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SL support of terrorists

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Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by TheMonster   » Tue May 06, 2014 9:04 am

Rear Admiral

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namelessfly wrote:That was what, 15 years ago in book time?
How long was the Maccabeus organization underground before HotQ? Centuries?
Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by The E   » Tue May 06, 2014 9:17 am

The E

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A few decades at most. The Brotherhood was founded by the father of Jared Mayhew, with the title passing with his death, so we're looking at something like 30 years at most.

That being said, a Maccabean underground may very well still exist (it's pretty much a certainty, I think), but finding the people in it should prove rather difficult, given how much said movement was a victim of outside manipulation on at least two occasions. "Getting in" with the remaining members, and getting them to perform some drastic action, is probably rather hard to do, especially for solarian agents.
Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by namelessfly   » Tue May 06, 2014 9:54 am


TheMonster wrote:
namelessfly wrote:That was what, 15 years ago in book time?
How long was the Maccabeus organization underground before HotQ? Centuries?

The E has a good response. The Macebeus movement was only a few decades old. The Graysons inflicted huge losses on them during HotQ and FiE. There is little left of the organization. More importantly, the vast majority of Graysons have enjoyed huge increases in their living standards. As was revealed in obligated service, most Grayson Men were fortunate to have one wife much less the male fantasy of two or three wives in a harem which only the elites such as Adm Yanekev and Protector Benjamin enjoyed. A large fraction of Grayson women and men never got to reproduce successfully prior tom the alliance. Allison's genetic therapies are decreasing miscarriage rates and infant mortality rates.

There certainly are a few people left on Grayson who want to revert to the old style system. More likely they are a confined to a few, stead holder families. But most Graysons realize that they are far better off than ever before.

Note, the consequences of Oyster Bay might change this.
Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by TheMonster   » Tue May 06, 2014 12:44 pm

Rear Admiral

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The E wrote:A few decades at most. The Brotherhood was founded by the father of Jared Mayhew, with the title passing with his death, so we're looking at something like 30 years at most.
I imagine there was something less organized before that (you don't just create a conspiracy to overthrow a government out of thin air) but let's go with that figure. It is twice as long as the "just 15 years" since the school dome sabotage.

Clearly, the surviving plotters from that debacle are going to be very careful about doing anything that could put them on the receiving end of Honor's Katana as Fitzclarence did. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't be receptive to working with a Firebrand type to enable an act of terrorism (through several layers of cutouts).
Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by Garth 2   » Sun May 11, 2014 12:20 pm

Garth 2
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Overall the likely hood is that the SL wouldn't have the time or the resources to turn this into an effective operation because of:

Travelling time
The main bases in the SEM area of interest have just been hammered
Manticore's internal/external counter and direct Intelligence agencies and Law enforcement arrangements have been massively improved

As for Grayson, its highly likely (though not confirmed) that Muller was interrogated once he was arrested and this hopefully lead to at least some of the 'This world is gods' group being caught or at least on the run.

As for Endicott the general raise in health and wellbeing would undermine the potential/capabilities of the council of Elders.

In the old SC, the removal of the Confed corruption and general improvement in living conditions should also mean that external groups would find it hard to get an opening.
Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by kzt   » Sun May 11, 2014 4:04 pm

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Terrorists organizations are almost always the creation of the well-educated middle or upper classes. They recruit the poor, but the leaders and starting cadre are pretty much always neither poor nor uneducated.
Re: SL support of terrorists
Post by n7axw   » Sun May 11, 2014 7:50 pm

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I can't help but think of Clytahn's rakurai in the Safehold series. I wonder if something like that would be doable??

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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