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So, Trump is saying he has Covid.

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Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by n7axw   » Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:55 am

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orelsi wrote:
gcomeau wrote:
Yeah he almost certainly has it. And he almost equally certainly was tested positive for it earlier than they are admitting given the timeline of symptom progression, how often he is supposed to be tested, and his doctors refusal to say when he last tested negative.

So he was running around contagious hoping he wouldn't develop symptoms and have to admit it while he was infecting everyone he came in contact with.

And now right wing media is all "how is it all these Republicans are suddenly getting sick????" like it isn't completely obvious and trying to suggest it's some kind of liberal conspiracy.

Conjecture, mind reading, baseless assumptions, etc. I understand you are programmed to hate the President, but can't you step back and take a look at your post with honesty? Now imagine someone else wrote that about some other person than the President. Put yourself in the position of a random reader coming up to that post for the first time. Does it look normal to you?

I think that it would be more accurate to say that We've been sensitized to respond to Trump in a certain way, based on four years of Trumps bad behavior. How would you interpret Trump walking into the WH ripping off the mask when still sick, still infected, in close proximity to secret service agents whose job it is to protect him? Unfortunately this sort of thing has been typical. Look at those rallies he stages.

The point is we don't need unfounded assumptions or mind reading. What we are objecting to is right there, up front for everyone to see.

What you are doing, Orelsi, is standing on the sidelines sniping. If you are willing to defend Trumps crap, jump into the discussion and do it; don't snipe.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by Daryl   » Wed Oct 07, 2020 8:20 am

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On point 1, saying "all media is liberal these days" shows your value set. Australia gifted Murdock to the world, and his media is strongly slanted to the right, even to the point of excusing proven inaccuracies as irrelevant as their role is to entertain not inform.

Regarding "boastful, bullying, cruel, narcissist, bad mannered, ignorant, inconsiderate of others, sexist, loud and uncouth.
A couple of those are arguably not negative at all
Please advise as to which, as I find them all to be negative in the extreme. If you don't, we do have a disconnect.

In regard to the comment about how we aren't stupid just misguided; I'm retired now but my last position was at a one star military level, handling thousands of very bright people and billions of dollars. I would not have tolerated Trump on my staff at any level, due to his poor character. Sacked much better people than him.
You do have a valid point about the echo chamber, as it has become quite boring since smr, fly, and others departed.
Like you I am cynical, and have spent some time accessing original material relating to Trump, and just kept getting more and more appalled by his behaviour.
Some of it can be excused as cultural, as I am from Australia but have also spent time in the UK, and we are much less demonstrative. The whole "Ugly American" ethos is perhaps unfair, but to me Trump epitomises it. John Cleese said it far better than I could in his put down.
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by Joat42   » Wed Oct 07, 2020 11:31 am


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If you want to know the character of Trump, just dig through the volumes of court-records available from all the shit he have pulled.

Here's one of the more recent cases, the charity fraud: ... foundation

The man is a fraudster and a grifter.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:37 pm


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orelsi wrote:What bothers me is that:
A: in order to read RFC consistently you need to be intelligent, a stupid person would not like his work, so I KNOW FOR A FACT you are not stupid. My only explanation is that you are naively being deceived.
B: Despite the above point every other post is filled with lies that can be proven wrong in 10 seconds, if you cared to check.

So why don't you check?

We do. You apparently do not.

Annachie wrote:Orlesi.

Let's put it bluntly.

Trump stole from a charity that, along with other things, was raising money for childrens cancer.

I have a child with cancer (tumour is officially shrinking by the way)

A blatant lie. I don't blame you for believing it, but have you actually checked it or did you just believe some random twitter post, because it aligned with your viewpoint? Check it right now. Do it.

Ok... ... ystem=prod

There's the court ruling against him for stealing from the charity in a great big self dealing exercise and forcing him to pay out what he owed and then shut down his fraudulent charitable foundation.

Your turn. Explain how it's all a lie for us. We'll wait.

(I'll just be over here, looking at the court ruling against him for his fraudulent University, not to be confused with his fraudulent charity)
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by pablopinzone   » Wed Oct 07, 2020 7:18 pm


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gcomeau wrote:Your turn. Explain how it's all a lie for us. We'll wait.

