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New Honor novel announced on Amazon.

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Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by Jonathan_S   » Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:02 pm

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Daryl wrote:Any Joe Buckleys?
Jonathan_S wrote:b) Appearances by some of our favorite characters who didn't follow Honor to Grayson (and so dropped out of sight for much of FIE)

Who knows?

To date, the only literal Buckleys we've seen in the Honorverse (and I'd forgotten the first one) are:
* "Lieutenant Joe Buckley, the tac officer" of the LAC Cutthroat. [AoV]
* The SD SLNS Joseph Buckley (the 6th one built; many meeting unfortunate ends) [MoH, SoV]
* The SD's namesake Dr. Joseph Buckley, who was on the team developing on the original impeller drive on Beowulf (who then died spectacularly attempting to demonstrated that you could use a wedge to enter a grav wave) [MoH]

The last is too old, by several centuries, to feature. The SD is presumably somewhere in the Core when the 1st Havenite War begins - so seems unlikely to appear "on screen". And someone who is, presumably, a freshly minted LT in the 2nd war isn't going to be in the RMN yet at the start of the 1st, so again seems unlikely to make an appearance.

That said, RFC could certainly create some new Buckley to torture. (Or some other doomed Tuckerization who isn't literally named Buckley)
Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by Daryl   » Mon Jun 19, 2023 3:21 am

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Seems to be an author in joke. Every Joe Buckley either animate or inanimate comes to a sticky end.
Mind you a combination of paranoia and egotism make me ask why a city in a David Drake universe called by my surname suffered being nuked, just after I pointed out a major flaw in another series of his. Could have been worse, another critic disputed his military history (quite unfairly), and ended up in a series as a depraved child torturer/rapist.
And I haven't forgotten that the original version of my name is Darius.
Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by tlb   » Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:41 am

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Daryl wrote:Seems to be an author in joke. Every Joe Buckley either animate or inanimate comes to a sticky end.

Everyone should be made aware that this is not limited to the author. Indeed, Baen has a book with the following title: "The Many Deaths of Joe Buckley: by Assorted Baen Authors & Barflies".

One review on Amazon makes the following statement:
The art of killing & maiming Joe Buckley was originally an inside joke among the Baen Books crowd. It now seems to have taken on a life of its own with more and more people aware of the joke. I have read one Buckley death in a book not published by Baen. The Buckley death cult (all in good fun) could spread throughout the scifi community. And yes there is a real Joe Buckley who participates in the fun. This volume not only compiles the deaths but provides explanations & commentary.
Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Tue Jun 20, 2023 1:55 pm

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Daryl wrote:Seems to be an author in joke. Every Joe Buckley either animate or inanimate comes to a sticky end.
Mind you a combination of paranoia and egotism make me ask why a city in a David Drake universe called by my surname suffered being nuked, just after I pointed out a major flaw in another series of his. Could have been worse, another critic disputed his military history (quite unfairly), and ended up in a series as a depraved child torturer/rapist.
And I haven't forgotten that the original version of my name is Darius.

That doesn't mean they didn't appreciate the review, even if they made a joke at your expense.

Iain M. Banks also made an in-universe joke with critics too.
Somebody once told me that the ships 'Very Little Gravitas Indeed' and 'Zero Gravitas' were a response to a scathing review. Is this true?

Yes. But it was a scathing review of Culture ship-naming policy delivered by another Involved civilisation. They suggested that such enormously powerful and intellectually refined entities ought to have names with a little more gravitas, to reflect their near-god-like status; the immediate and sustained reaction of one of the Culture's ship manufacturies was to name all its subsequent vessels things like: Stood Far Back When The Gravitas Was Handed Out; Gravitas, What Gravitas?; Gravitas... Gravitas... No, Don't Help Me, I'll Get It In A Moment; Gravitas Free Zone; Low Gravitas Warning Signal, etc etc (including the Zen-like Absolutely No You-No-What). I am so sad I have a separate list of the Gravitas ships at home. It currently runs to about 20, I think.


As for Darius... well, maybe if we find something in the system or the planet named "Xerxes" we will be able to explain away the correlation. As far as I understand, the system is named Darius but the planet is the unimaginative "Darius Gamma." The capital city is "Leonard."
Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by tlb   » Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:11 pm

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ThinksMarkedly wrote:That doesn't mean they didn't appreciate the review, even if they made a joke at your expense.

Iain M. Banks also made an in-universe joke with critics too.

However, there are authors that very much resent certain critics:
David Drake's webpage wrote:There’s a person named Charles Platt who’s lived in the US for many years but who has all the attributes that go into the term ‘Chinless Wonder’ for the British upper classes. (His uncle was in the House of Lords.) He produced a supercilious review of Hammer’s Slammers suggesting that if I’d really seen war I wouldn’t write such queasy voyeurism.
Note that David was writing following his experience in a tank platoon in Vietnam and thereafter someone named Platt was a sleazy character in many of his books.

Another example:
Reddit wrote:Critic Michael Crowley gave such a poor review of one of author Michael Crichton's books, that Crichton made a character 'Mick Crowley' in his next book, who was a child molester with a small penis.
-- snip --
The small penis part also turned out to be a good way to avoid a libel lawsuit, and has spawned the small penis rule.
-- snip --
Michael Crowley was being critical of Crichton's use of his book as a platform for climate change denial. Crichton was one of the most famous climate change deniers in his day.
The rule was first mentioned in a New York Times article from 1998 prior to the incident, so this was an example of the rule; not the origin of it.
Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by kzt   » Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:42 pm

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David Drake was with the 11th ACR in Vietnam, but he was (technically at least) an intelligence interrogator, not a tanker. But I think he was out with the line units. He threatened once to get a bunch of authors of military fiction involved in an anthology and then spring on them they had to write about being an interrogator.
Re: New Honor novel announced on Amazon.
Post by tlb   » Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:54 pm

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kzt wrote:David Drake was with the 11th ACR in Vietnam, but he was (technically at least) an intelligence interrogator, not a tanker. But I think he was out with the line units. He threatened once to get a bunch of authors of military fiction involved in an anthology and then spring on them they had to write about being an interrogator.

As you say, his biography states:
His studies at Duke University School of Law were interrupted for two years when he was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he served as an enlisted interrogator with the 11th Armored Cavalry (the Black Horse Regiment) in Vietnam and Cambodia.

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