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Trump just admitted it

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Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by Joat42   » Thu Oct 10, 2019 7:29 am


Posts: 2149
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Location: Sweden

People of all persuasions like to have their prior opinions reinforced, and so we are all susceptible to clickbait (fantastic headlines that appeal to our biases, but have no real substance) and fake news (made-up or grossly exaggerated stories that we want to believe). So both kinds of disinformation are constantly being produced on the extreme Left and Right alike. The difference is what happens then.

“there is ample supply of and demand for false hyperpartisan narratives on the left. The difference is that the audience and hyperpartisan commercial clickbait fabricators oriented toward the left form part of a single media ecosystem with center, center-left, and left-wing sites that are committed to journalistic truth-seeking norms. Those norm-constrained sites, both mainstream and net-native, serve as a consistent check on dissemination and validation of the most extreme stories when they do emerge on the left, and have no parallels in the levels of visibility or trust that can perform the same function on the right.”

In other words: False stories that come from the Left drift towards the center and get debunked. And that’s usually the end of them. Sites on the far Left know that a lot of their audience also listens to NPR or reads The New York Times. Even if a story has to make it all the way to the center-right (The Wall Street Journal, say, or National Review) before it gets shot down, the correction will filter back, making left-wing sites look bad if they keep repeating the false information.

Nothing similar happens on the Right.

Dynamics on the right tend to reinforce partisan statements, irrespective of their truth, and to punish actors—be they media outlets or politicians and pundits—who insist on speaking truths that are inconsistent with partisan frames and narratives dominant within the ecosystem.”

In other words, the right-wing news ecosystem has no antibodies that fight infection by false information. Left and Right are each exposed to misinformation and disinformation, but nothing on the Right keeps it from taking root.

“It is not that Republicans are more gullible, or less rational, than Democrats. It is not that technology has destroyed the possibility of shared discourse for all. It is the structure of the media ecosystem within which Republican voters, whether conservatives or right-wing radicals, on the one hand, and Republican politicians, on the other hand, find themselves that made them particularly susceptible to misperception and manipulation, while the media ecosystem that Democrats and their supporters occupied exhibited structural features that were more robust to propaganda efforts and offered more avenues for self-correction and self-healing.”


Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:38 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Joat42 wrote:
People of all persuasions like to have their prior opinions reinforced, and so we are all susceptible to clickbait (fantastic headlines that appeal to our biases, but have no real substance) and fake news (made-up or grossly exaggerated stories that we want to believe). So both kinds of disinformation are constantly being produced on the extreme Left and Right alike. The difference is what happens then.

“there is ample supply of and demand for false hyperpartisan narratives on the left. The difference is that the audience and hyperpartisan commercial clickbait fabricators oriented toward the left form part of a single media ecosystem with center, center-left, and left-wing sites that are committed to journalistic truth-seeking norms. Those norm-constrained sites, both mainstream and net-native, serve as a consistent check on dissemination and validation of the most extreme stories when they do emerge on the left, and have no parallels in the levels of visibility or trust that can perform the same function on the right.”

In other words: False stories that come from the Left drift towards the center and get debunked. And that’s usually the end of them. Sites on the far Left know that a lot of their audience also listens to NPR or reads The New York Times. Even if a story has to make it all the way to the center-right (The Wall Street Journal, say, or National Review) before it gets shot down, the correction will filter back, making left-wing sites look bad if they keep repeating the false information.

Nothing similar happens on the Right.

Dynamics on the right tend to reinforce partisan statements, irrespective of their truth, and to punish actors—be they media outlets or politicians and pundits—who insist on speaking truths that are inconsistent with partisan frames and narratives dominant within the ecosystem.”

In other words, the right-wing news ecosystem has no antibodies that fight infection by false information. Left and Right are each exposed to misinformation and disinformation, but nothing on the Right keeps it from taking root.

“It is not that Republicans are more gullible, or less rational, than Democrats. It is not that technology has destroyed the possibility of shared discourse for all. It is the structure of the media ecosystem within which Republican voters, whether conservatives or right-wing radicals, on the one hand, and Republican politicians, on the other hand, find themselves that made them particularly susceptible to misperception and manipulation, while the media ecosystem that Democrats and their supporters occupied exhibited structural features that were more robust to propaganda efforts and offered more avenues for self-correction and self-healing.”


