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Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?

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Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Annachie   » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:13 am

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Peter, again, they have already been detailed in this thread.
So it is seriously disengenuous of you to bring up thing that weren't mentioned as lies already in this thread to try and claim he didn't lie.

It tells me that you know he lied but are twisting to avoid saying so.
Or, that you don't care enough about them to bother.

Either way, your claim about his honesty looks even more delusional.

Of course, once Kavanaugh's honesty is gone, sincerity is gone too.
Sincerity implies honesty, no honesty no sincerity.

So again, by your own standard, he should not have gotten the job.

But then, by any objective standard, that would be the case.
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:22 pm


Posts: 2747
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PeterZ wrote:Lying about what?

Are you fucking joking? Let's make a fun little list of just the ones he told while under oath...

"I grew up in a city plagued by gun violence and gang violence and drug violence."

He grew up in freaking Bethesda.

"That yearbook reference was clumsily intended to show affection, and that she was one of us…It was not related to sex."

This is referring to his "Renate Alumnus" yearbook entry. His classmatess have come forward and said he was full of shit when he said this, everyone at that school knew it referred to having had sex with the girl. And since he is lying about a reference to sexual conduct while being questioned about sexually inappropriate behavior,... ummm yeah, it matters. Beyond the fact that it's, you know, perjury.

"That refers to flatulence. We were 16."

In regards to what "boofing" meant. Multiple classmates were interviewed. Not one of them backed him up, it referred to anal sex.

Again, lying under oath about matters of sexual conduct while being questioned about an accusation of sexual assault.

Calling a Devil's Triangle a "drinking game"

If I need to explain to you what a load of bullshit that is you're hopeless. Everyone knows what a Devil's Triangle is. None of his classmates interviewed afterward had ever heard of this so called drinking game, but they all knew what a Devil's triangle was.

AGAIN, when questioned about sexual conduct he lied under oath.

"I'm known to have a weak stomach."

This was him trying to pass off "Beach Week Ralph Club" as a reference to him having a weak stomach and not being able to handle..... SPICY FOOD.

Because apparently, there was an entire club build around a notorious week of partying with drunk kids running around everywhere getting plastered and throwing up that was based on..... Brett Kavanaugh's intolerance for spices.

Utter. Bullshit. Again, under oath... because he didn't want to admit to out of control drinking while being accused of committing his assaults while plastered.

"But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out… Passed out would be—no, but I've gone to sleep, but—but I've never blacked out."

Not only is this contradicted by his classmates, it's contradicted by his own words. A speech to Yale in 2014 contained reminisces about his hard drinking party days at Yale he describes both falling out of a bus drunk after a Red Sox Game and having to "piece together" with the help of a friend what happened after another night of drinking.

AGAIN, the subjects Kavanaugh lies about have a theme.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

It came out after this, thanks to one of the classmates involved, that he was texting people about trying to discredit Ramirez in July. The New Yorker story came out in September. Another lie, and a great big giant one.

So Peter... repeated perjury bad? Particularly when committed by a judge who is up for a Supreme Court posting when being questioned about a crime? When the subject of his perjury is consistently on matters involving conduct related to that crime? Yes or no?

(Edit: Let me guess,... some variant on "I'm not here to change any minds and I find this unpersuasive you ranting proggie who shows everyone why Republicans need to win elections"?)
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by Eyal   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:29 am

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gcomeau wrote:
PeterZ wrote:Lying about what?

Are you fucking joking? Let's make a fun little list of just the ones he told while under oath...

"I grew up in a city plagued by gun violence and gang violence and drug violence."

He grew up in freaking Bethesda.

"That yearbook reference was clumsily intended to show affection, and that she was one of us…It was not related to sex."

This is referring to his "Renate Alumnus" yearbook entry. His classmatess have come forward and said he was full of shit when he said this, everyone at that school knew it referred to having had sex with the girl. And since he is lying about a reference to sexual conduct while being questioned about sexually inappropriate behavior,... ummm yeah, it matters. Beyond the fact that it's, you know, perjury.

"That refers to flatulence. We were 16."

In regards to what "boofing" meant. Multiple classmates were interviewed. Not one of them backed him up, it referred to anal sex.

Again, lying under oath about matters of sexual conduct while being questioned about an accusation of sexual assault.

Calling a Devil's Triangle a "drinking game"

If I need to explain to you what a load of bullshit that is you're hopeless. Everyone knows what a Devil's Triangle is. None of his classmates interviewed afterward had ever heard of this so called drinking game, but they all knew what a Devil's triangle was.

AGAIN, when questioned about sexual conduct he lied under oath.

"I'm known to have a weak stomach."

This was him trying to pass off "Beach Week Ralph Club" as a reference to him having a weak stomach and not being able to handle..... SPICY FOOD.

Because apparently, there was an entire club build around a notorious week of partying with drunk kids running around everywhere getting plastered and throwing up that was based on..... Brett Kavanaugh's intolerance for spices.

