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Brexit, Death of the European Union?

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Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by Joat42   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:56 am


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Imaginos1892 wrote:
George J. Smith wrote:By my reckoning only around 50% voted at the last referendum and 51% of those carried the vote, or in other words only around 25% of people entitled to vote actually voted to leave the EU.

I'd say the ones who didn't even care enough to vote made their opinions quite clear.

I usually categorize people who choose not to vote as complaining sheep - if you don't vote you don't really have a say in the debate either.

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

Anyone who have simple solutions for complex problems is a fool.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by The E   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:26 pm

The E

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Imaginos1892 wrote:I'd say the ones who didn't even care enough to vote made their opinions quite clear.

They really, really didn't.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:13 pm


Joat42 wrote:
Imaginos1892 wrote:

I'd say the ones who didn't even care enough to vote made their opinions quite clear.

I usually categorize people who choose not to vote as complaining sheep - if you don't vote you don't really have a say in the debate either.

The same point applies to jury duty. Unfortunately; most attorneys cull out anyone with brains so that the rssulting jury has the IQ of a cockroach. A Yamhill County jury recently swallowed the Elmer Fudd defense hook, line and sinker to acquit a marijunna bootlegger for shooting a 12 gauge shotgun at his neighbor's children.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by The E   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:19 pm

The E

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Location: Meerbusch, Germany

TFLYTSNBN wrote:The same point applies to jury duty. Unfortunately; most attorneys cull out anyone with brains so that the rssulting jury has the IQ of a cockroach. A Yamhill County jury recently swallowed the Elmer Fudd defense hook, line and sinker to acquit a marijunna bootlegger for shooting a 12 gauge shotgun at his neighbor's children.

Aahahahahaha, I know your name now

This story really enrages you, doesn't it? At least going by the many, many times you've posted it all over the Internet. (Fun Fact: He's been posting about this since at least April 2018! Quite a range for "recent", I think.)

I was actually trying to find the court proceedings, but since Yamhill County doesn't offer free access to its documents and I am not quite bored enough to pay money for them yet (despite of how much fun it would be to compare the official record to what you're trying to tell us it is). Instead, I found you! Or rather, a real name that could be yours.

(And no, Fly, I won't tell anyone, in case you're worried. Not that I think you would be; You seem unapologetically horrible no matter whether or not you're posting anonymously)

(Oh, and just to make things even: If you want to know my real name, it's very easy to find. It's on my Twitter profile.)

The lesson here, by the way, is that being idiosyncratic makes you identifiable. If it wasn't for FLY being as enamoured with certain turns of phrase as President Small-Hands, and as compulsively attracted to certain topics as he is, I wouldn't have found anything.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:36 pm


The E wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:The same point applies to jury duty. Unfortunately; most attorneys cull out anyone with brains so that the rssulting jury has the IQ of a cockroach. A Yamhill County jury recently swallowed the Elmer Fudd defense hook, line and sinker to acquit a marijunna bootlegger for shooting a 12 gauge shotgun at his neighbor's children.

Aahahahahaha, I know your name now

This story really enrages you, doesn't it? At least going by the many, many times you've posted it all over the Internet. (Fun Fact: He's been posting about this since at least April 2018! Quite a range for "recent", I think.)

I was actually trying to find the court proceedings, but since Yamhill County doesn't offer free access to its documents and I am not quite bored enough to pay money for them yet (despite of how much fun it would be to compare the official record to what you're trying to tell us it is). Instead, I found you! Or rather, a real name that could be yours.

(And no, Fly, I won't tell anyone, in case you're worried. Not that I think you would be; You seem unapologetically horrible no matter whether or not you're posting anonymously)

(Oh, and just to make things even: If you want to know my real name, it's very easy to find. It's on my Twitter profile.)

The lesson here, by the way, is that being idiosyncratic makes you identifiable. If it wasn't for FLY being as enamoured with certain turns of phrase as President Small-Hands, and as compulsively attracted to certain topics as he is, I wouldn't have found anything.

You are not the first to figure out what my true name is.

While you might not be bored enough to pay for the official court records to learn "the truth", you might want to Google "shotgun slug" to find the Wikipedia article, read the article, then read the article in the FBI Publication Crime Lab Digest to understand what utter BS the Elmer Fudd defense was.

While you are on Wikipedia, you might want to peruse the article on former US attorney for the State of Oregon, Amanda Marshall. The disbarment proceedings against her coincided with the FED trial that her husband presided over. The most charitable characterization one can make of Judge Ladd Wiles is that he was to distracted and distraught to render a cogent judgement on a parking ticket. IMHO, Judge Wiles brings to his courtroom the same profound discernment that enabled him to remain oblivious to his wife's protracted infidelity until she got herself arrested for stalking her boyfriend. I confess that I became angry enough during deposition to refer to my tenant's council as a "scum sucking whore of an attorney." It is ironic that this seemed to offend Wiles because heno doubt said similar things about his wife when he was finally confronted with reality.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by Annachie   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 7:37 pm

Fleet Admiral

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Firstly, I'm slightly disapointed that Fly doesn't have 4 first names with 2 hyphens and finishes with "the third" ;p

What is the Elmer Fudd defence? I keep getting mixed results from google.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by Imaginos1892   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:36 pm

Rear Admiral

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The E wrote:
Imaginos1892 wrote:I'd say the ones who didn't even care enough to vote made their opinions quite clear.

They really, really didn't.

I suppose I should have said they made their priorities clear. Sitting on their dead asses for half an hour meant more to them than voting. Their opinions mean so little to them, why should they be important to anybody else?

TFLYTSNBN wrote:The same point applies to jury duty. Unfortunately; most attorneys cull out anyone with brains so that the rssulting jury has the IQ of a cockroach.

Yep. Doesn't matter whether I report my profession as 'electronics engineer' or 'embedded systems programmer' the liars — errr, lawyers — strike me off the list before I finish saying it.
George Carlin: "Think about how stupid the average person is, and then remember — half of them are even stupider than that."
Last edited by Imaginos1892 on Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:44 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Imaginos1892 wrote:
The E wrote:They really, really didn't.

I suppose I should have said they made their priorities clear. Sitting on their dead asses for half an hour meant more to them than voting. Their opinions mean so little to them, why should they be important to anybody else?

And you know that's what they were doing, and not, say, working their first and second jobs back to back in order to make rent with bosses who would fire them for taking the day off because they live in some "right to work" state (and they would need the entire day because their GOP state government gutted all the local polling stations so there are many hour long lines everywhere) how exactly?
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by Imaginos1892   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:55 pm

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1332
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Location: San Diego, California, USA

gcomeau wrote:And you know that's what they were doing, and not, say, working their first and second jobs back to back in order to make rent with bosses who would fire them for taking the day off because they live in some "right to work" state (and they would need the entire day because their GOP state government gutted all the local polling stations so there are many hour long lines everywhere) how exactly?

And you completely missed the part about them being in Britain, because this is about the British vote to get out of the EU while they've still got an economy to save, and the US Republican party has what to do with that, exactly?

From here, it looks like the EU is all about propping up the failing economies by looting the ones that haven't failed. Not doing anything to FIX them, mind you, just propping them up.
Re: Brexit, Death of the European Union?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:39 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

Imaginos1892 wrote:And you completely missed the part about them being in Britain, because this is about the British vote to get out of the EU while they've still got an economy to save, and the US Republican party has what to do with that, exactly?

Ah, true enough, lost track of which thread we were in... different factors apply there.

It's still a bit of a leap of an assumption that everyone who didn't vote was just acting out of laziness however.

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