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Impeachment now certain

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Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by smr   » Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:24 pm

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Posts: 1522
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Who cares...He just applying the same rules that the Democrats have been playing since before the election. He broke no laws! The Democrats have said that they will keep impeaching the President to drive him from Office because they can not beat him at the ballot box. Gcomeau, you have cried wolf too many times. I do not care. I wonder if we are going to repeat the Conservative victory in England with Trump and the Republicans. Congratulations to Boris Johnson. This is excuse to have a Margarita! Party time!
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by gcomeau   » Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:33 pm


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smr wrote:
gcomeau wrote:So McConnell just publicly declared he's rigging the Senate trial.

Who cares...

And that ladies and gentlemen is how a Democratic Republic slips into autocracy.

He just applying the same rules that the Democrats have been playing since before the election. He broke no laws!

There are laws against both bribery and soliciting foreign interference in US presidential elections (That would be the abuse of power article). And there are laws against Obstruction (second article). And although he isn't being impeached for it there are also laws governing the felony campaign finance violation he committed with the Stormy Daniels payoff... laws against fraud he violated with his fake university... a Constitutional prohibition against presidents taking money from foreign governments he violates every damn day with his hotels...


This isn't a presidential administration, it's a crime spree.

The Democrats have said that they will keep impeaching the President to drive him from Office because...

...he keeps committing freaking crimes.

Gcomeau, you have cried wolf too many times.


You get it isn't generally referred to as "crying wolf" when you're watching an actual wolf pack devour the sheep right?

(And I hate to break it to you smr, but no matter how much you march around yelling "Yay wolves! Make Carvivores Great Again!" you're not one of the wolves.

You're one of the sheep.)
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by Eyal   » Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:20 am

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You know...I remember how, when Trump was elected, one of our more rational conservative members (I think it was PeterZ, or possibly biochem) said that there was no need to worry about any excesses he may commit as Congress would rein him in.

And now we see how this works out in practice. Trump's lawyers are arguing in court that criminal investigations of the President, whether at the state or federal level, are illegitimate - the only means of dealing with criminal conduct on the part of the President is impeachment. While on the other hand, Trump has been openly defying the investigation by forbidding White House officials from testifying. There's also the Mueller report, which stated that they could not reach a conclusion on conspiracy charges because of non-cooperation and IIRC destruction/hiding of evidence by the WH. Trump justifies this on the basis of the inquiries being "illegitimate" - as determined by Trump.

Whether or not you agree with the impeachment itself, Surely you see the danger here? If allowed to stand, Trump's actions are a declaration that the President is effectively above the law - he can neither be investigated nor is he required to cooperate with Congressional oversight.

And then you have McConnel openly coordinating with the WH for the Senate trial. If this was an actual criminal trial, he and the WH officials involved would be up on charges of jury tampering.

This undermines the very foundation of Constitutional checks and balances on which the US relies, especially because there are fairly few internal checks on the President's authority over the executive branch in the American system.

You also now have Mike Huckabee arguing that Trump is eligible for a third term, in direct contravention of the Constitution.

And yet the Republicans, the self-styled champions of the Constitution, are silent.
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by Daryl   » Sun Dec 15, 2019 8:47 am

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Thank Eyal, saved me a lot of typing, totally agree.
I wonder if we aren't in one of those pivotal moments that history will reference in centuries' time.
Trump has already alluded to being able to shoot someone, and be accepted. Yet Magna Carta actually restricted the absolute power of monarchs, and leaders in all but dictatorships have seemed to accept this.
There are numerous alternative scenarios, in regard to when Trump steps down. He may indeed do a Mugabe and stay on as a dictator indefinitely, until deposed. He may serve a second term, then accept the constitution and step down. He may get voted out next year, and if so, much depends on who holds the power in the Senate and the House then.
In any case, when he is no longer President, he may well be charged as a common citizen with various crimes.
What does puzzle me is how the Republicans reconcile their general ethos with the situation.
From a distance, my understanding is that a conservative politician would hold certain values. Small government beholden to the people. The rule of law. The whole "Second amendment" bit about holding militia weapons to stop a government over stepping its legal power. Even the fig leaf that conservatives represent the top end of town, and an oaf with no class or manners has hijacked the whole government.
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by smr   » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:37 am

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Funny how the Democrats hate Trump but seem to be helping in his reelection. The Demoncrats are threatening their own party members if they do not support Impeachment with a radical challenger in the Primary. Supposedly 1 member is going Independent and 2 are going Republican. Nancy goes on the TV and says they have been trying for 22 months. The Independent Vote has gone 50% Impeachment to 35% for Impeachment. In key battlegrounds states, the numbers are much worse. (Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The reason I believe that the Demoncrats are worried by the internal polling numbers. Potus Radio on Satellite Radio believes that the Demoncrats want access to his taxes because their Radical Members believe that is where the DIRT is. Who knows the truth? I sure do not know what their reason(s) is/are.

