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Will the RMN become the IMN?

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Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Wed Aug 28, 2019 11:51 pm

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The Star Kingdom became the Star Empire, with the Old Star Kingdom one of the sub-national units. Queen Elizabeth III became Empress Elizabeth (first of her name), though that's an additional title, not a replacement. There will also be an Imperial Parliament, responsible for external affairs.

So will the Royal Manticoran Navy, the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, and the Royal Manticoran Army get renamed to their Imperial counterparts? And the ship prefix, will it become Her Imperial Majesty Ship?

Or will they, like the Royal Navy under the British Empire, retain their original names and remain associated with the Old Star Kingdom? In which case, will we also see the Royal Talbottian Navy and the Royal Silesian Navy, à la Royal Australian Navy and Her Majesty's Australian Ship (HMAS) ship prefixes? Though note that there was never a British Imperial Parliament -- if there had been one in 1773, a lot of tea wouldn't have been spilt in Boston.

Speaking of, should they change the salute at dinner from "the Queen" to "the Empress"?
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by Fox2!   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:20 am


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ThinksMarkedly wrote:The Star Kingdom became the Star Empire, with the Old Star Kingdom one of the sub-national units. Queen Elizabeth III became Empress Elizabeth (first of her name), though that's an additional title, not a replacement. There will also be an Imperial Parliament, responsible for external affairs.

So will the Royal Manticoran Navy, the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps, and the Royal Manticoran Army get renamed to their Imperial counterparts? And the ship prefix, will it become Her Imperial Majesty Ship?

Or will they, like the Royal Navy under the British Empire, retain their original names and remain associated with the Old Star Kingdom? In which case, will we also see the Royal Talbottian Navy and the Royal Silesian Navy, à la Royal Australian Navy and Her Majesty's Australian Ship (HMAS) ship prefixes? Though note that there was never a British Imperial Parliament -- if there had been one in 1773, a lot of tea wouldn't have been spilt in Boston.

Speaking of, should they change the salute at dinner from "the Queen" to "the Empress"?

I saw movie (I know, not exactly the most trustworthy of sources) where the small officer's mess at some outpost somewhere between Egypt and the Raj) offered a loyal toast to "The King Emperor".
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by Duckk   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:16 am

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Someone once tried to argue with David that it would change. It...did not end well.

Shields at 50%, taunting at 100%! - Tom Pope
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by tlb   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:41 am

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Duckk wrote:Someone once tried to argue with David that it would change. It...did not end well.


An irrefutable example of ipse dixit. Although he does not owe it to us, it would have been nice if RFC had expounded on his decision.

Any British Imperial Parliament would most likely have been organized after the problems with the American Colonies had been debated.
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by ThinksMarkedly   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:46 am

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Duckk wrote:Someone once tried to argue with David that it would change. It...did not end well.


Thanks for the link. So it seems David has strongly hinted that the names will not change.

Maybe it's buried somewhere else in that massive thread, but the one reply you pointed out doesn't clarify what the thinking for the names remaining is. Maybe he doesn't know what justification he'll use, just that he likes the names and will figure something out when the time comes (if he needs to).

Oh well, I thought this would be an interesting topic to hear other people's opinions on, but it seems it's already settled.
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by Duckk   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 12:32 pm

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I just remembered that I have a copy of David’s response in the preceding topic that I alluded to in the linked discussion. Here’s the relevant portion:


The RMN has no intention of becoming the IMN, nor does anyone expect it to. It may --- may, I say --- adopt a differentiation in which the RMN will be joined by the RTN or in which ships built in the quadrant would become HMTS [Her Majesty's Talbott Ship] Kick Butt, but it also may not. Either way, a Navy which has been around for 600 years and has the battle record and traditions of the RMN is not going to dissolve its identity into a new force.

Not going to happen.
Shields at 50%, taunting at 100%! - Tom Pope
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by PeterZ   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:02 pm

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Ooooo! The Republic of Talbot. Will Haven and the other sector nations join the Commonwealth of Manticore? Perhaps they'll just call themselves the Commonwealth of Man.

Duckk wrote:I just remembered that I have a copy of David’s response in the preceding topic that I alluded to in the linked discussion. Here’s the relevant portion:


The RMN has no intention of becoming the IMN, nor does anyone expect it to. It may --- may, I say --- adopt a differentiation in which the RMN will be joined by the RTN or in which ships built in the quadrant would become HMTS [Her Majesty's Talbott Ship] Kick Butt, but it also may not. Either way, a Navy which has been around for 600 years and has the battle record and traditions of the RMN is not going to dissolve its identity into a new force.

Not going to happen.
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by tlb   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:54 pm

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PeterZ wrote:Ooooo! The Republic of Talbot. Will Haven and the other sector nations join the Commonwealth of Manticore? Perhaps they'll just call themselves the Commonwealth of Man.

Is the planet named Talbot also a republic, or is it just an outpost of the RMN?
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by kzt   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 6:36 pm

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There are two spellings. The planet is Talbot iirc.
Re: Will the RMN become the IMN?
Post by Theemile   » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:41 pm

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kzt wrote:There are two spellings. The planet is Talbot iirc.

The independent planet in the Haven quadrant is Talbot. It was a member of the Manticore alliance in the 1st war, and had an SD shipyard producing SDs for the Alliance. After Oyster Bay was announced, David responded with a response that Talbot had shut down their SD Line and decided to sit out the 2nd war because both the Cromarty govt and High Ridge govt refused to sell them advanced ship techs. This indicates that all the SDs built were for their own navy, not RMN designs. (Wait, Manticore will give top end tech to Grayson and Erewhon, build BC shipyards at Allizon and Zanzibar, but won't share with the one other alliance member who could contribute new build SDs in 1905 at the outbreak of the war? Kinda odd....)

The Talbott with 2 ts is in the Talbott Quadrant. OFS had an admin center located there about a century back, hence the name of the Quadrant/Sector.

I always remember them as Talbot 1t was mentioned 1st, in the first war, Talbott 2ts was mentioned 2nd in the lead up to the 2nd war.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."

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