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Trump to use the courts to stay in power

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Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by n7axw   » Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:18 pm

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This is probably the most dangerous sounding thing I've heard so far. Trump has been ranting for months about the dangers of mail in voting. Now we learn that after stacking the court with his brand new justice, he is planning to convince the courts to consider his ranting that the mail in ballots are invalid even though there is no evidence of fraud. The idea is to have himself declared president by the electoral college after the courts have invalidated the election.

The second arrow in this quiver is that the Trump campaign has been in contact with Republican controlled legislatures in battleground states to set aside the election results in their states because of ballot fraud and choose the electors to go to the electoral college and get Trump declared winner.

This stuff is so utterly corrupt that it is completely beyond the pale. And it is scarey. The constitution does give the state legislatures the authority to pick the electors. So I have no idea if this can be stopped. I admit that I am afraid of what is coming.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by Michael Everett   » Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:18 am

Michael Everett

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I saw in a news article that a reporter had asked Trump if he was going to do a smooth handover of power to Biden "Win, lose or draw".

I thought that only the second required a handover (given that the first meant that the status Quo would remain so) and that the third would lead to the Supreme Courts ruling on who won, thus making it one of the first two.

Was I wrong?

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Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by cthia   » Thu Sep 24, 2020 12:55 am

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n7axw wrote:This is probably the most dangerous sounding thing I've heard so far. Trump has been ranting for months about the dangers of mail in voting. Now we learn that after stacking the court with his brand new justice, he is planning to convince the courts to consider his ranting that the mail in ballots are invalid even though there is no evidence of fraud. The idea is to have himself declared president by the electoral college after the courts have invalidated the election.

The second arrow in this quiver is that the Trump campaign has been in contact with Republican controlled legislatures in battleground states to set aside the election results in their states because of ballot fraud and choose the electors to go to the electoral college and get Trump declared winner.

This stuff is so utterly corrupt that it is completely beyond the pale. And it is scarey. The constitution does give the state legislatures the authority to pick the electors. So I have no idea if this can be stopped. I admit that I am afraid of what is coming.



Everyone has a lot of new anxiety over this election Don. Everyone knows there's going to be trouble.

People are already complaining about the absentee ballots. The instructions state that you must have a witness when you fill it out. It states the witness only has to witness you actually filling it out, but they don't have to see how you vote. Some people are worried about being a witness because they are worried about fraud and how that would affect them if Trump pulls some crap.

Some people are receiving absentee ballots that are obviously sent from, or aligned with, Trump's staff, with pressure and solicitation to vote for Trump. The absentee ballot packages should be neutral. How is this happening?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by n7axw   » Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:17 am

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Michael Everett wrote:I saw in a news article that a reporter had asked Trump if he was going to do a smooth handover of power to Biden "Win, lose or draw".

I thought that only the second required a handover (given that the first meant that the status Quo would remain so) and that the third would lead to the Supreme Courts ruling on who won, thus making it one of the first two.

Was I wrong?

What the courts would be doing would be ruling on the legitimacy of the vote. That in turn would impact the how the electors are chosen for the electoral college. The electoral college declares the winner unless there is a tie after which it gets thrown to the House of Representatives. I am not sure without looking what protocol the House would be operating under.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by zyffyr   » Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:50 am

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n7axw wrote:
Michael Everett wrote:I saw in a news article that a reporter had asked Trump if he was going to do a smooth handover of power to Biden "Win, lose or draw".

I thought that only the second required a handover (given that the first meant that the status Quo would remain so) and that the third would lead to the Supreme Courts ruling on who won, thus making it one of the first two.

Was I wrong?

What the courts would be doing would be ruling on the legitimacy of the vote. That in turn would impact the how the electors are chosen for the electoral college. The electoral college declares the winner unless there is a tie after which it gets thrown to the House of Representatives. I am not sure without looking what protocol the House would be operating under.



The house vote is 'by state'. Each gets one vote, allocated however the states Representatives chose - which likely means majority vote within them.