Utter. Bullshit. Again, under oath... because he didn't want to admit to out of control drinking while being accused of committing his assaults while plastered.

"But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out… Passed out would be—no, but I've gone to sleep, but—but I've never blacked out."

Not only is this contradicted by his classmates, it's contradicted by his own words. A speech to Yale in 2014 contained reminisces about his hard drinking party days at Yale he describes both falling out of a bus drunk after a Red Sox Game and having to "piece together" with the help of a friend what happened after another night of drinking.

AGAIN, the subjects Kavanaugh lies about have a theme.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

It came out after this, thanks to one of the classmates involved, that he was texting people about trying to discredit Ramirez in July. The New Yorker story came out in September. Another lie, and a great big giant one.

So Peter... repeated perjury bad? Particularly when committed by a judge who is up for a Supreme Court posting when being questioned about a crime? When the subject of his perjury is consistently on matters involving conduct related to that crime? Yes or no?

(Edit: Let me guess,... some variant on "I'm not here to change any minds and I find this unpersuasive you ranting proggie who shows everyone why Republicans need to win elections"?)

You left out (at least):

1) He claimed that he drank legally as high school parties because "seniors were legal". At the time he was in high school, the drinking age in Maryland was 18. It was later raised to 21 when Kavanaugh was a senior and people who were already 18 at the time of the raise were grandfathered in. However, Kavanaugh turned 18 at least 7 months afterthe law was changed, so any drinking he did in HS was illegal.
2) He testified he didn't watch Ford's testimony/ According to the WSJ a Senate aid claimed he watched it on a monitor (there's also supposedly video of that but I haven't found it.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:38 am


gcomeau wrote:
PeterZ wrote:Lying about what?

Are you fucking joking? Let's make a fun little list of just the ones he told while under oath...

"I grew up in a city plagued by gun violence and gang violence and drug violence."

He grew up in freaking Bethesda.

"That yearbook reference was clumsily intended to show affection, and that she was one of us…It was not related to sex."

This is referring to his "Renate Alumnus" yearbook entry. His classmatess have come forward and said he was full of shit when he said this, everyone at that school knew it referred to having had sex with the girl. And since he is lying about a reference to sexual conduct while being questioned about sexually inappropriate behavior,... ummm yeah, it matters. Beyond the fact that it's, you know, perjury.

"That refers to flatulence. We were 16."

In regards to what "boofing" meant. Multiple classmates were interviewed. Not one of them backed him up, it referred to anal sex.

Again, lying under oath about matters of sexual conduct while being questioned about an accusation of sexual assault.

Calling a Devil's Triangle a "drinking game"

If I need to explain to you what a load of bullshit that is you're hopeless. Everyone knows what a Devil's Triangle is. None of his classmates interviewed afterward had ever heard of this so called drinking game, but they all knew what a Devil's triangle was.

AGAIN, when questioned about sexual conduct he lied under oath.

"I'm known to have a weak stomach."

This was him trying to pass off "Beach Week Ralph Club" as a reference to him having a weak stomach and not being able to handle..... SPICY FOOD.

Because apparently, there was an entire club build around a notorious week of partying with drunk kids running around everywhere getting plastered and throwing up that was based on..... Brett Kavanaugh's intolerance for spices.

Utter. Bullshit. Again, under oath... because he didn't want to admit to out of control drinking while being accused of committing his assaults while plastered.

"But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out… Passed out would be—no, but I've gone to sleep, but—but I've never blacked out."

Not only is this contradicted by his classmates, it's contradicted by his own words. A speech to Yale in 2014 contained reminisces about his hard drinking party days at Yale he describes both falling out of a bus drunk after a Red Sox Game and having to "piece together" with the help of a friend what happened after another night of drinking.

AGAIN, the subjects Kavanaugh lies about have a theme.

HATCH: When did you first hear of Ms. Ramirez’s allegations against you?

KAVANAUGH: In the last — in the period since then, the New Yorker story.

It came out after this, thanks to one of the classmates involved, that he was texting people about trying to discredit Ramirez in July. The New Yorker story came out in September. Another lie, and a great big giant one.

So Peter... repeated perjury bad? Particularly when committed by a judge who is up for a Supreme Court posting when being questioned about a crime? When the subject of his perjury is consistently on matters involving conduct related to that crime? Yes or no?

(Edit: Let me guess,... some variant on "I'm not here to change any minds and I find this unpersuasive you ranting proggie who shows everyone why Republicans need to win elections"?)

Are you fucking kidding me about Kavanaugh NOT growing up in a city plagued by gun violence?
He grew up in Bethesda Maryland.
Can you read a map?
Downtown Bethesday is 6 miles from downtown Washington DC!
Washington DC was the murder capitol of the US back when Kavanaugh was a teenager with a horrific homicide rate of about 50/100k.
You think that there might have been some spill over?
You think that Kavanaugh never spent a lot of time in DC when he lived within walking distance?
I will look up the FBI stats for Bethesday, Chevy Chase and Montgomery County then get back to you.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by smr   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:09 am

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
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Vote STRAIGHT Republican and let these Dogs know were pissed at their behavior come election day.