How much effort should be put into convincing someone that the earth is round? As the man himself, said he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters." We have an example here.
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by Arol   » Thu Oct 08, 2020 5:11 pm

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“Donald Trump on steroids!”
At some point in time that phrase must have been used to describe a person possessed with an overweening arrogance and inflated ego.
Well buckle down people, what is undoubtedly the most powerful man in the world is partaking of an experimental pharmaceutical cocktail, where steroids are an integral part.
While its’s true that steroids are an accepted ingredient in a number of modern drugs, it’s also true that they can have some unwanted side effects.
One of those side effects; mood altering, might have played in here this morning, when in a tirade he called Democratic VP candidate Harris “…a monster… a communist!” Besides chewing out his lap dog; AG Barr, for not seeing to that Obama, Biden and Hillary and others are indicted in the so-called “Obamagate” affair!
If this is how he is acting when on a high, how’s it going to be when he is forced to come down, or worse when he crashes?
Also announced that he was getting back on the campaign trail!
This in spite of the one constant in all the guidelines that have been amassed from across the world is the one requiring a 14 days self-quarantine, timed from the last negative test. ... ?r=US&IR=T
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by n7axw   » Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:23 am

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Arol wrote:“Donald Trump on steroids!”
At some point in time that phrase must have been used to describe a person possessed with an overweening arrogance and inflated ego.
Well buckle down people, what is undoubtedly the most powerful man in the world is partaking of an experimental pharmaceutical cocktail, where steroids are an integral part.
While its’s true that steroids are an accepted ingredient in a number of modern drugs, it’s also true that they can have some unwanted side effects.
One of those side effects; mood altering, might have played in here this morning, when in a tirade he called Democratic VP candidate Harris “…a monster… a communist!” Besides chewing out his lap dog; AG Barr, for not seeing to that Obama, Biden and Hillary and others are indicted in the so-called “Obamagate” affair!
If this is how he is acting when on a high, how’s it going to be when he is forced to come down, or worse when he crashes?
Also announced that he was getting back on the campaign trail!
This in spite of the one constant in all the guidelines that have been amassed from across the world is the one requiring a 14 days self-quarantine, timed from the last negative test. ... ?r=US&IR=T

If he crashes, it should probably come next week or before, I suspect he won't be in shape to do much of anything.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by Daryl   » Fri Oct 09, 2020 1:59 am

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I just skim read a transcript of his 55 minute interview. Virtually incoherent and detached from reality. This is the person with the launch codes for the biggest nuclear arsenal?
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by cthia   » Fri Oct 09, 2020 6:21 am

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Arol wrote:“Donald Trump on steroids!”
At some point in time that phrase must have been used to describe a person possessed with an overweening arrogance and inflated ego.
Well buckle down people, what is undoubtedly the most powerful man in the world is partaking of an experimental pharmaceutical cocktail, where steroids are an integral part.
While its’s true that steroids are an accepted ingredient in a number of modern drugs, it’s also true that they can have some unwanted side effects.
One of those side effects; mood altering, might have played in here this morning, when in a tirade he called Democratic VP candidate Harris “…a monster… a communist!” Besides chewing out his lap dog; AG Barr, for not seeing to that Obama, Biden and Hillary and others are indicted in the so-called “Obamagate” affair!
If this is how he is acting when on a high, how’s it going to be when he is forced to come down, or worse when he crashes?
Also announced that he was getting back on the campaign trail!
This in spite of the one constant in all the guidelines that have been amassed from across the world is the one requiring a 14 days self-quarantine, timed from the last negative test. ... ?r=US&IR=T

Steroids = Fun in the Trump household. I wonder if Melania has removed all of the breakables.

That's a weakness. The media and the Democratic party should seize on it. Biden should keep an eye on him. The next moderator should have bodyguards. LOL

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: So, Trump is saying he has Covid.
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Oct 09, 2020 12:26 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

gcomeau wrote:
orelsi wrote:
A blatant lie. I don't blame you for believing it, but have you actually checked it or did you just believe some random twitter post, because it aligned with your viewpoint? Check it right now. Do it.

Ok... ... ystem=prod

There's the court ruling against him for stealing from the charity in a great big self dealing exercise and forcing him to pay out what he owed and then shut down his fraudulent charitable foundation.

Your turn. Explain how it's all a lie for us. We'll wait.

(I'll just be over here, looking at the court ruling against him for his fraudulent University, not to be confused with his fraudulent charity)

*Twiddles thumbs... moves on to reviewing the GOP LED Senate Intelligence report finding "that the Russian intelligence services' assault on the integrity of the 2016 U.S. electoral process and Trump and his associates' participation in and enabling of this Russian activity, represents one of the single most grave counterintelligence threats to American national security in the modern era. "

(Direct quote of the report conclusion)

See orelsi, we have lots of "Liberal Media Lies" for you to educate us on once you're done with the whole "Trump steals from charities" thing. Get cracking, enlighten us poor ignorant heathens lost in the wilderness of liberal media disinformation.

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