At the moment, Republicans have the majority in 26 state delegation, Democrats have 23, and Pennsylvania is evenly split. The chose between the top 3 candidates, but no 3rd party candidate is going to be relevant. This is pretty much guaranteed to go to Trump.

Vice-President, by the way, is chosen separately by the Senate from the top 2 choices. Majority (51 votes) wins. Of course, with the current VP being the tiebreaker in the Senate, Pence only needs 50 while Harris would need the full 51. With the Senate currently 53R to 47D, it is unlikely that it would go to Harris. There are 2 special elections to fill seats currently held by temporarily appointed Rs, which in theory could go D and they would be elligible to be sworn in immediately instead of having to wait until Jan to begin their terms. If both do go D, that would shift it to 51-49, at which point 2 defectors could switch it.

In short, if the Electoral College ends up tied there is very little chance of Biden/Harris winning.

Amusingly, it is technically possible to end up with Trump-Harris or Biden-Pence. Either would be a major league shitstorm.
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by noblehunter   » Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:43 am

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The conversations I've seen on Congress-based decisions to electoral problems say that it's the newly elected Senate and House that get to decide. So the current numbers don't reflect what might actually obtain. There's also room for further complications as the House can refuse to sit state delegations where it decides the elections were suspect. Which could be a problem for Republican states.
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by n7axw   » Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:07 pm

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Delivered our absentee ballots to the county auditors office today. The girl said there's been lots of early voting...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by valentitp   » Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:44 am


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Remember; Everything you read or see on the internet is the truth, especially on YouTube and places like Facebook.

Get out of your basement and get a life!
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by n7axw   » Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:45 am

Fleet Admiral

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Location: Viborg, SD

cthia wrote:
n7axw wrote:This is probably the most dangerous sounding thing I've heard so far. Trump has been ranting for months about the dangers of mail in voting. Now we learn that after stacking the court with his brand new justice, he is planning to convince the courts to consider his ranting that the mail in ballots are invalid even though there is no evidence of fraud. The idea is to have himself declared president by the electoral college after the courts have invalidated the election.

The second arrow in this quiver is that the Trump campaign has been in contact with Republican controlled legislatures in battleground states to set aside the election results in their states because of ballot fraud and choose the electors to go to the electoral college and get Trump declared winner.

This stuff is so utterly corrupt that it is completely beyond the pale. And it is scarey. The constitution does give the state legislatures the authority to pick the electors. So I have no idea if this can be stopped. I admit that I am afraid of what is coming.



Everyone has a lot of new anxiety over this election Don. Everyone knows there's going to be trouble.

People are already complaining about the absentee ballots. The instructions state that you must have a witness when you fill it out. It states the witness only has to witness you actually filling it out, but they don't have to see how you vote. Some people are worried about being a witness because they are worried about fraud and how that would affect them if Trump pulls some crap.

Some people are receiving absentee ballots that are obviously sent from, or aligned with, Trump's staff, with pressure and solicitation to vote for Trump. The absentee ballot packages should be neutral. How is this happening?

Here in SD the only issuing authority for ballots is the state who issues them through the county auditors. They send out a form to registered voters to use requesting the ballots. Fill it out, send it in and the absentee ballot comes in the mail. All completely apolitical with lots of time to react.

If We're to receive a ballot with partisan propaganda included, I would be very suspicious of its authenticity and check with the auditor to be sure it's on the up and up.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Trump to use the courts to stay in power
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Sep 25, 2020 11:51 am


Posts: 2747
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valentitp wrote:Remember; Everything you read or see on the internet is the truth, especially on YouTube and places like Facebook.

Get out of your basement and get a life!

The GOP leadership in PA have gone on the record with Forbes stating that yes, they have been in discussions with the Trump campaign to appoint "loyal electors" who will cast their electoral college votes for Trump no matter what... since if the vote goes for Biden they'll yell "FRAUD" then tell them to vote Trump.

This is not some Youtube conspiracy theory, this is something Trump is actually trying to do right in front of our eyes. So maybe wake the hell up.

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