Gomeau, take a good look at the people you are torturing. Think of all the damage that liberals/progressives (Fascists) have done to this family in the name of politics and political expediency.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:58 am


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

TFLYTSNBN wrote:Are you fucking kidding me about Kavanaugh NOT growing up in a city plagued by gun violence?
He grew up in Bethesda Maryland.
Can you read a map?
Downtown Bethesday is 6 miles from downtown Washington DC!

And if he grew up in downtown Washington DC he wouldn't be lying. But he didn't. He grew up in a wealthy sheltered elite suburb of the rich and powerful that had nothing resembling being plagued by drug and gun and gang violence while attending his sheltered little private prep school.

And it's telling that you focused on the one lie that was inconsequential to the criminal accusations against him (beyond the fact that lying under oath is itself a crime)...
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:02 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

smr wrote:Gomeau, take a good look at the people you are torturing.

Excuse me?

Think of all the damage that liberals/progressives (Fascists)

Fascism is a hard right conservative ideology. This has been pointed out to you before. Calling liberals fascists is like calling conservatives communists. It's just stupid.

have done to this family in the name of politics and political expediency.

Yes, the REAL victims here are definitely not the assaulted women. It's anyone who doesn't like assaulted women reporting what happened to them because that might impact THEIR life. :roll:
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:40 pm


gcomeau wrote:
TFLYTSNBN wrote:Are you fucking kidding me about Kavanaugh NOT growing up in a city plagued by gun violence?
He grew up in Bethesda Maryland.
Can you read a map?
Downtown Bethesday is 6 miles from downtown Washington DC!

And if he grew up in downtown Washington DC he wouldn't be lying. But he didn't. He grew up in a wealthy sheltered elite suburb of the rich and powerful that had nothing resembling being plagued by drug and gun and gang violence while attending his sheltered little private prep school.

And it's telling that you focused on the one lie that was inconsequential to the criminal accusations against him (beyond the fact that lying under oath is itself a crime)...

I just looked up the FBI crime statistics for Montgomery County Maryland. Back in the 1980s to early 1990s, they typically had a dozen to two dozen homicides each year. Neighboring Prince George's county typically had about 100. Definitely not in the same league as DC but far from crime free.
More importantly, it is all part of a metropolitan area that people inhabit. Your house might be in Bethesda or Chevy Chase but you work, shop, recreate and do business all over the area.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by gcomeau   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:51 pm


Posts: 2747
Joined: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:24 pm

gcomeau wrote:
And if he grew up in downtown Washington DC he wouldn't be lying. But he didn't. He grew up in a wealthy sheltered elite suburb of the rich and powerful that had nothing resembling being plagued by drug and gun and gang violence while attending his sheltered little private prep school.

And it's telling that you focused on the one lie that was inconsequential to the criminal accusations against him (beyond the fact that lying under oath is itself a crime)...

I just looked up the FBI crime statistics for Montgomery County Maryland. Back in the 1980s to early 1990s, they typically had a dozen to two dozen homicides each year. Neighboring Prince George's county typically had about 100. Definitely not in the same league as DC but far from crime free.

And if he said he grew up in a city that "had crime" he wouldn't have been lying.

But he didn't.

More importantly, it is all part of a metropolitan area that people inhabit. Your house might be in Bethesda or Chevy Chase but you work, shop, recreate and do business all over the area.

Yeah, I'm sure teenage rich kid prep school attendee Brett Kavanaufh spent much time travelling afield to go *find* drug and gun and crime infested neighborhoods to hang out in.

Would you like to try to make that argument? Because that would raise a whole lot of other rather interesting questions about what kind of person Kavanaugh was at exactly the time he is accused of being far from an upstanding young man. Go ahead, try to make the argument. It will be fun.

And I see you're still avoiding all the obvious acts of perjury related to the sexual misconduct accusations against him.
Re: Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment?
Post by smr   » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:37 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1522
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:18 pm

Typical Progressive thought, she must be believed without evidence. Where is the evidence? Why did she not file charges?

All sorts of investigations start happening when she files a police report. She chose not to. She chose not to cooperate with the FBI investigation. Her own best friend does not remember her being at the party. No good prosecutor who take the case without some type of evidence. This becomes he/she said admission with the witnesses disputing her testimony.

What about inconsistencies between her Congressional testimony and the notes of the therapist?]

What about the money she received from a GoFundMe account (about a million dollars) and not to mention the (potential) book deal.

Known Democratic activist? Why did she delete her Social Media accounts before the news was deliberately leaked?

Then she had a beef with Kavanaugh's family over a ruling about a bankruptcy ruling against her father? He lost everything except the house!

Why was this not discovered in the 7 investigations?

Nice try...please back up your allegations with facts that can be corroborated by her witnesses at the party. I do not know much about Canada other than the times I was a tourist but I do know that a person is innocent until proven guilty here in America.

Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh!

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