Gomeau that is funny. You have been trying to convince me that Trump is a tyrant. Well you and the Ostrich Fuhrer aka theE Red pilled me. You have only made me a solid Trump supporter because I only voted for Trump due to HRC. I was voting Republican no matter who the Republicans ran because of HRC.

If Trump gets reelected, you only have 4 more years of listening to Trump. Just imagine that Trump getting reelected. Just look at the Black vote. In 2016, Trump got 8% of the Black Vote. The Current polls show Trump taking 16% to 35% of the Black Vote. What does that tell you about Trump's possible reelection to the Presidency. He also made similar gains with the Hispanic voters.

Daryl wrote:Thank Eyal, saved me a lot of typing, totally agree.
I wonder if we aren't in one of those pivotal moments that history will reference in centuries' time.
Trump has already alluded to being able to shoot someone, and be accepted. Yet Magna Carta actually restricted the absolute power of monarchs, and leaders in all but dictatorships have seemed to accept this.
There are numerous alternative scenarios, in regard to when Trump steps down. He may indeed do a Mugabe and stay on as a dictator indefinitely, until deposed. He may serve a second term, then accept the constitution and step down. He may get voted out next year, and if so, much depends on who holds the power in the Senate and the House then.
In any case, when he is no longer President, he may well be charged as a common citizen with various crimes.
What does puzzle me is how the Republicans reconcile their general ethos with the situation.
From a distance, my understanding is that a conservative politician would hold certain values. Small government beholden to the people. The rule of law. The whole "Second amendment" bit about holding militia weapons to stop a government over stepping its legal power. Even the fig leaf that conservatives represent the top end of town, and an oaf with no class or manners has hijacked the whole government.
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by Annachie   » Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:09 am

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I think you might want to link to that poll, because it seems to be a hard to find outlier of a result. At least, I am unable to find it. ;)
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by The E   » Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:52 am

The E

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Annachie wrote:I think you might want to link to that poll, because it seems to be a hard to find outlier of a result. At least, I am unable to find it. ;)

He's "citing" a couple recent polls there from Emerson and CNN.
What's interesting to me regarding smr's waffling and the CNN poll in particular is that it shows strong majority support for impeachment among non-white voters. Funny how he didn't mention that, isn't it.

At any rate, when it comes to approval of Trump amongst the blck community, those polls are massive outliers; similar polls by Gallup and Quinnipiac (see questions 12 and 12a on that last one) show that support for Trump in the black community has remained steady at around 10% for years now.
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by Joat42   » Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:49 am


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smr wrote:..snip..
Thank you for proving my point in over reacting to the mention of G O D or I D. This super sized over reaction indicates you need counseling at the mention of God or religion. Lots of counseling is needed or dare I say God is needed. That anger in you soul is extremely unhealthy and preventing you from fulfilling your destiny.

Interesting that as an individual you loathe, despise and hate people that believe in God.

How about you improve your reading-comprehension and don't put words in my mouth.

I don't loathe religious people in general, I loathe religious people who insist on ramming their belief into the faces of everyone, who insist on projecting their belief onto others and their motivations - just like you have done with me, and those who thinks their belief in mythology somehow makes them morally superior to those who don't share their belief and because they argue that they are correct without one shred of evidence.

It has been proven that religious belief triggers the same parts of the brain as when taking drugs. I rather not be on drugs, you are of course welcome to do as you wish in that regard but don't try to peddle your drugs to others.

If I would go with your logic but from my perspective, you really need to be de-programmed of your religious belief - just like we do with victims from other cults, and then sent to counseling for emotional stabilization.

Finally, if we toy with the idea that the Christian god really exists - who would want to associate with that? It seems to be an asshole of epic proportions and its actions perfectly fits the embodiment of a psychopathic and abusive spouse.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by smr   » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:37 am

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Joat42 my biggest concern is the display of anger within your soul. [b]So please beware of this issue and take steps to solve this anger issue.[/b} I had this issue and it fell on death ears. This anger is preventing you from fulfilling the true destiny of life. I am not putting you down and I do not wish to discuss this issue anymore. I bare you no ill will or malice and hope you have a Good day!
Re: Impeachment now certain
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Tue Dec 17, 2019 12:10 pm


The Supreme Court just gutted one of the articles of impeachment. ... mpeachment

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