Apocalypse Now. 316621356
20Cary Grant
Grant's comic flair came through in The Awful Truth and His Girl Friday, and his dramatic gift was on display in North by Northwest. 308111057
21Daniel Day-Lewis
Handsome, articulate, and almost frighteningly intense, Day-Lewis is relentless in Gangs of New York and There Will Be Blood. 299820690
22Kirk Douglas
Douglas's insecurity and festering resentments gave depth to his best roles, like the cynical reporter in Ace in the Hole. 28009542
23Dustin Hoffman
Hoffman broke Hollywood's blond-macho-leading-man mold in the generation-defining Graduate and (in a different way) Tootsie. 262018650
24Anthony Hopkins
Hopkins's movie career has been a roller-coaster ride through TV, supporting roles, and cult favorites, like The Elephant Man. 232716111
25George C. Scott
In movies like Patton, Hardcore, and A Christmas Carol, he embodied moral outrage, right or wrong. 22978803
26Al Pacino
A bundle of urban energy, Pacino embraced bravura in such crowd-pleasers as Glengarry Glen Ross and The Devil's Advocate. 226125255
27Robert Mitchum
Mitchum's sleepy, vaguely menacing sensuality made him a noir icon in movies like Out of the Past and The Night of the Hunter. 18938093
28Denzel Washington
Washington played the voice of moral authority in movies like Glory and Courage Under Fire without seeming sanctimonious. 176018332
29Michael Caine
In the sixties, Caine brought working-class sex appeal to cads (Alfie), thieves (The Italian Job), and unglamorous spies (The Ipcress File). 144811964
30William Holden
Holden parsed world-weariness as a screenwriter turned gigolo (Sunset Blvd.) and a cynical WWII POW (Stalag 17). 13947656
31Groucho Marx
Groucho introduced absurdist anarchy to mainstream comedy in Animal Crackers and Horse Feathers. 13319811
32Sean Connery
With his rough-hewn good looks and casual manliness, Connery was born to play James Bond. 132413426
33Steve McQueen
McQueen's brand of sensitive rebelliousness made him the ultimate in cool in The Great Escape. 12889542
34Charles Chaplin
Chaplin was funny, but he wasn't a clown -- it's the razor-sharp edges that make The Gold Rush still feel new. 127511543
35Gene Kelly
The virile Kelly made ballet safe for mainstream moviegoers in classic musicals like An American in Paris and Singin' in the Rain. 12098291
36Fred Astaire
Studio executives were underwhelmed by the skinny Astaire, but he seduced audiences in Flying Down to Rio and Shall We Dance. 11988508
37Edward G. Robinson
Squat and ugly, Robinson was convincing as a force for justice (Double Indemnity), a criminal (Little Caesar), and a schmuck (Scarlet Street). 11157257
38Russell Crowe
Crowe has built a career on playing bruisers, from Romper Stomper's conflicted skinhead to the disillusioned journalist in State of Play. 96712571
39Peter Sellers
Sellers was bitter fun: who else could have played Dr. Strangelove and president Merkin Muffley in the same scene? 6557797
40James Cagney
No one did seething fury like the small, wiry Cagney did in movies such as White Heat and The Public Enemy. 6506796
41Sidney Poitier
At a time when most Black actors were stuck at the back of the bus, Poitier took the wheel, winning an Oscar for Lilies of the Field. 4947624
42Sean Penn
Penn's specialty is the intense, complicated loners he's played in movies like Dead Man Walking and Mystic River. 23910171
43James Dean
Dean tapped into the pure essence of teen misery in Rebel Without a Cause and Giant, then died before he got old. 1337981
44James Mason
Odd Man Out put Mason on the radar, and he brought a touch of tainted class to North by Northwest and Lolita. 1056933
45Orson Welles
Citizen Kane showcased Welles's bravura acting style, and roles in Touch of Evil and The Lady From Shanghai proved he was no fluke. 1036785
46Errol Flynn
Flynn defined the roguish swashbuckler in movies like Captain Blood, The Adventures of Robin Hood, and The Sea Hawk. 707300
47William Powell
Powell was a leading man for four decades, assembling a highly diverse filmography, including My Man Godfrey and Sherlock Holmes. 706822
48Richard Burton
Burton's movies were rarely as good as he was, but when they were -- as Look Back in Anger was -- they were breathtaking. 166952
49Buster Keaton
The Great Stone Face was the main attraction in such innovative silent comedies as Sherlock Jr., Seven Chances, and The General. -1557451
50Johnny Depp
Depp rejected pretty-boy stardom to play the soulful monster Edward Scissorhands and the cross-dressing moviemaker Ed Wood.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse dramatis personae
Post by cthia   » Thu May 08, 2014 11:23 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Audrey Hepburn as Stacy Hauptman. Naturally beautiful and can play a very strong character, i.e. Roman Holiday.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse dramatis personae
Post by cthia   » Thu May 08, 2014 11:45 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

A young Natalie Wood as "Abigail Hearns."
Judy Garland as "Rachel Mayhew."

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse dramatis personae
Post by Yow   » Thu May 08, 2014 12:57 pm

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Don't nobody try and off me but Johnny Depp as Victor Cachat.

Cthia's father ~ "Son, do not cater to the common belief that a person has to earn respect. That is not true. You should give every person respect right from the start. What a person has to earn is your continued respect!"
Re: Honorverse dramatis personae
Post by cthia   » Thu May 08, 2014 1:09 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
Joined: Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:10 pm

Yow wrote:Don't nobody try and off me but Johnny Depp as Victor Cachat.

Excellent! My sister and I were thinking James Dean but weren't quite comfortable with it. I'm going to mention Johnny Depp to her. I love it!

Thinking back to COG cover, Johnny Depp is physically perfect, and we know about his acting skills. Perhaps you've just pegged another shoe-in Yow!

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Honorverse dramatis personae
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Thu May 08, 2014 4:29 pm

Howard T. Map-addict
Rear Admiral

Posts: 1392
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Location: Philadelphia, PA

All Time?? :shock: Hollywood only! :evil:

There are other Movie-making cultures in the world!

For Indian actors & actresses, see: ... ssic-stars ... khans-juhi ... ho-matched

A "Jodi" is a romantic pairing, Gable-Lombard or
Tracy-Hepburn, or maybe a buddy-pair like Newman-Redford.
1960s refers to year of birth, actually 1960-77.

Guests can read; must be registered to post.
Yes, there I am "Dancelover" most of those posts are mine.


cthia wrote:[snip - htm]
AMC Movie List
The 50 Greatest Actresses of All Time

1Bette Davis
She had offbeat looks and a quirky voice, but when Davis was onscreen everyone else disappeared. 805221424
2Katharine Hepburn
She made casual elegant and relocated the seat of sex appeal from the bosom to the brain in Bringing Up Baby and Adam's Rib. 446914445
3Marilyn Monroe
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Seven Year Itch, and Some Like it Hot showcased the buxom, blue-eyed blonde's comic gifts. 402528577
4Ingrid Bergman
Soulful star Bergman made doomed romance look good in Casablanca and self-loathing even better in Notorious. 385814358
5Meryl Streep
Boss from hell, Holocaust survivor, and frustrated housewife -- is there anyone Streep can't play? 290518933

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