Entirely apt response to smr's insane ranting...
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Oct 10, 2019 2:26 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

So two of the people that Giuliani was working with in Ukraine just got arrested trying to board international flights with one way tickets out of the country at Dulles... when they were supposed to be appearing for sworn depositions before Congress.

Tell us more about how this is all a cleverly laid trap by Giuliani smr.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by Joat42   » Thu Oct 10, 2019 4:44 pm


Posts: 2149
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Location: Sweden

gcomeau wrote:Entirely apt response to smr's insane ranting...

I read his post and it was a mishmash of right-wing conspiracy theories that made no logical sense no matter how I parsed it, and that reminded me of the article I quoted.

I can't even imagine what kind of right-wing cesspool of a site that particular nonsense post of smr got his info from. The lack of critical thinking is mind-boggling.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Oct 15, 2019 12:23 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

I'm enjoying the parade of witnesses disregarding White House demands they obstruct the investigation and not testify and walking into congress to testify. And by all reports, putting additional nails in the case against Trump coffin with every appearance.

Also how pathetically desperate Trump's defenders are getting. That transparent juvenile stunt Gaetz tried to pull yesterday crashing Fiona Hill's deposition despite not being on any of the committees involved and then pretending like the fact he was kicked out was some kind of anti-democratic cover up might have worked better if...

1. The House Parliamentarian hadn't told him point blank he wasn't allowed in that deposition.
2. He hadn't tried the EXACT SAME stunt during the Benghazi hearings and gotten kicked out of the room by Trey freaking Gowdy because everyone in BOTH parties knows he's not supposed to be in there when he's not part of the committee involved.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by smr   » Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:41 pm

Vice Admiral

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Gcomeau, I can not wait to laugh at your ass when this is done. Americans do not like Star Chambers and this will be settled at voter box. The Demoncrats beat Trump in 2018 but now feel like that can't win. Just think i f you become an American citizen and actually vote.

The Demoncrats are bluffing from a position of weakness. What has the latest Congress done???? The Impeachment Inquiry sucks out all the free air time that these Presidential Candidates could be using to make a name for themselves. I would love to see the internal polling by the DNC because I think they are about to self destruct over the next year.
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by The E   » Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:40 am

The E

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smr wrote:What has the latest Congress done????

Lots of things. None of which were put to a vote by Mitch McConnell.

Funny, isn't it, how obstructionism isn't an issue for you when Trump and his cronies are doing it, right smr?
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Feb 16, 2021 7:34 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

smr wrote:Gcomeau, I can not wait to laugh at your ass when this is done. Americans do not like Star Chambers and this will be settled at voter box. The Demoncrats beat Trump in 2018 but now feel like that can't win. Just think i f you become an American citizen and actually vote.

The Demoncrats are bluffing from a position of weakness. What has the latest Congress done???? The Impeachment Inquiry sucks out all the free air time that these Presidential Candidates could be using to make a name for themselves. I would love to see the internal polling by the DNC because I think they are about to self destruct over the next year.

(Just placeholding this in case smr ever shows his face again and want to remember to laugh at me about how the election went)
Re: Trump just admitted it
Post by Arol   » Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:09 am

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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

gcomeau wrote:
smr wrote:Gcomeau, I can not wait to laugh at your ass when this is done. Americans do not like Star Chambers and this will be settled at voter box. The Demoncrats beat Trump in 2018 but now feel like that can't win. Just think i f you become an American citizen and actually vote.

The Demoncrats are bluffing from a position of weakness. What has the latest Congress done???? The Impeachment Inquiry sucks out all the free air time that these Presidential Candidates could be using to make a name for themselves. I would love to see the internal polling by the DNC because I think they are about to self destruct over the next year.

(Just placeholding this in case smr ever shows his face again and want to remember to laugh at me about how the election went)

Not just how your election turned out, but how it’s the G.O.P’s that’s fracturing at the seams! ;)
What with the internecine squabbling between the Trumpist and; I guess, you could call them the old Republicans! :lol:

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